The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2770 Chi You is ruthless

Chapter 2770 Chi You is ruthless

"Woman, you are too cruel, but I like it."

The Pangu ax followed Chiyou's battle ax and cut towards Chiyou's arm. If it hit, even if Chiyou's body is strong, if you use the power of the Pangu ax to use the power of the moon reading, even if you don't cut off the arm directly, it will break his muscles. Bones, let him cripple an arm.

But how could Chi You be so easy to deal with? The moment Yuedu changed his tactics, Chi You also changed his tactics.

As soon as Chi You's battle ax moved, it blocked Yue Du's Pangu axe.

"I like you bastard!"

Being admired by others is a good thing, but Chi You's appearance just can't make Yuedu happy.

Yueyue is just angry, very angry.

Chi You's words sounded like profanity instead of admiration to her.

Unbearable, Yuedu's words were a little rude.

"You are a god, not a ghost."

"Actually, no matter whether you are a god or a ghost, I, Chi You, will accept you accordingly."

Whether it's a ghost or not, Chi You doesn't care.

He himself is not a human being, and the female ghost was also lingering with Chi You back then, except that she was a little cold, not as comfortable as having a physical body, which is acceptable.

"Ba Ga, go to hell!"

What Chi You said was the truth, but what Yue Du heard was provocative.

Even more angry, Yue Duqi's chest was bulging, and it was more charming.

Looking at Chi You, his mouth is watering.


Chi You stared fixedly at Yue Du's chest, Yue Du's eyes were filled with anger, and the Pan Gu Ax slashed directly at Chi You's head.

Yuedu under anger, just wanted to kill Chi You, and the move was the ultimate move.

The sound of the ax tearing through the air brought Chi You back to his senses, and his expression changed accordingly.

Yue Du's ax struck with great force and speed, Chi You hurriedly dodged, but even if he avoided his head, the ax still seemed to hit his chest.


"Chi You, this time isn't when you're indiscriminately... in love, if you act like this, I won't save you next time."

Just when the Pangu ax was about to hit Chi You's chest, a shield blocked his chest and took the Pangu axe.

Chi You and Yue Du bickered, and Xing Tian went to watch the play, but when it was time to act, he would not be vague.

Seeing that Chi You was in danger, Xing Tian hurriedly used his shield to block Yue Du's Pan Gu axe.

Fortunately, after he went to the Heavenly Court, the Qi Heshield in his hand was re-forged. If it was the Qihe Shield he used to fight the Yellow Emperor, he really couldn't compete with the Pangu Axe.

Even if he wanted to use the shield to save Chi You, he couldn't.

"Woman, if you don't like soft ones, then I'm going to come for hard ones."

At this time, Chi You was really angry.

He didn't try hard on Yuedu, but Yuedu wanted his own life.

He wasn't a good tempered person in the first place, repeated soft tactics were of no use to Yuedu, and Chi You didn't intend to keep pretending anymore.

If the other party doesn't listen to what you say, he will use force.

"The wind and sand turn!"

Chi You, who had been disguised for a long time, tore off his disguise, and vented the suppressed anger in his heart, so Chi You would not be polite when he made a move.

Swinging Chi You's battle ax in his hand, the ground flew sand and rocks, and his body rushed towards Yuedu.

Seeing Chi You's appearance, Xing Tian quickly withdrew his shield, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, secretly thinking: This is the Chi You he knew, playing softly, he even felt uncomfortable looking at it.

"Split mountains and rivers with anger!"

Although the Pangu ax is not Yuedu's standard weapon, she hasn't had the Pangu ax for a long time.

But as the night god of R country, the supreme god of R country, she still knows some combat skills suitable for axes.

Chi You got angry and became serious, Yuedu didn't dare to underestimate him, so he quickly used an axe to deal with it.



Pan Gu's ax fell from top to bottom, as if he was about to split mountains and rivers.

After the Pan Gu ax struck Chi You's battle axe, a continuous force came from Chi You's tactics, causing Yue Du's palms to numb, and his mouth hurt.

Yue Read's eyes were startled, and he let out a muffled groan, and his body couldn't help but took a few steps back.

"Woman, I've been giving way to you, don't you know?"

"I'll give you a chance, but you don't want it yourself. The hardship is what you asked for."

One trick to force Yuedu back, Chi You smiled coldly, or this feeling of fighting without suppressing strength is more suitable for him.

Listening to Chi You's words, Yue Read, who stood still, bit her lip.

At this moment, Chi You seems to be much stronger than before, but it doesn't mean that such a Chi You will be afraid.

"Baga, don't underestimate me, Moonlight Slash!"

Yue Du yelled loudly, his body jumped up, and he was in the air, and the Pangu ax slashed down in the air.

A shadow of a silver ax that was several meters long fell from the air towards Chi You.

"Devil God Shake, ha!"

Looking at the silver ax shadow falling from the void, Chi You lifted Chi You's battle ax up into the air from bottom to top, and the scarlet ax shadow flashed, colliding with Yuedu's Moonlight Slash.


The two ax shadows collided and exploded instantly. When the ax shadow disappeared, a figure rose into the sky.

This figure rising into the sky is Xing Tian.

Xing Tian came here to fight, not to watch a show.

Chi You made a move, why couldn't he make a move, his body flew up, the shield was in front of him to protect himself, Qi was clenched tightly in his hand, and when the monthly reading was approaching, Qi slashed out.

"Qi Fa Shut Down!"

Normal attacks are useless, Xing Tian already knew from previous battles.

At this time, the purpose of making a move is to hurt Yuedu, so it is natural to use combat skills.

Cutting out this Qi is like drawing a knife to cut off the water, fast and powerful.

All of a sudden, he was in front of Yuedu.


Yuedu also reacted quickly, retracting the Pangu ax he had just slashed, and laying it across in front of him, blocking Xingtian's Qi.

Although Qi couldn't hit Yue Du's body, the power carried by Qi still sent Yue Du to fly upside down a few meters before stopping.

"Xing Tian, ​​you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, are you going to say that you are not allowed to kill her? Whether you kill her or not, you have to defeat her first, Qi Fa hits hard!"

Facing Yuedu, Chi You can fight whatever he wants.

But seeing Xing Tian rushing up and making very ruthless moves, Chi You became a little reluctant.

But Xing Tian didn't care what Chi You thought, Xing Tian teamed up with Chi You to fight for so long without really hurting Yuedu, which is really shameful.

As for how Chi You wants to treat Yuedu afterwards, that is after defeating Yuedu, so Xing Tian didn't give Chi You a chance to finish his sentence, and rushed up again with Qi.

"Boom boom boom..."

Shield defense, Qi attack, swinging his arms like a spinning windmill, Qi attacked Yuedu again and again.

Just like what Xing Tian himself said before, he was going crazy, and he was afraid, and now he already has a little bit of that meaning.

He is attacking frantically now, and what Yuedu is doing is to fight back head-on with the Pangu ax and Xingtian.

"Damn it, even if the woman I like loses, it must be defeated by me."

Yue Du and Xing Tian fought together, Chi You squinted his eyes, shouted loudly, and also rose into the air, rushing towards the battle circle between Xing Tian and Yue Du...

(End of this chapter)

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