The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2771 Disappeared

Chapter 2771 Disappeared

Normally it should be said that it's not that I don't hit women, I just don't hit my own women.

But when it comes to Chi You, she becomes the woman I like. I can do anything, but others can't touch a hair.

Chi You rushed into the battle circle between Xing Tian and Yue Du, Chi You opened and closed his battle ax, and attacked very bravely, and his attack, it seems that his attack was not only aimed at Yue Du, Xing Tian also seemed to be affected by Chi Yu.

However, although Chi You lost his temper a little, it didn't affect the overall situation. He occasionally blackmailed Xing Tian during the attack, but it didn't really hurt him.

"Baga, Baga, Baga..."

Yue Du was alone against Chi You and Xing Tian, ​​and when the two were serious, her situation was not good.

The monthly reading at this time is no longer as easy as before, but somewhat restrained.

There are fewer and fewer active attacks, and they are completely passive.

Yue Du didn't like to talk too much, and was suppressed and beaten by Chi You and Xing Tian, ​​and under the suppressed anger in his heart, he also began to yell "Ba Ga" continuously to vent his depression and anger.

"Now bow your head and beg for mercy, saying that you are willing to be my woman, you can suffer less, I am very gentle with women."

Yuedu continued to curse angrily, and his expression was very ugly, while Chiyou smiled faintly.

The Chiyou battle ax in his hand continued to attack without a single pause, and at the same time, with a smirk on his face, he persuaded Yuedu to admit defeat directly.

"Dream... Night Kill..."

throw in the towel?beg for mercy?Do each other's woman?

These few words flashed through his mind, and Yue Duan was so angry that he was itchy at all.

I am the night god, a high-level god of country R. If I admit defeat and become the other party's woman, the three realms of country R will not be laughed at by the three realms of other countries.

Squeezing out a few words between the teeth, the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu on Yuedu's chest suddenly brightened.

At the same time as the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu was brightly lit, the green light shrouded Yuedu's body was also brightly lit. The dazzling light made both Xing Tian and Chi You feel eye pain, and they closed their eyes directly.

After Chi You and Xing Tian closed their eyes, Yue Read's eyes froze, and he raised the Pangu ax in his hand, and slashed at Chi You fiercely.

Being molested by Chi You all the time, Yue Du wished to kill Chi You and then revive him, resurrect him and kill him again, and kill him several times to relieve his hatred.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Chi You hadn't adapted to this state, and his reaction was a little slow, so although he felt Yuedu's ax strike, he was still a little caught off guard if he wanted to block it perfectly.


"This method is useless to Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, I saved you again today."

Compared with Chi You's reaction, Xing Tian's reaction speed is much faster.

This is all due to the battle with the Yellow Emperor that year. Xing Tian, ​​who was beheaded at the beginning, had to fight for a long time without a head before growing eyes and mouths on his body.

So for Xing Tian, ​​fighting in the dark is not a problem at all.

Yue Duan wanted to kill Chi You with an axe, but Xing Tian raised his shield to block without any hesitation.

The ax was so powerful that Xing Tian felt his arms go numb, but he also shook away the Pangu ax Yuedu was holding.

"Hmph, do I need you to save me? Can't I stop myself?"

"Damn woman, I keep my hands everywhere, you...disappeared..."

It is true that Xing Tian helped Chi You, but Xing Tian would not even think about asking Chi You to thank him.

Knowing Chi You's temper, Xing Tian was not surprised, but when Xing Tian took away the shield, Chi You's face was extremely angry, and when he wanted to teach Yue Du a lesson, he found that Yue Du had disappeared.

Yuedu disappeared before his eyes, Chi You and Xing Tian looked at each other, and then released their perceptions in various ways.

In this case, Yue Du would not escape, she disappeared in front of her eyes, but she just hid her body, Chi You and Xing Tian are now looking for each other by perception.

"I can't feel her, did she really escape?"

Xing Tian, ​​who can continue fighting without a head, has very keen perception.

The perception is released, and the entire Jingguo Shrine is within the range of her perception, but she doesn't feel Yuedu, which makes Xing Tian wonder if Yuedu has left.

"Impossible. It's just that her invisibility spell is very effective. It not only hides her body, but also her breath. We shouldn't be careless, otherwise it will be dangerous to be attacked by her."

"It's really not easy for a woman to fall in love with me."

Although Chi You didn't feel Yue Du, but he disagreed with Xing Tian's idea.

It's just that when expressing his opinion, Chi You still didn't forget to praise his vision.

Looking at Chi You's stinky fart, if he hadn't wanted to deal with foreign enemies, Xing Tian would definitely rush to fight him right now.

"Xiaobai, you, be careful over there, don't be attacked by surprise."

Too lazy to deal with Chi You, Xing Tian continued to perceive the surrounding situation, and at the same time to prevent Yue Du from a sudden attack, he did not forget to remind Ji Yang loudly.

Yue Du hides her body and breath, if she wants to sneak attack, she doesn't have to attack Chi You and Xing Tian, ​​she can also sneak attack others, and Ji Yang's side is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Once someone on Ji Yang's side loses combat effectiveness, Yuedu can join forces with Amaterasu very well. It is far more difficult for the two of them to fight together than to separate them.


Hearing Xing Tian's reminder, Ji Yang turned his head to look at the positions of Chi You and Xing Tian.

Seeing that only Chi You and Xing Tian were looking for something, but Yue Du was missing, Ji Yang instantly understood what was going on.

Without any hesitation, Ji Yang summoned several clones.

Several clones appeared, they did not attack Amaterasu, nor did they attack other surrounding gods of country R, ​​but stood in different positions like a human wall to protect Ji Yang's safety.


Then put away the two swords in his hands, took out the Fuxiqin, and began to play.

He Erlangshen and Nezha teamed up to deal with Amaterasu, and Ji Yang's role was to assist.

Xiao Tiangou had already become his original self, and went up to help.

But neither Erlangshen and Nezha, nor Xiaotiangou, who was originally himself, still failed to suppress Amaterasu.

"Amaterasu is more difficult than Susanoo and Yuedu. Fortunately, the Pangu Ax is not in her hands, otherwise the situation of Erlang Shen and Nezha will definitely be worse."

Although not everyone has fought against each other, Ji Yang has an assessment of the strength of the three of them after watching the battles between Susanoo, Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu.

Susanoo and Tsukiyomi's combat power is weaker than Amaterasu's.

"Damn beast, it has become so big, how can I, Amaterasu, be looked down upon by you, god body!"

Amaterasu swung his sword to block the attacks from Erlangshen and Nezha, while looking coldly at Xiaotiangou who was shaped like a hill.

After the Xiaotian dog got bigger, his strength also increased significantly.

But Amaterasu doesn't care about its strength growth, but I feel that being looked down upon by Xiao Tiangou makes her very unhappy.

With the words of divine body in his mouth, Amaterasu's body seemed to be inflated, and it began to grow in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, her body has reached a height of [-] meters. Looking down, whether it is Xiaotiangou, Erlangshen and Nezha, or Ji Yang and others, they are all so small in her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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