Chapter 2772

"I don't like being overlooked, but I like the feeling of being overlooked."

"Now in my eyes, you are simply a group of ants, how can you fight with me?"

As the saying goes, standing high and looking far, with a height of [-] meters away, Amaterasu can almost scan the entire Jingguo Shrine.

Looking at everyone proudly, his words were full of arrogance and disdain.

Especially when her eyes looked at Erlangshen, Nezha and Xiaotiangou, she became like this, and they were the ones she really had to deal with.

Amaterasu's body became bigger, not only her appearance changed, her aura also increased sharply in an instant.

Seeing Tianzhao's appearance and feeling the powerful aura coming from her body, the faces of many R country gods and Chinese gods changed, and Ji Yang also frowned.

Although he will be as big as he wants, but with his current strength, it is still impossible to become [-] meters tall.

The premise of changing the body of Ruyi size is to maintain the immortal energy. The body can get stronger power when the body becomes bigger, but if you want to maintain this shape, you also need to maintain the immortal energy in your body.

The larger the body, the greater the consumption of immortal energy.

"Hmph, it's only a hundred meters tall, there's nothing to be arrogant about, it's just a frog in a well."

"What do you mean? My patience is almost consumed by you. Don't think that if I want you to become a male favorite, I will definitely not kill you. Believe it or not, I will trample you into meat sauce with one foot now."

Feeling awe, or fear, from those around him, Amaterasu is very satisfied.

But Erlangshen, Nezha and Xiaotiangou, whom she wanted to target the most, after seeing her in such a state, why didn't they show less fear on their faces, but a little contempt on the contrary?

Especially after Erlangshen uttered contemptuous words, Amaterasu's originally excited expression sank in an instant.

Looking at Erlang God with some anger and doubt in his eyes, he shouted loudly at him.

She didn't understand, what was going on, Erlangshen dared to say such words to herself, I really don't know if he was trying to be calm, or if he really had some ability.

"Hmph, don't think that only you will change, and so will I!"

"With three heads and eight arms!"

Amaterasu's question, should I explain it to her?
More talk than action.

Although Amaterasu's words were spoken to Erlang God, Nezha changed before Erlang God proved it with actual facts.

Nezha didn't enlarge his body, but in the blink of an eye, his three-headed and eight-armed Dharma body appeared in front of Amaterasu.

With the appearance of three heads and eight arms, coupled with the magic weapons held in eight hands (fire pointed gun, Qiankun circle, Huntian silk, gold bricks, Yinyang sword, Nine Dragons God Fire Shield), Nezha's entire momentum skyrocketed instantly.

The size of the body is not as good as the current Amaterasu, but in terms of momentum, even if it is not comparable to Amaterasu, it seems that the difference is not much.

"You still have this ability? Why didn't you see it just now?"

When Nezha first arrived in country R, ​​he appeared with three heads and eight arms.

But when he came to help Ji Yang, he looked normal, so Amaterasu didn't see Nezha's superficiality at all.

At this time, seeing Nezha's appearance changed, his breath also strengthened, and his eyes became a little more serious.

"It's not a show, can you watch it if you want?"

"Besides, it's not too late to see it at this time."

Nezha's three heads and eight arms are not something that can be used against the enemy, it depends on whether the opponent's ability is enough.

After fighting Amaterasu, Ne Zha already planned to use this move.

It's just that Amaterasu was one step faster than him, so he only cast it at this time.

"Eighty-nine profound arts, change!"

What Nezha said made Amaterasu lose his temper. Although she was unhappy, she didn't know how to refute.

At the same time, there was a soft shout, and then under Amaterasu's astonished eyes, he saw that Erlang's body was also growing instantly, and he reached the height of her eyes in a blink of an eye.


I don't know why, seeing Nezha and Erlang's transformation, Amaterasu suddenly felt a blow.

Looking at Erlang God with weird eyes, feeling the coercion from Erlang God, Amaterasu couldn't help tightening his hands holding the two swords.

"What are you, if it weren't for the fact that there are so many immortal families here, and I don't want to accidentally injure the immortals in China, my method of heaven and earth can turn my body into a thousand feet, and I can destroy everyone here with one kick."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, Xiaobai, playing music..."

While Erlang Shen was speaking, the three-pointed two-edged knife had already stabbed Amaterasu.

He asked Ji Yang to play music, not to listen to the music, but to let Ji Yang use Fuxiqin to assist him.

I've been with Amaterasu for a long time, and Nezha has used up his three heads and eight arms, as well as his own eight or nine mysterious skills, and it's time for a showdown.

"it is good!"

Ji Yang had already taken out Fuxiqin to assist Erlang Shen and Nezha.

It's just that when Amaterasu and the others changed their bodies and Ji Yang looked at them, he forgot for a moment.

Now that Erlang Shenyi reminded, Ji Yang hurriedly played the Fuxiqin.

As the sound of the piano fluttered, Erlangshen, who was attacking Amaterasu with a three-pointed and two-edged knife, visibly strengthened his aura again.

"Huntian Ling!"

Erlang God rushed directly to Amaterasu, while Nezha first threw the Huntian Ribbon in his hand to wrap around Amaterasu, and then rushed up with a pointed gun.

Kun Tianling can bind the enemy, he just intends to bind Amaterasu, so that the opponent's body is restrained, and the fight is much easier.

"Clang clang clang..."

Nezha was one step slower than Erlang Shen.

When he shot, Erlang Shen and Amaterasu had already fought together.

The two men exchanged swords and swords, the flames splattered and vibrated, and even Xiao Tiangou, who wanted to wait for the opportunity to move, failed to find a chance to get close.

When Nezha's Huntian Ribbon wrapped around Amaterasu, Amaterasu's eyes turned cold, and his two swords blocked the three-pointed double-edged knife stabbed by Erlang God, and a golden light shot out from his mouth, directly hitting the Huntian Ribbon. Fly Huntian Ling upside down to Nezha.

"Hmph, I failed to tie you up, so let you try my fire-pointed spear and Yin-Yang swords."

Nezha at this time does not have two hands, he has eight hands in total, and each of them has a treasure.

After catching Huntianling who flew back, Nezha also arrived in front of Amaterasu.

The Fire Pointed Spear, the Yin-Yang Twin Swords, and the Qiankun Circle hit Amaterasu almost at the same time.

Amaterasu one-on-one is definitely stronger than Erlang God and Nezha, but Erlang God and Nezha teamed up are not much worse than her.

Now Nezha has three heads and eight arms. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, let alone eight arms.

"Sun God Yu!"

"Boom bang bang..."

The two swords in her hands have to deal with Erlang God's three-pointed and two-edged sword, and she has no spare hands to deal with Nezha's attack. She just casts a magic spell to resist Nezha's attack.

A golden light enveloped his whole body, and Nezha's attacks all hit the golden light.

The golden light oscillated, and Amaterasu's face flickered. Although the things in Nezha's hands were not comparable to China's top ten artifacts, they were all rare treasures. Amaterasu couldn't bear to block the attacks of so many treasures at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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