The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2774 Amaterasu is completely defeated

Chapter 2774 Amaterasu is completely defeated
"I won't lose to you guys, I won't just fall like this, I can continue to fight."

Amaterasu, whose body was bound by Huntian Ling and whose abdomen was pierced by a three-pointed two-edged knife, couldn't even maintain a [-]-meter body.

Kneeling on the ground with a pale face and weak breath, Amaterasu couldn't move at all, but she was still trying to break free from Huntian Ling, wanting to stand up from the ground.

I am Amaterasu Omisami, who governs Gao Tianyuan, and my parents are the father and mother of R country, so I can't just fall down like this.

Once he falls down, it represents the failure of country R today, and Amaterasu is unwilling to bear the failure.

But she was injured too badly, and her strength was so weak that she had never experienced it before. No matter how she struggled, it was impossible for her to stand up, let alone get rid of Huntianling.


Amaterasu wanted to stand up again and continue to fight, but when he couldn't stand up, there was a tragic bird cry, Amaterasu's body trembled, and his eyes looked dimly at the location where the sound came from.

I saw the Yata bird was trampled on the ground by the Xiaotian dog, no matter how the Yata bird fluttered, it couldn't get rid of the Xiaotian dog.

The Yata Bird flopped helplessly, screamed helplessly, and looked at Amaterasu, as if asking Amaterasu for help.

But Amaterasu can't even stand up now, how to save it.

A sense of powerlessness that she had never felt before arose in Amaterasu's heart. Amaterasu looked up at the sky, which was where her Gao Tianyuan was.

"Ah... Father God... Mother God..."

Shouting loudly, the voice was somewhat shrill, yet so helpless.

Now she very much hopes that Izanaki and Izanami can come to save her and save all the gods present in country R.

These gods included most of the high-level gods in country R. If all these gods died in battle, Gao Tianyuan and Huangquan in country R could be said to be paralyzed.

To recover, even if country R is given enough time, it will take thousands of years.

What's more, no one will give this time at all, and everyone will push the wall down. Once something happens to Gao Tianyuan and Huangquan in country R, ​​not only China, but the gods of other countries will not give the three realms of country R a chance to recover.

But her cry can only be a cry, because she knows that neither Izanami nor Izanaki will appear at this time.

Izanami and Izanagi are retreating, and both have reached a critical time. At this time, they are forced to leave the customs. Not only will their cultivation base not increase, but they may also be damaged.

So at the last critical moment, both Izanami and Izanaki sealed their retreat places. Even if Gao Tianyuan collapsed, even if the underworld collapsed, Izanami and Izanagi would not know.

By the time Izanami and Izanaki knew what happened today, Amaterasu would have died long ago.

At that time, even if they take revenge, Amaterasu will not know, and will not be able to save the God of Country R who died today.

Amaterasu knew that shouting was useless, but under the depression in her heart, she still wanted to use this method to vent her depression.


When Amaterasu yelled, Yatagari also let out a miserable cry.

The Xiaotian dog was not only holding it down and being unable to move, but now it was biting its neck.

Although the Yata Bird is not a real bird, it is only the artifact spirit of the Yata Mirror, like a fairy in a pot.

But being bitten by the Xiaotian dog on the neck, although there was no bloody scene, the power to maintain the spirit body dissipated quickly at this time.

The body of the Yata Bird became more and more illusory. After a few seconds, the Yata Bird disappeared, and there was a mirror in Xiaotianquan's mouth: the Yata Mirror.

Yata Bird dissipated and changed back to Yata Mirror's original appearance.

Looking at the Yata mirror in Xiaotiangou's mouth, Amaterasu's face was ashamed, and he no longer wanted to accept it, no longer wanted to face it, and had to admit that he had lost today.

If she hadn't thrown the Yata Mirror and turned into a Yata Bird, she would never have failed so easily.

As the saying goes, one wrong step, one wrong step, one wrong choice, doomed Amaterasu to fail.

Regret is useless, even she, the ruler of Gaotianyuan, the sun god Amaterasu Omikami, has no regret medicine to take.

"I even lost my artifact, and I'm injured like this, and I still want to struggle, tight!"

To the enemy, Erlang God and Nezha will be merciful.

Amaterasu's yelling, in the ears of the two, they didn't have any special feelings, if they had to talk about their feelings, it was the other party who asked for it.

If Susano hadn't taken away the Pangu axe, and Susano hadn't asked Onmyoji to bring Shikigami to China to do things, would Ji Yang have come here to trouble them?
Maybe it is because of some old hatred that they will come to R country to make trouble, but the matter will never develop to this level, and the melee between the gods of the two countries will probably not happen.

Seeing Amaterasu trying to break free from his own Huntianling, Nezha's eyes turned cold, his palms tightened, and Huntianling tied Amaterasu even tighter.



Huntian Ling tightened her grip, and there was a sound of bone brittleness from Amaterasu's body, her bones were almost broken, and she let out a shrill cry of pain.

Amaterasu, who fully accepted the reality, did not struggle again, otherwise he would not be able to break free, and would suffer even more.

"Erlang God, Nezha, is there any way you can trap her temporarily?"

Amaterasu has already lost, completely defeated.

Although during the whole process, Ji Yang did not directly participate in the battle, playing Fuxiqin to help Erlang Shen and Nezha was limited, but Ji Yang was still very excited after Amaterasu's defeat.

A big problem, and this sort of solved it.

However, Amaterasu was defeated, and the battles in other places continued. Erlangshen and Nezha were among the people who came here with the highest cultivation. They were watching Amaterasu here, which was a waste of resources.

"Nezha's Huntian Ling can tie her up, but if someone desperately rescues her, she will definitely be able to take her away."

"I don't have a suitable magic weapon to completely trap him, Nezha, do you have one?"

At this time, Xiaotiangou had already arrived at Erlangshen's side, and handed over the Yata mirror in his mouth to Erlangshen.

Erlang Shen took the Yata Mirror, and when he reached out to stroke the head of Xiao Tianquan to express his appreciation, he frowned and shook his head, then looked at Nezha.

In fact, he could let Xiaotiangou look at Amaterasu, but thinking that Xiaotiangou is also a great power, it would be a waste to put it here to watch people.

"Look at me, go!"

Nezha smiled confidently, and threw a golden bell engraved with nine dragons at Amaterasu in his hand. When the golden bell approached Amaterasu, it instantly grew bigger, covering her in it.

The golden bell ignited raging fire, making people afraid to approach it. The nine dragons carved on the golden bell seemed to come alive, flying around the golden bell.

"If you don't want to destroy your body and spirit, don't move around, or the real fire of Samadhi in my Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover will turn you into ashes in an instant."

The golden bell thrown by Nezha is the magic weapon Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover given to him by Daoist Taiyi, which can release the true fire of Samadhi.

With the Nine Dragons Divine Fire covering it, the current Amaterasu would definitely not be able to escape, and outsiders would not dare to approach, otherwise they would be burned to ashes by the Samadhi real fire emitted from the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

"I found her!"

Ji Yang and Erlangshen felt that Nezha's method was very safe. When they looked at each other and smiled, Xing Tian shouted with excitement from not far away...

(End of this chapter)

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