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Chapter 2775 Ji Yang was seriously injured

Chapter 2775 Ji Yang was seriously injured

Yuedu's invisibility method works really well.

After she became invisible, Chi You and Xing Tian felt it for a long time, but they couldn't feel it.

It wasn't until Amaterasu was defeated by Erlang God and Nezha, and Nezha used the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover to hold Amaterasu, relying on Xing Tian's perceptual ability that can be called abnormal (state), he felt a change in the air.

This strange breath is from Yuedu.

"Xiaobai be careful, she is running after you."

Sensing Yuedu's breath, Xing Tian was very excited. After all, he had been sensing it for so long, but he couldn't find him.

But when he was excited, he found that Yuedu's breath was approaching Ji Yang, and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

"Guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell!"

Although there was a slight change in the air, with Ji Yang's perception, he still couldn't feel Yuedu's breath.

But when Xing Tian's voice came, Ji Yang didn't even think about it, and directly used the Donghuang Bell to guard.

Xing Tian wouldn't tease himself at this time, and even if Yue Du was worse than Amaterasu, it wouldn't be too bad, especially since she still had the Pangu axe in her hand.

Therefore, Ji Yang would not think about resisting at this time, and using the strongest defense to block the opponent's attack is the key.

Just as Ji Yang used the Eastern Emperor Bell to guard, a cold light cut towards Ji Yang.

Yuedu's invisibility spell is better than 72's invisibility spell, but it has a shortcoming, that is, it cannot maintain the invisibility state in the case of a formal attack.

While Yuedu held the Pangu ax and slashed at Ji Yang vigorously, Yuedu's figure was revealed.

I saw Yuedu's expression was a bit ferocious, her eyes were full of anger, and the Pangu ax in her hand slammed down. Apart from the sound of air tearing, the empty air became clearly visible because of her swinging the axe.


Yuedu swung her ax and appeared in one go. The moment she appeared, whether it was Xingtian who felt her, Erlangshen and Nezha who were very close to Ji Yang, everyone had no time to help Ji Yang. The Pangu ax in her hand It was cut on the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Although the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell is strong, the Pangu Ax is an artifact with the power to split space.

Even if Yuedu couldn't fully display the power of the Pangu axe, when the ax came down, the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell would still dissipate after violent concussions.


The guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell dissipated, Ji Yang felt pain all over his body, his chest felt tight, his face turned red, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, after the guardianship of the Eastern Emperor Bell dissipated, the force of the Pangu ax was completely offset, and when the guardianship of the Eastern Emperor Bell disappeared and shook, even Yue Du, who was holding the Pangu axe, was shaken backwards.

If it wasn't for the final shock that sent Pangu Ax and Yuedu flying, and Yuedu took advantage of the situation to hit Ji Yang, Ji Yang would definitely be dead.

"Xiaobai, how are you?"

"It's just a shock. It's not a big problem. I didn't expect Yuedu to use the power of the Pangu ax to such an extent!"

Seeing Ji Yang vomiting blood, Nezha rushed to help him and asked about his health.

Ji Yang's face was a little pale, and although his breath was a little unstable, it was not a serious problem.

After drinking a bottle of Baicao Liquid and giving Nezha a reassuring look, Nezha was completely at ease.

"Xiaotiangou, you are here to guard Xiaobai, Nezha, let's go."

"It's the master, Wang"

"Xiaobai, I'm going to avenge you, ha..."

I just cleaned up Amaterasu, and now I am reading again.

Moreover, as soon as Yuedu made a move, Ji Yang was injured, which made Erlangshen's face dark and terrifying.

Let Xiao Tiangou guard an injured Amaterasu, Er Langshen felt it was a waste.

But for the sake of Ji Yang's safety, there must be someone guarding him, and Xiao Tiangou is naturally suitable.

Ordering Xiaotiangou to protect Ji Yang, Erlangshen and Nezha rushed to Yuedu.

Ji Yang said it was easy, and his body was indeed not seriously injured, but it was still very painful.

So don't think about helping or anything for the time being, and he borrowed the power of Shennong Ding and Shennong Baicaoye, under the protection of Xiaotiangou, while recovering from his injuries, he waited and watched the surrounding situation.

Ji Yang saw that when Erlangshen and Nezha moved, the regressed Yuedu had already handed over someone.

Xing Tian was the first to feel Yuedu's aura. While reminding Ji Yang, he also moved.

So as soon as Yuedu retreated, he fought with Xingtian.

I don't know if it was because when he attacked Ji Yang just now, he was injured by the guard of the East Emperor Bell, or because Xing Tian saw Ji Yang was injured, his attack became more violent, and he suppressed Yuedu all at once.

The relatives and the shield in his hands, the combination of attack and defense is flawless, and Yuedu can only parry when fighting, but the attack has no effect on Xing Tian.

"Injured my brother first, then captured my sister, I will definitely kill you today."

Yuedu was already at a disadvantage under Xingtian's attack, but she didn't feel at a disadvantage at all. Instead, she became more courageous as she fought, and her disadvantage was gradually reduced.

The power that made her so brave was because of Amaterasu and Susanoo.

Yuedu would hide his body and aura before. On the one hand, it was because Chi You and Xing Tian were in a state of bravery at that time, and their own situation was very bad, so they wanted to relieve the pressure and let their bravery weaken a little because they lost their goals.

Another point is that she wants to take advantage of her stealth status to make an effective sneak attack.

In the beginning, her sneak attack target was not Ji Yang, but a few people from the side of Bull Demon King and Lion Camel King.

Compared to Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu, Susanoo's side is the worst.

Although there are more than [-] Sun God Generals and Night God Generals protecting Susanoo, but under the attack of Bull Demon King and Lion Camel King, there are less than ten people who can continue to fight.

Others were either killed directly or were seriously injured and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

The rest of them seemed to be unable to hold on.

So when he first disappeared, Tsukuyomi thought about taking advantage of his invisibility and killing one by one first, which would also relieve the pressure on the generals on Susanoo's side.

After observing for a while, she found that Princess Iron Fan was the weakest among them in terms of strength, and she had the greatest chance of being fatal with one move.

But just when Yuedu was stealthily approaching Princess Iron Fan and was about to give her an ancient axe, he heard Amaterasu's scream.

When she saw that Amaterasu was covered by the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, she couldn't keep calm and her breath was a little disordered, so Xing Tian discovered it.

Taking Ji Yang as the target of attack is purely coincidental.

It's just that Ji Yang's location is the closest when she is near Amaterasu.

"Kill us, we don't know who kills whom!"

Yue Du yelled wildly, and after continuing to confront Xing Tian for several times, Ne Zha and Er Lang Shen had already charged up.

When Erlang Shen heard Yuedu's arrogant words, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and the three-pointed double-edged knife attacked Yuedu...

(End of this chapter)

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