Chapter 2777

The halo of Bachi Qiong Gouyu dissipated, and Yue Du appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Tsukiyomi's body did not reach a height of [-] meters, but it was still tens of meters high.

Her skin is still black, but on the exposed skin and face, there are some green runes, and her eyes are silver, making her look a little weird.

Raising two arms high, supporting the hill that was pressing down, a pair of eyes swept over Xing Tian and Nezha, and then fixed on Chi You.

Looking at Chi You who was looking at her, Yue Du had a cold look in his eyes.

"go to hell!"

Chi You used to tease Yue Du a lot before, so Yue Du's dissatisfaction with Chi You was also the biggest among several people.

Squeezing out a few words from between his teeth, Yuedu exerted strength with his arm, and smashed the hill held in his hand towards Chi You.

Chi You's expression changed when he saw the hill coming crashing down on him.

If my body was hit by the hill in front of me, I would definitely be crushed directly below it.

Although with his own strength, he would not be directly crushed to death by the hill, but it is inevitable to break a few bones and suffer some injuries.


Chi You didn't want to get hurt, if he wanted to block this hill, he had to turn into a beast.

Just when he was about to turn into a beast, and the word "beast" was already protruding from his mouth, he saw that the hill that fell on him began to become unreal.

Just when Xiao Shan was about to meet him, Xiao Shan suddenly disappeared, and Erlang Shen appeared in front of him.

"What a great power, eighty-nine profound arts, change!"


Xiaoshan was transformed by Erlang Shen, so he can naturally control his own transformation.

So even if Chi You didn't turn into a beast, the hill wouldn't be able to hit him.

Erlangshen changed back to the human form, looked at Yueyue with frowning, and after a soft murmur, his body changed again.

His body instantly grew to a height of tens of meters, and then with a roar of a beast, his body changed from a human shape to a colorful giant tiger several meters high and tens of meters long.

The tiger's eyes were wide open, its hind legs kicked out vigorously, and it rushed towards Yuedu.

As Yuedu approached, the giant tiger's tiger's mouth opened, revealing the cold fangs in its mouth, and it bit Yuedu's neck.

"Became a beast, do you think you can beat my eight-foot Qionggouyu body!"

The appearance of Yuedu at this time was transformed by the fusion of Bachi Qiong Gouyu.

There is a seal on the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, and when the seal is released, all the power in it can be released and integrated into Yuedu's body.

Although this approach can make Yuedu have a very terrifying power, but because Bachi Qiong Gouyu is very powerful, every time he integrates the power of Bachi Qionggouyu, it will cause great damage to Yuedu himself.

In other words, after using Bachi Qiong Gouyu, there will be many sequelae.

To dissipate all these sequelae, the time is calculated in millennia.

Moreover, after using the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, if the power is not well controlled, it may even lead to a direct explosion and death, and the soul will be scattered.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Yuedu will never unlock the full power of Bachi Qiong Gouyu.

The reason why she used this move today is because Chi You and Erlangshen are too powerful. If the four of them join forces, if she doesn't risk her life to deal with it and use all her abilities, she will still fail in the end.

It's a failure anyway, so why not take a risk?

If he can win intact, even if he leaves sequelae, he can slowly recover in a thousand years.

It's only a thousand years, which is nothing to Yuedu.

If it is still unsuccessful, Yuedu will not regret it, at least he has fought to the death, so he will have no regrets when he dies.

Facing the giant tiger that was about to bite her, Yuedu picked up the Pangu ax that had grown bigger in her hand, without any moves at all, but slashed at the giant tiger's head with great strength.

If you want my life, then I want your life too, there is nothing to say.


Yuedu reacted quickly, before the giant tiger transformed by Erlang God could bite her, the Pangu ax had already greeted her.

The giant tiger let out a cry of reluctance, and tilted its head to avoid Yuedu's Pangu axe, but it was still cut by the Pangu axe on the shoulder.

Although it didn't directly cut off one of its forelegs at the root, it penetrated deep into the bone, and the blood splashed like a spring in an instant.


Pangu's ax hit the giant tiger's shoulder, that is, Erlang God's shoulder, and Erlang God screamed in pain from the tiger's mouth.

The giant tiger screamed in pain, and his body's reaction speed was a little slow.

Yue Du saw the right opportunity, drew the Pangu ax back with blood in his hand, and slammed it down again.

"Huntian Ling!"

Seeing that Erlang God was injured, Nezha used the Huntian silk to wrap around Juhu's body, and yanked it violently, pulling it back.


At the same time that Nezha pulled the giant tiger back, Yuedu's Pangu ax had already fallen, losing the target of the giant tiger, the Pangu ax fell directly to the ground.

Half of the ax smashed into the ground, and a huge crack 30 meters long appeared on the ground.

The power of Yueyue's ax is even greater than before.

Fortunately, it didn't cut on Juhu, otherwise Juhu would be miserable.

"Yang Jian, are you okay?"

The giant tiger was pulled away by Nezha, and after his body became illusory, he turned into the human form of Erlang God.

On his shoulder, there was a hideous wound with cracks in the bones, and blood had already stained most of his body red.

"It's okay, just a small injury."

"Eighty-Nine Profound Art, cure!"

Erlangshen is not a master who is easily subdued. Hearing Nezha's worried inquiry, he shook his head directly. The injury was obviously not serious, but it was still a minor injury in his mouth.

Performing eighty-nine Xuangong self-healing, Erlang Shen's three eyes were fixed on Yuedu.

This time he suffered a big loss, but this loss cannot be taken in vain, he must get it back from Yuedu.


Yuedu made a move to split the air, so naturally he won't give up.

With the Pangu ax back, he rushed towards Erlang God again.

Now that Erlangshen has been hurt, he must take advantage of his illness to kill him, right?

Otherwise, when he healed himself, the ax just now would have been in vain.

But her opponent is not Erlangshen himself after all, so if she wants to pursue Erlangshen, she has to ask others if they agree.

Xing Tian's body also grew a little bigger at this time, Qi in his hand slashed and faced Yuedu.

Xing Tian is also the kind who becomes more courageous as he fights. As Yue Du becomes stronger, not only will he not be afraid, but he will increase his fighting spirit.

With Qi in one hand and shield in the other, Xing Tian seemed to go crazy, Qi Dun hit Yue Du in turn, and the two fought hard.


Although Xing Tian was brave at this time, Yue Du, who used the eight-foot Qionggouyu body, was indeed much stronger than before. It was not enough for Xing Tian to beat Yue Du alone.

When Yuedu completely gained the upper hand and Xing Tian was completely suppressed, a beast roar sounded again.

I saw a huge monster with a strange figure rushing towards her.

This time, it was not Erlang God who rushed over, but the beastly Chi You.

At the same time, Erlangshen and Nezha, whose shoulder wounds had almost healed, also rushed up together, preparing for the four of them to join forces to fight the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu's Yuedu...

(End of this chapter)

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