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Chapter 2778 Take the Pangu Ax First

Chapter 2778 Take the Pangu Ax First

"Compared to before, this look is much more difficult!"

It's not the first time Xing Tian has fought Yue Du. Although he was a bit slower than Chi You, he also fought Yue Du for a long time.

After fighting with Yuedu who was using the eight-foot Qionggouyu body, Xing Tian obviously felt that Yuedu at this time was different from before.

Whether it is speed or strength, there has been a significant improvement, and the aura on his body has also become much stronger.

If it is insisted that Xingtian and Yuedu were on par in strength before, then Yuedu has completely overwhelmed Xingtian now.

The short-lived closeness soon became one-sided, and Xing Tian was suppressed by Yue Du.

Absolute suppression. Although Xing Tian resisted bravely, the situation is still very bad. If he continues to be suppressed like this, he may soon become the soul of the dead under Pan Gu's axe.

Just when Xing Tian was in a critical situation, Chi You, Er Lang Shen and Nezha rushed over.

Xing Tian can't cope with Yuedu, but with the addition of Chi You, Er Lang Shen and Nezha, the situation will definitely be very different.

Chi You turned into a beast. What he changed was not only his appearance, but also his combat effectiveness.

The body rushed forward quickly, and the scarlet bull's eyes were fixed on Yueyue.

When he saw Yuedu's Pangu ax slashing towards Xingtian, and Xingtian held up his shield to block but was deflected by the shield that shook him directly, then Yuedu quickly changed his move, and when he slashed at Xingtian's chest with the Pangu ax without a shield to defend him, he let out a sharp scream, A bunch of energy spit out from his mouth.


Breathing out the energy, just before the Pangu ax in Yuedu's hand hit Xingtian, it collided with Yuedu's Pangu axe.

Although this process is only for a moment, it is enough for Xing Tian to react in this moment.

Looking at Yuedu with lingering fear in his heart, Xing Tian quickly retreated to Chi You's side.

When he got to Chi You's side, Xing Tian looked at Chi You with a strange expression.

"How did you become like this?"

Xing Tian still knew Chi You very well. After all, he fought side by side a lot back then, but he never knew that Chi You still had this appearance.

"Isn't that a good look?"

"You saved me before, and I saved you just now, so we're even."

Chi You said something indifferent, and finally acknowledged Xing Tian's help to him earlier.

But he mentioned this not to thank Xing Tian, ​​but to tell the other party that he and the other party have evened.


It was possible to understand Xing Tian with a single axe, or at least seriously injure him, but was destroyed by Chi You.

Yue Du stared angrily at Chi You and Xing Tian who were standing together, shouted loudly, and rushed towards the two with the Pan Gu ax in hand.

As for Chi You's change of appearance, Yuedu didn't seem to notice it, and he wasn't surprised at all.

This is all because she doesn't care about Chi You at all, she doesn't care if Chi You changes his appearance, he only cares about who is the final winner.

"Nezha, hit her!"

Yuedu rushed towards Chi You and Xing Tian, ​​when they were ready to meet the enemy.

God Erlang yelled at Nezha, and upon hearing that, Nezha threw out the gold brick and the Qiankun circle at the same time.


The two treasures were thrown out, and the air was shocked.

When Yue Du saw the gold bricks and the Qian Kun circle being thrown at him, his body paused slightly, and he quickly swung the Pangu ax in his hand.

She has experienced these two things before, and if she doesn't deal with them seriously, she will suffer.


With two crisp sounds, the Pangu ax struck the gold brick and the Qiankun circle.

The circle of heaven and earth flew directly to Nezha, and so did the gold bricks.

"My universe circle, my gold brick!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

Reaching out to catch the Qiankun circle and the gold brick, Nezha cried out angrily, almost crying.

I saw a tiny trace on the Qiankun circle. Although it couldn't be found without looking closely, it was indeed cut out by the Pangu axe.

Compared with the Qiankun circle, the gold brick is not as good as it is. After being hacked by Yuedu's axe, one piece was directly chopped off.

Nezha was heartbroken and angry that both of his two treasures had flaws.

"Heaven's Eye!"

Nezha yelled in pain, Yuedu was a little proud.

The Pangu ax in her hand is one of the top ten artifacts in China. Compared with the treasures in the hands of Nezha and others, it is stronger after all.

Just when Yuedu was triumphant, a golden light quickly shot out from the third eye of Erlang God at the position between his brows.


When the golden light came, Yue Du didn't even think about it, Pangu swung his ax and blocked the golden light.

But because of the strong impact of the golden light shot by Tianyan, coupled with the force of the explosion, Yuedu's body was also shocked to take a step back, but it was not a serious problem.

Yue Read stood still, and when she wanted to rush up to Erlangshen to settle the score, she saw a black shadow rushing towards her, and a sharp dragon claw patted her.

After Chi You turned into a beast, because he swallowed the power of the snake dragon king, his claws are all dragon claws.


Yue Du had just stood still, when Chi You suddenly rushed to attack, and she didn't even have time to defend with the Pan Gu axe.

Without the Pan Gu ax to block, Chi You's claws slapped her.

The eight-foot Qiong Gouyu's body had a strong defense, but Chi You's claws were also powerful. Although one claw fell, it didn't hit Yuedu directly, but it broke the layer of green light surrounding her.

The green light dissipated, and Yuedu's face changed slightly.

These green lights are her external defense, without this layer of defense, she can only rely on her physical body to forcibly resist the opponent's attack.

These green lights can reappear, and only two breaths are enough.

But what she faces are all masters, and in the battle between masters, the winner can often be decided in just one breath.

As soon as the green light on her body broke, Xing Tian held a shield and ran towards her like a superstar truck speeding fast.



This collision made Yue Duqiang, who was not protected by the green light, turn red and then pale, and his body was directly hit and flew upside down for 30 meters.

Yuedu felt that his internal organs were all displaced by Xing Tian's impact, a mouthful of blood spewed out instantly, and the runes on his body instantly dimmed a lot.

"Huntian Ling!"

The four of Nezha shot consecutively and finally hurt Yuedu.

Although I don't know how much it hurt her, Tsukiyomi was indeed hurt.

Nezha, who was suffocating in his heart because of the Qiankun circle and the BRIC, saw that Yuedu was injured, he flicked the hunting silk in his hand, and entangled Yuedu.

When Huntianling flew towards her, Yue Du instinctively wanted to block it with the Pangu axe, but suddenly realized that Nezha's Huntianling was not coming towards her at all, but towards the Pangu axe in her hand.

"Without the Pangu axe, I can see how rampant you are."

Nezha's anger turned to anger, but he hasn't completely lost his head yet.

The eight-foot Qionggou jade body strengthened Yuedu's combat effectiveness, but she relied on the ancient ax to resist the four from the beginning.

As long as you grab the Pangu axe, Yuedu is the fish on the chopping board, and you can cut it however you want.

Huntian Ling entangled the Pangu axe, and Nezha wanted to pull it over. Of course, Yuedu didn't want to let go. When the two were fighting, a figure suddenly appeared behind Yuedu, and hit her back with a palm...

(End of this chapter)

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