The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2799 To the Gate of Hell

Chapter 2799 To the Gate of Hell
"Gently I leave, just as I came lightly, waving my sleeves without taking a single cloud."

The voice disappeared, and the consciousness of the owner of the voice also disappeared.

Ji Yang whispered to himself, looking at the increasingly gloomy Anye Mountain outside the window, a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Although he still hasn't seen the true appearance of the culprit of the Law of the Three Realms, and still doesn't know the identity of the other party, he has gained a lot today.

The specific power of the formation of the top ten artifacts can only be known in practice.

But he believed that a powerful formation capable of breaking the laws of the Three Realms would never disappoint him.

"Although the cooperation of the immortals in the heaven and the underworld is still indispensable, the formation of the top ten artifacts should be more reliable than that of the Jade Emperor."

Talking to himself again, Ji Yang waved his arm and collected all ten artifacts into the world in the pot of the demon refining pot, and then put away the demon refining pot.

The barrier in the room was removed, and Ji Yang walked out of the room.

"Get up!"

Standing at the door, Ji Yang shouted with immortal energy, resounding throughout the entire dark castle.

No matter which corner of the dark castle, his shouts could be heard.

"If you don't shout, we won't be able to sleep long ago."

"You can't sleep, I sleep soundly."

"It's getting dark, and the exciting moment is about to begin..."

Ji Yang's voice fell, and several figures appeared in front of him one after another.

Whether they were really asleep, or they were too excited to fall asleep, everyone looked energetic at this time.

"A group of militants."

Ji Yang looked at Cain, Peng Demon King and others in front of him, and laughed and joked.

Everyone heard the words and did not deny it, because they were militants.

"The time is up, let's go, to meet the partners from hell!"

With a wave of his arm, Ji Yang walked out of the dark castle first, followed by Mutu, Han Ye and others. At the same time, there were many members of the Dark Night Alliance and ordinary subordinates brought from China.

After Ji Yang and the others left the bunker, they headed towards an uninhabited desert in the west.

The desert environment is harsh, the weather is changeable, and it covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers. It is not suitable for living things, and there is no sign of any living activities. It is called the gate of hell by the West.

Originally, the gate of hell was just a casual name for the terrifying environment here by Westerners, but they didn't know that this was indeed the gate of hell.

This is the connection between Abyss Hell and Heaven, and it is for this reason that the environment here is so harsh.

The reason why Ji Yang and others came here was because of their agreement with Lucifer to gather here.

Under the pitch-black night sky, countless figures were walking through the desert at a speed unimaginable to humans.

"Cain, have you made arrangements there?"

"Don't worry, the Ryan brothers and sisters are doing things, even if I don't worry about it, don't you worry about it."

"That's true. I can rest assured that the two of them are doing business. Once today is over, what kind of heaven and what kind of Holy See will become eternal history."

What people like Ji Yang have to deal with is heaven, and the Holy See, the representative of heaven in the world, also needs to be uprooted.

The task of dealing with the Holy See fell on the Dark Night Alliance and the tens of thousands of Houqing Corpse Clan.

What Ji Yang asked Cain at this time was the actions against the Holy See.

With the Rui En brothers and sisters assigning this task, Ji Yang is still very relieved. If he didn't trust the two of them, he would not have sent them back to the Dark Night Alliance, and they have been in charge of the Dark Night Alliance for so long.

Ji Yang and the others did not know how long they had traveled, but anyway, they were already approaching the center of the desert.

"Ji Yang, are you here? We are ready to break through the gate of hell!"

At this time, Ji Yang received a WeChat message from Lucifer.

The gate of hell is the gate of abyss purgatory and heaven. This is the gate of heaven restricting abyss purgatory. Once the gate of hell is opened, the creatures of abyss purgatory can freely enter and exit abyss purgatory.

In the eyes of heaven, that would be a great disaster.

It is a disaster in heaven, and it is also a disaster on earth.

Therefore, there is a strong seal at the gate of hell. Once the abyss hell wants to hit the seal, there will be a lot of noise, which will attract the attention of heaven.

At the same time, there are countless angels guarding outside the abyss hell.

According to Lucifer's previous agreement with Ji Yang, the first thing Ji Yang has to do is to lead people to suppress the angels guarding the gate of hell, and not give them a chance to seal, so that Abyss Hell can break the seal of the gate of hell smoothly.

When the gate of hell is completely broken, the battle between abyss hell and heaven will completely begin.

"I'm about to reach the center of the desert. As soon as I feel that you are starting to attack the gates of hell, I will lead people to deal with those angels."

"Okay! Then you are ready, we will start now."

Ji Yang replied to Lucifer's WeChat, and Lucifer replied in seconds.

It seems that Lucifer has been staring at the phone, waiting for Ji Yang's WeChat reply.

After all, the Profound Hell is the main character in this matter, and they are the ones who are really anxious.

"Everyone get ready, the battle is about to start."

"it is good……"

Putting away his mobile phone, Ji Yang did not reply to Lucifer's WeChat again.

At this time, WeChat contact is no longer necessary.

As long as you feel the change in the atmosphere in the desert, it is enough.

Ji Yang reminded everyone to be prepared, and everyone who had already prepared echoed loudly.


Following everyone's "yes" response, a huge explosion sounded a few kilometers away from Ji Yang and the others.

The explosion sounded, and everyone's eyes turned cold.

They all know that the location of the explosion is where the gate of hell is located.

"I feel it, it's those nasty breaths."

There was a roaring explosion, and people like Ji Yang were not the only ones who responded.

The angels guarding the gates of hell reacted more quickly.

Countless sacred auras appeared, and streaks of golden light descended from the sky, which were particularly obvious under the dark night sky.

This is when the angels guarding the gates of hell began to move. Angels descended from the sky with golden light, released the holy power in their bodies, and injected it into a black vortex in the center of the desert. They were blessing the seal of the gates of hell.

Cain and Mutu, who hated the breath of these angels, had cold faces and chilly voices.

"Now that you feel it, let's speed up."

"The control of the Western world, and a quarter of the management of heaven, are not given to us for nothing."

The angel who suppressed the gate of hell has appeared, and this is what Ji Yang and others are going to deal with now.

With a wave of Ji Yang's arm, his speed increased, and he quickly walked towards the center of the desert.

The others also speeded up, looking at the clearly visible angels, they didn't have the slightest fear, and some only had fiery eyes.

They are not afraid of fighting, they are only afraid that the fighting will not be enjoyable.

What's more, if you kill these guys, you can get rich rewards...

(End of this chapter)

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