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Chapter 2800 Shocking the Gate of Hell

Chapter 2800 Shocking the Gate of Hell
"What's going on, why is there a change in the gate of hell!"

"Increase the output of holy power and seal power for me. Are these damned abyssal creatures trying to break through the gates of hell?"

"With me, Remiller and the guardian angel, don't even think about it!"

In the center of the desert, countless angels fly in the sky.

These angels range from two-winged angels to seraphs, and there is an eight-winged angel among them.

The one who spoke at this time was the Eight-Winged Archangel Remiller.

Remiele is known as the guardian angel of the underworld, and his duty is to lead the angels in front of him to guard the gates of hell and prevent creatures from the abyss from coming out.

"Lord Archangel, don't worry, with us here, these evil guys will not succeed."

"That's right, every few tens or hundreds of years, they will attack the gates of hell, but they have never succeeded."

"Wanting to break through the gates of hell is simply a dream..."

The angels guarding the gates of hell have been here for countless years.

It is not the first time that the abyss purgatory hits the gate of hell.

It's just that they don't know that the previous assault on the gate of hell was just a small number of abyssal purgatory creatures, and it was just an attempt.

But this time is different, Satan is already going to a complete war with heaven, he led all the creatures of hell from the abyss, and today he must break open the gate of hell.

Moreover, Satan and Ji Yang's helpers will assist them outside and hinder the angels guarding the gate of hell.

It's just that they don't know about it, so they still treat it as the same as before.

"A group of guys that shouldn't exist, the Lord will destroy them sooner or later."

"Everyone maintains the sealing power, as long as they persist for a moment, they will give up."

The other angels didn't know Satan's intentions, and neither did Lemuel.

He looked proudly at the black vortex in front of him, and said in a cold voice.

Satan wants to destroy heaven, and heaven also wants to destroy abyss hell, but it has never found a suitable opportunity.

In fact, it was enough for Remiele to guard here, but he had to obey the Lord's arrangement and not resist, otherwise he would also become a part of the fallen angels.

According to past experience, every time there is an incident of hitting the gate of hell, it takes a very short time. As long as the seal is not broken, nothing will happen.

So Remiller thought it would be the same this time.

"Master Archangel, someone is approaching here!"

When most of the angels were maintaining the seal of the gate of hell under the command of Remiller, the angels in charge of guarding the perimeter sensed the aura of Ji Yang and others.

He opened his mouth to tell Remiele loudly, and Remiele frowned.

The time it took to hit the gate of hell today was not to mention longer than before, and the force was even greater. He already had a vague premonition.

At this time, when I heard that someone was approaching here, I felt even worse.

"No matter who is approaching here, they must be stopped. At this time, we must not let anyone influence us."

As the archangel who suppressed the gate of hell, Remiller has absolute leadership.

He knows when and what order to give.

At this moment, it is very critical. If someone influences them and makes them unable to maintain the seal of the gate of hell, allowing the abyssal purgatory creatures to rush out of the gate of hell, it will not only be their own dereliction of duty, but will also bring disaster to heaven and the world.

So the order he issued at this time was actually an order that he would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

Stop anyone who comes near here at all costs.

A barren desert with no human habitation in the first place, a place with harsh conditions, stepping into this place is going to death, suddenly there is an unknown smell, which is a bit abnormal.

And at this time, Remiller felt that killing should not be wrong.

Even if the killing was wrong, it would be bad for these people.

"Follow me to stop those people from approaching!"

A seraph rushed towards the position of Ji Yang and others with hundreds of angels under the instruction of Remiller.

At this moment, Ji Yang could already see the sky full of angels and the strange black vortex.

The number of angels cannot be counted at all, and can only be described as dense.

Ji Yang felt that the number of angels here might not be less than tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands.

After all, they are the angels who suppress the gates of hell. Can it work if the number is small?

"Master, a birdman is flying towards us."

Next to Ji Yang was Han Ye. Looking at the hundreds of angels flying over, Han Ye reminded Ji Yang.

Ji Yang naturally saw these angels, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Although he brought not many people today, much fewer than the angels in front of him, there were thousands of people.

Hundreds of angels approaching, no big deal.

What's more, among these angels, the most powerful ones are only seraphs, and more are two-winged angels. If hundreds of such angels fly here, they are simply sent to death.

"It's just some guys who are looking for their own death, nothing to care about."

"Don't be merciless when you do it later, just kill the killer."

Ji Yang directly gave the order to kill everyone, and everyone didn't speak when they heard the words, they just nodded.

Satan promised to give Ji Yang an angelic army composed of [-] angels afterwards, so naturally he wanted to leave some angels alive in heaven.

But when keeping alive and scoring points, the angels in charge of suppressing the gates of hell are not the best choice.

If you don't fight these guys to the end, how can you let Lucifer and others come out.

"Who are you, get out of here immediately, don't take a step forward, or you will be punished by the angel."

The leading seraph flew over with hundreds of angels, and as the distance got closer, when he saw Ji Yang and his party in front of him, his expression changed slightly.

He felt strong aura fluctuations from Ji Yang and the others. He already knew the strength of these people.

Moreover, there are many people on the other side, more than the angels brought by themselves.

Whether it was strength or quantity, he didn't have any advantage on his side, so he didn't immediately go to the angels to fight, but tried to stop Ji Yang and others with words.

"Angel's punishment? I'm really afraid."

A weird sneer curled up on the corner of Ji Yang's mouth, and he looked at the seraphim at the front with a playful voice.

"Leave immediately if you are afraid, or you will all die!"

I don't know if this seraphim is not experienced enough, or he is pretending to be stupid on purpose.

Hearing Ji Yang's fear of words, he actually took it seriously.

Raising his voice a little, he glared at Ji Yang and the others arrogantly, signaling them to leave immediately.

"Dead? Hmph, you are the ones who died, no one will be left behind!"


A word of nonsense is enough, Ji Yang doesn't want to waste time with him.

Following his order, Han Ye was the first to bear the brunt, rushing towards the leading seraph, and the others followed, rushing towards the remaining angels...

(End of this chapter)

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