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Chapter 2801 All resolved between breaths

Chapter 2801 All resolved between breaths

"Stop them!"

After the group of angels formally contacted Ji Yang and others, they already felt the pressure from Ji Yang and others.

Hundreds of angels, facing thousands of powerful opponents, and many of them are stronger than themselves, the pressure is really not ordinary.

If he could retreat, Seraphim would definitely lead the angels around him to leave directly.

But at this moment, there is absolutely no way to retreat. If you can stop it once, you must buy time for Remiller and the other angels who maintain the seal of the gate of hell.

So when Ji Yang and others made a move, knowing that the result might be death, the seraph still took out the lightsaber in his hand and pointed forward, and gave the order to the angel beside him to stop him.


When the angels heard the words, they all took out their weapons, shouted with serious faces, and then flapped their wings behind their backs to meet Han Ye and the others who were rushing.

Looking at the angels who were going to die, Ji Yang showed a cruel smile on his face.

Death is a never-ending thing in the world, and people disappear in this world every second.

If I don't want to die in the next second, I will kill the enemies in front of me, so these angels in front of me must die. Only when they die can the people on my side live.

"You guys want to stop us, go to hell!"

Han Ye was the first to bear the brunt, and he was also the first to collide with the angel.

Han Ye's real target is the seraph who is in charge of commanding.

But before approaching each other, they first met two four-winged angels.

The seraphim wants to kill, and other angels also want to kill. Since we met, let's take the opponent first.

Drinking lightly in his mouth, the cold air from Han Ye's body was released, and two balls of cold air instantly enveloped the two four-winged angels.

The faces of the two four-winged angels changed drastically, and the harsh chill made them feel the sacred air in their bodies stop, and a touch of fear engulfed their hearts. They wanted to circulate the sacred air to dispel the chill.

But they had no chance at all, the sacred aura hadn't been forcibly mentioned, and the bodies of the two four-winged angels had been completely frozen.


"Crack, Kick!"

Han Ye threw out two random fists, and his body passed between the two frozen four-winged angels. Accompanied by two crisp crackling sounds, the bodies of the two four-winged angels turned into countless ice chips, which scattered from the air to the ground .

It was just a matter of breathing, and the two four-winged angels died in Han Ye's hands.

"Ah ah ah..."

At the same time, screams rang out one after another.

The other angels also met the people who followed Han Ye.

Although Ji Yang didn't rush forward with everyone at the fastest speed, Demon King Peng, Cain and others were the first group of people to follow Han Ye closely.

Everyone has rich combat experience. Although there are only hundreds of angels in front of them, the number of angels holding the seal is calculated in tens of thousands.

The people I brought here are only a thousand, and the ratio of the number of people should not be counted well, otherwise it will be too heart-wrenching.

So it can save time and effort, and don't waste the energy of the people on your side, so don't waste it.

The strong are in the front, and the subordinates are in the back. At the moment of contact, one-third of the angels died in the hands of Han Ye, Peng Demon King and others.

The remaining dozens of angels couldn't stop them at all, and were continuing to die.

"So strong!"

The seraph in charge watched the angels he had brought die like cut straws at a speed almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. His whole body trembled and his face became very ugly.

Although he thought about the angels he led, he couldn't stop Ji Yang and others.

But he didn't expect that the angels would die so badly, they were killed without even a chance to fight back.

"At this time, if you don't take care of yourself, you're going to die!"

Just when Seraphim was shocked by the speed at which other angels died, Han Ye had already arrived in front of him.

Staring at him with a murderous look in his indifference, while Han Ye was speaking, his fist exuding icy cold air had already smashed towards the opponent.

As a seraph, his strength is still very strong, but he is not as weak as other two-winged angels and four-winged angels.

Looking at Han Ye's fist, Seraphim swung his sword and slashed.


"What? Broken?"

But Seraphim's strength is not weak, and his reaction speed is also very fast, but in the face of an opponent of Han Ye's strength, he can only block it for a while, but he can't change the result.

The lightsaber collided with Han Ye's fist and was smashed to pieces. A gust of cold air rushed towards Seraph's body. Seraph's eyes dimmed instantly, her expression was filled with astonishment, and her body flew upside down.



The seraphim flew upside down, the astonishment on his face hadn't dissipated yet, cold air gushed out from Han Ye's body and enveloped him.

With a muffled grunt, the seraph was frozen into a lump of ice.

This time, without Han Ye punching him again, the lump of ice fell from the sky, fell on a rock in the desert, and instantly broke into countless pieces of ice...

After Lei Miller sent hundreds of angels to obstruct Ji Yang and others, he didn't pay attention to the situation here.

This is his trust in the angels under his hand, and he believes that hundreds of angels are enough to stop the intruders.

So he just continued to direct the angels to release the holy breath and bless the seal of the gate of hell.

The power to impact the seal this time was stronger than any previous one. He felt a little irritable and worried at this time, but as the archangel guarding the gate of hell, he couldn't express his negative emotions.

What he has to do is to strengthen the seal, and break the seal at any time, so that the creatures from the abyss and hell can rush out and fight.

"Lord Remiele, dead, all dead!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, you are cursing Master Remiller, do you want to die?"

When Remiele was seriously directing a group of angels, a four-winged angel with a flustered expression flew towards him, shouting loudly.

A seraph next to Remiller almost slashed him with a sword when he heard what the four-winged angel said.

"Speak clearly, everything is dead."

"Did all those intruders be killed? That's why they deserve to die. Why are you panicking?"

Remiele's expression also sank, these words really didn't sound good.

I am obviously living well, so why die.

"Lord Remil, it's not the intruders, but the hundreds of angels you sent to stop them just now are all dead!"

This four-winged angel was supposed to fly over with him.

But because he moved slowly, he was a little behind. He thought he had missed a chance to make a contribution, but he didn't think he had escaped the crisis of death.

He saw hundreds of angels being killed by Han Ye and others in a few breaths, so he came over to report in a panic...

(End of this chapter)

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