Chapter 281 Doubakun (second update)

This is a mutated black mamba, one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

Mutated two-headed snakes are not easy to see. The two-headed black mamba in front of him was also acquired by Bakun after a lot of effort.

The black mamba is already extremely poisonous, but under Bakun's feeding, the poison of this two-headed black mamba is even more terrifying.

The black mamba is so fast that it is called "the cheetah among the snakes."

So the black mamba arrived at Ji Yang's feet almost instantly.

The two snake heads of the black mamba were raised high, and the body shot up from the ground, biting towards Ji Yang's face.

The two snake heads opened their mouths wide, with sharp snake teeth and a pitch-black mouth, Ji Yang could see it very clearly.

And just when the black mamba was about to bite Ji Yang, the little dragon girl also moved, and slapped the black mamba heavily with her tail.

The black mamba was sent flying more than ten meters away by the little dragon girl's tail.

This black mamba was domesticated by Bakun, and its physical strength is countless times stronger than that of ordinary snakes.

Although it was sent flying more than ten meters away by the little dragon girl, it didn't lose its breath, and instead quickly crawled towards Ji Yang again.

Although Xiao Longnu looks like a snake now, she is a dragon.

Seeing that the black mamba was not beaten to death by herself, she was also very unconvinced.

"I'll clean it up first and then help you deal with these ghosts."

The little dragon girl communicated with Ji Yang through her soul, and then rushed over like a black mamba.

At the same time that Xiaolongnv rushed towards the black mamba, dozens of ghosts had already arrived beside Ji Yang.

Without the help of Xiaolongnv, Ji Yang can only rely on himself to deal with the dozens of ghosts in front of him.

"Damn it, I really think I'm afraid of you."

Ji Yang cursed, and rushed towards the ghost closest to him.

With a sword in his right hand and thunder in his left hand, the one closest to Ji Yang is a ghost.

Approaching Li Gui, Ji Yang hit Li Gui with a palm of thunder, and Li Gui let out a scream from the beaten mouth.

Then Ji Yang swung the silver-glowing black sword, piercing through Li Gui's head.

Under the force of thunder and lightning, the ghosts were all filled with Yin Qi, and then disappeared.

Although a fierce ghost was eliminated in one face-to-face, Ji Yang didn't feel the slightest excitement.

Because there are dozens of fools waiting for him around.

Ji Yang exterminates a ghost, but other ghosts will not be afraid because of the ghost's disappearance.

They are already dead ghosts, what else are they afraid of.

By killing Ji Yang, they can get rid of the fate of being controlled and enslaved by Bakun.

And being wiped out by Ji Yang is another way to get rid of Bakun.

Looking at the dozens of ghosts still rushing towards him, Ji Yang's icy eyes showed a trace of happiness and helplessness.

Ji Yang is glad that he has practiced the fairy method Nether Wind Thunder Sword Art, otherwise, facing so many ghosts with terrifying auras in front of him, it would be very difficult to deal with.

Ji Yang was helpless because he knew that these ghosts were controlled by Bakun through the method of raising ghosts and subjugating ghosts, so he would attack him.

But even if he knew that they were not voluntary, Ji Yang had to kill them.

Because these ghosts are not exterminated, he may be the last to die.

"You are forced, and I am also forced by you, so let me free you."

Ji Yang thought of this, and the strange emotion in his heart dissipated.

The silver light of the black sword flickered, and a sword was swept out, and a ghost in front of him was swept into the body by the sword, and the ghost's whole body trembled.

The ghost who was swept by a sword saw a palm wrapped in flames enlarged in his eyes, and then the palm wrapped in flames fell on top of his head.

With Ji Yang's move, the mysterious fire palm fell, and the flame started from the top of the ghost's head and spread to the whole body of the ghost.

There was a miserable scream from the ghost's mouth, when the flames wrapped the ghost's whole body.

The miserable screams of the ghost stopped, and the body turned into ashes and disappeared.

The ghost was wiped out by Ji Yang, and the ghost was also freed.

Ji Yang followed the same method, and Taoism and immortality perfectly matched each other.

Xuanhuo Curse, Frost Curse, Palm Thunder and other Taoist arts were successively performed by Ji Yang, and the silver light on the black light sword rang out like a slight thunderous roar.

The ghosts disappeared without a trace accompanied by the miserable screams, and they were all relieved.

These ghosts have been raised by Bakun for more than ten years, or even decades.

Although he enslaves ghosts to do things for him, but after so many years of raising them, he must have feelings.

These ghosts are like Bakun's children.

Ji Yanggang killed his son Ba Tuo, and now he is beheading his ghost child. Ba Kun was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart.

When Ji Yang cut a ferocious ghost's body in half with one sword, Bakun couldn't go to the theater anymore.

The blood curse was cast, a drop of blood was smeared between the eyebrows, Bakun's aura rose sharply, and the already terrifying aura became even more terrifying.

Wisps of black and reddish air emerged from Bakun's body.


Ji Yang had killed half of the ghosts just now, and the rest of the ghosts disappeared before Ji Yang's eyes as Bakun retreated.

Suddenly losing the attack target, Ji Yang was taken aback when he saw Bakun's whole body glowing black and red.

A gust of fishy wind blew across his face, and Ji Yang felt a pain in his abdomen, and he flew straight five or six meters away.

"I wipe, this guy is too fast."

The fishy wind just now was Bakun, but the speed of the other party was too fast, Ji Yanggang saw the other party's movement, and the other party came in front of him.

Ji Yang didn't even have a chance to react, and was kicked away by Ba Kun.

Ji Yang fell heavily to the ground, his abdomen hurt, and his bones seemed to be falling apart.

But Ji Yang didn't dare to lie on the ground, because Ba Kun rushed over again.

Ji Yang jumped up from the ground and dodged to the side.

"Crack, boom!"

As soon as Ji Yang jumped up, one foot landed on the position where Ji Yang was lying on his stomach before.

Ba Kun didn't step on Ji Yang, and fell directly to the ground, the ground was cracked by his step.

A crack like a spider web spread, and half of Bakun's foot stepped into the ground.

This is a concrete floor, and it was cracked by Bakun's foot.

If Ji Yang hadn't dodged in time just now, it wouldn't be the ground that cracked, but Ji Yang's bones.

After missing one kick, Bakun narrowed his eyes and looked at Ji Yang.

Ji Yang is also paying attention to Bakun's movements at this time, in order to respond immediately.

Ba Kun looked at Ji Yang, and the eyes of the two met. Ji Yang's originally clear eyes instantly became dull.

The voice of calling rang in Ji Yang's ears, and Ji Yang approached Bakun with dull eyes.

The reason Ji Yang looked like this was because he was under Bakun's spirit drop.

Bakun is indeed the strongest existence among the head-subduing masters. He doesn't need any spells or any assistance. He unknowingly releases the spiritual surrender to Ji Yang with just a look.

"Come here, come here..."

Bakun murmured softly, looking at Ji Yang, who was walking towards him mechanically with dull eyes, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

His skinny right hand was bent into a claw, and he was going to use this hand to break Ji Yang's neck after Ji Yang approached him.

But when Ji Yang approached Bakun, Ji Yang's dull eyes suddenly turned cold.

The black sword in his hand stabbed towards Bakun fiercely.

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(End of this chapter)

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