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Chapter 282 The Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art Has No Effect

Chapter 282 The Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique Has No Effect (Third Watch)

Ji Yang's eyes changed, and a sword stabbed out. This scene made Bakun's face change.

Just now Ji Yangming was hit by Bakun's spirit drop, he was already under Bakun's control, but now he is sober.

Could it be that Ji Yang didn't have a spirit drop at all just now, he just pretended?

Ba Kun suspected that he was deceived by Ji Yang.

Ji Yang did lie to Bakun, but he was also really hit by the spirit drop.

In the beginning, Ji Yang was indeed approaching Bakun because of Bakun's spiritual control.

It's just that when he was approaching the opponent, he was awakened by the little dragon girl halfway.

The little dragon girl has the same soul as Ji Yang, and as soon as she found out that something was wrong with Ji Yang, she immediately communicated with her soul and awakened Ji Yang.

But even though Ji Yang was awake, he still pretended that he had been hit by a spirit drop, and approached Bakun with dull eyes.

He did this in order to follow his plan and prepare to attack Bakun when he was close to him.

The distance between Ji Yang and Bakun was very close, and at such a short distance, when Ji Yang stabbed out with his sword, it was impossible for Bakun to hide.

The sword was thrust out with great speed and strength, and he was planning to directly kill Bakun with the sword.

Bakun's strength is terrifying, and it is not easy to seize an opportunity.

So once he seizes the opportunity, Ji Yang will naturally display the strongest attack he can perform so far, trying to kill him with one move.


A sword pierced Bakun's heart fiercely. Ji Yang thought that this sword would definitely penetrate Bakun's body and pierce the opponent's heart.

But when Ji Yang's sword pierced Bakun's body, there was a slight crisp sound like a metal collision.

Ji Yang's black sword couldn't penetrate Bakun's body.

The black glow sword itself is very sharp, plus the strength of Ji Yang's stabbing.

Not to mention a human body, even if it is an iron plate, Ji Yang has the confidence to pierce it directly.

"Why is this guy's body so hard!"

Ji Yang was shocked, and looked at Bakun in disbelief.

Ba Kun looked at Ji Yang with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes at this time, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sneer.

From the first day Ba Kun became a head-down master, he would strengthen his body every day by soaking in medicinal baths and smearing his body with the prepared medicine.

This has been the case for decades, and now Bakun's body is completely comparable to copper skin and iron bones.

"Boy, you have some skills, but you think that you can kill me Bakun just like this, it's just a dream."

Ba Kun's mocking eyes changed, he stretched out his arm, and his clawed hand grabbed Ji Yang's chest.

Ji Yang's reaction speed was still very fast. When he saw the opponent's claws coming, he also quickly dodged.

But Ji Yang still couldn't avoid Bakun's claw, Bakun's claw grabbed Ji Yang's chest, and the clothes on Ji Yang's chest were directly torn.

The clothes were torn, and Ji Yang felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down at his chest, Ji Yang saw several scratches on his chest, and the scratches were bleeding black blood.

"Your hands are poisoned."

Ji Yang looked at Bakun, gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Bakun stuck out his tongue and licked his blood-stained fingers, and smiled coldly.

"I'm a head-down master."

This sentence is enough to answer Ji Yang's question.

Bakun is a head-down master, it's normal for him to have poison in his hands, but it would be strange if he didn't have poison.

The immortal energy in his body was circulating, and Ji Yang felt that the toxin was spreading from the wound to the whole body through the blood.

Feeling the spread of the toxin, Ji Yang immediately circulated the immortal energy in his body to force the toxin out of his body.

When the blood flowing from Ji Yang's wound turned from black to red, Ji Yang's expression relaxed, and the toxins in his body had been completely expelled.

Although Bakun's poison was strong, it was nothing compared to the immortal energy.

Ji Yang forced the poison out of his body, it was just a blink of an eye.

Bakun had been waiting to see how Ji Yang was tormented by the poison after he was poisoned.

But when Bakun saw that the blood on Ji Yang's chest had turned red, he frowned.

Bakun is very confident in his poison. Even though he just grabbed Ji Yang just now, the poison that penetrated into the opponent's body is enough to instantly poison a full-grown bull to death.

Ji Yang forced the poison out so quickly.

While forcing the poison out of the body, the wound on Ji Yang's body was also healing rapidly due to the effect of the immortal energy.

This Bakun has too many attack methods, Ji Yang doesn't want to be like a guinea pig, let the other party use it on him.

So he took the initiative to attack Bakun again, using the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, Ji Yang swung his sword and rushed towards Bakun.

Ji Yang didn't believe that with the power of the wind and thunder of the Nether Wind and Thunder swordsmanship, he could not be hurt.


Thunder rang, and Ji Yang slashed at Bakun's head with a sword.

Facing Ji Yang's sword, Bakun reached out and grabbed it directly. He was planning to use his fleshy palms to resist Ji Yang's black sword.

Although this Bakun's body can be called a copper-skinned and iron-skinned body, it is not a real copper-skinned and iron-skinned body after all.

At this time, Ji Yang's black sword was even more silvery, and the power of lightning filled the sword. The power of this sword was much greater than the power of the sword that stabbed Bakun just now.

Ji Yang's sword collided with Bakun's palm, and the power of lightning made Bakun's palm scorched black, and a burning smell wafted in the air.

Bakun's body visibly trembled. It seemed that the ghostly wind and thunder swordsmanship was effective against Bakun.

It's just that although this sword has an effect, Bakun doesn't seem to care.

Instead, he tightened his hand, grasped Ji Yang's sword, and let the lightning force from the black sword attack him.

"Hmph, this power of lightning is useless to me, Bakun."

Bakun snorted disdainfully, and yanked his hand holding the black sword, trying to snatch Ji Yang's black sword.

But just when Bakun was about to snatch Ji Yang's black sword, a white light shot towards Bakun's face.

This white light was Xiao Longnu, seeing Xiao Longnu shooting, Ba Kun let go of the sword, and then grabbed Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu's speed was fast and her body was flexible, it was impossible for Bakun to catch her in a hurry.

At this time, Ji Yang drew his sword and retreated, his eyes looked towards the place where Xiaolongnu and the two-headed black mamba were fighting first.

I saw a headless black snake lying there.

"Are you OK?"

Xiao Longnv came to Ji Yang's side, and asked worriedly.

"It's fine now, it's hard to say later, this guy is too strong, even the thunder and lightning power of Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art has no effect on him."

Ji Yang said in a somewhat helpless voice.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Xiao Longnv snorted disdainfully.

"It's not that the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art is ineffective against him, but that you are too weak to display the true power of the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art."

Although Xiao Longnu's words were not pleasant, they were true.

If he could display the true power of Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship, Bakun in front of him would have been killed by himself long ago.

However, in order to display the true power of the Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship, a large amount of immortal energy is needed.

The immortal energy in Ji Yang's body was simply not enough, even if he wanted to use the true power of Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art.

 Thank you Jingruo Xiaomeng for the reward, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, and reward
(End of this chapter)

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