The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2816 Jialie has completely fallen off the peak

Chapter 2816 Gabriel has completely fallen off the peak

"Second brother, why have you been fighting here for so long?"

The Lion Camel King and the Macaque King came to the side of the Jiao Demon King and the three of them, and at the same time they took action against Gabriel, they asked a casual question.

They are also eight-winged angels. The Lion Camel King, the Macaque King and Ji Yang are not as strong as the Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King, and Yu Tamarin King.

But now Sariel has been killed, but Gabriel is still alive. It is a normal response for the lion camel king and the macaque king who don't understand the actual situation to ask.

It's just that they asked normally, and the three Flood Demon Kings who were questioned were a little bit heartbroken.

"Fourth, fifth, I suddenly want to slap you."

"Didn't you find that he is more difficult to deal with than the Octopus you dealt with? His combat power is much stronger than the one whose head was cut off by Ji Yang just now."

Although it felt prickly, the Flood Demon King still answered them.

I was already depressed in my heart, so saying these words can be regarded as venting the sullenness in my heart.

The five great sages communicated with each other, while Gabriel's face was ugly, and his angry pupils were a little red.

In the entire heaven, Gabriel's combat effectiveness ranks among the top three, what an honor it is, and it is also because of this that he has developed a character of arrogance and arrogance, ignoring all opponents.

Gabriel fought against the three dragon demon kings by himself, although Gabriel's fight was not easy, but at least he did not fall off the peak, and he always took part of the initiative.

But luckily now, while the five great sages were talking to each other, Gabriel was still suppressed when they attacked him while being distracted. This made Gabriel a little unacceptable and felt ashamed.

"I am Archangel Gabriel, how could I lose to you guys!"

"Saint Yao!"

Even Sariel was the one who died fighting to the end. Gabriel had such an arrogant character, he would definitely fight to the end.

A golden light descended from the sky, enveloping Gabriel, and the eight wings behind his back emitted a faint golden light, and his aura increased a lot in an instant.

The Holy Brilliance Blade he held in his hand was even more golden at this time, and every time the knife was slashed, it brought a large piece of dazzling golden light, and the brilliant attack made people's eyes hurt.

"It is indeed much stronger than that guy just now. His combat power is really not comparable to that guy."

"So what, even if he is much stronger, my five brothers can't deal with him!"

Just listening to the Flood Demon King said, you won't feel anything.

Strong is a little bit, after all, it is hard to say how strong it is.

Only after the real confrontation did we know the real gap between the two.

But Ji Yang and the three joined forces to kill Sariel, and with the joint efforts of the five great sages, they can still kill Gabriel, they have this confidence.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Clang clang clang..."

The five great saints and Gabriel fought together, and no one could get close to them within a hundred meters of the battle circle.

This is also a tragic place for Gabriel. There are at least five people on the Jiao Demon King's side, and they still occupy a stable upper peak.

Although Gabriel's offensive became fiercer at this time, he was still alone after all. With the lessons learned from Sariel, Gabriel also hoped that someone could come to help him.

Many angels are also worried about Gabriel's situation, hoping to provide him with some help.

However, the strength of the fight between these two people is too strong, within a range of several hundred meters is the energy of their collision, if the strength is not enough, if you accidentally step into it, let alone help, you will die directly...

"Where did these guys come from, and why are they so powerful!"

The distance between Raguel, who is in the most optimistic situation, and Gabriel is not particularly far, that is, more than 1000 meters.

If he can rush over to help Gabriel at this time, Gabriel's situation will definitely improve.

But does he want to help Gabriel?Actually don't want to.

Raguel is known as the Avenger of God, and his duty is to monitor the good deeds of angels and punish and condemn angels who make mistakes.

Raguel is considered to be a friend of God, and some people call him a devil who "pretends to be a saint". Why is there a name of a devil that is completely opposite to an angel? Naturally, it has something to do with his duties, and his personality .

Raguel's temperament is very cold. It can be said that no one can order him except the Lord, and the same is true for Michael and Gabriel.

Therefore, his relationship with other archangels can be said to be the worst among the archangels. Other angels also respect, fear and loathe him. Who gave him the right to punish angels?

But regardless of his relationship with all the angels in heaven, in terms of strength, he is indeed very strong.

Among the seven archangels, besides Michael and Gabriel, it is him.

At this time, Raguel saw that Gabriel's situation was not good, but he didn't have a strong idea of ​​helping. Apart from personality reasons, one was that there were several abyss leaders in front of him, and the other was Gabriel's battle circle. Breath fluctuates.

With such strong breath fluctuations and energy ripples, even if he rushed in, he would be in danger of being injured.



"It's you, the guy who attacked Sariel just now and cut off his head with his own hands. Who are you?"

When Raguel paid attention to Gabriel's situation, he felt some changes in the breath around him.

The golden spear in his hand stabbed out, and then collided with a sudden sword. Looking at the owner of the sword, Raguel's eyes froze, and he spoke in a cold voice.

"The person who kills you is as big or small as you like, big!"

Ji Yang's expression was slightly disappointed, because he came out of stealth this time and did not cause any harm to Raguel.

This guy's reaction speed and sensory sensitivity are much better than Sariel's.

But he won't affect himself just because he is lost, his body becomes bigger as he wishes, and he attacks Raguel with his sword.

"Go together!"

The death knight leader Dangul, the Balrog leader Logue, the skeleton king Musangro, and the banshee leader Xinas were besieging Raguel. Ji Yang's sudden appearance surprised them too.

Fortunately, it didn't come for me. I don't have Raguire's sharp sense and reaction speed. If it came for me, I would probably be finished.

After the astonishment passed, Tangul reacted first, and rushed up riding the bone dragon under his crotch, and the others also reacted immediately and followed.

A new round of siege on Raguel begins now...

At the same time, Gabriel completely fell down the peak with one enemy and five defeats.

When King Yu Tamarin performed the great method of expelling gods, and when Gabriel's sacred aura was affected, Lion Camel King's Hundred Refined Heart Burning Knife instantly slashed across.

Gabriel raised the Holy Brilliance Blade to block the Hundred Refining Heart Burning Knife, and the Dragon Demon King's Soul Breaker Spear and Peng Demon King's golden halberd quickly thrust out, each piercing through one of Gabriel's shoulders.


Gabriel felt pain like never before, and screamed loudly.

The macaque king rushed forward with the wind, and Fenghuo Ruyi smashed Gabriel's back violently, and the flames rose from the Fenghuo Ruyi pestle, instantly igniting the eight wings on Gabriel's back...

(End of this chapter)

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