Chapter 2817 Gabriel

"Archangel Gabriel..."

The battle circle between Gabriel and the five great saints of the Peng Demon King is very eye-catching.

Gabriel's situation is not good, and many angels have seen it, but they can't help if they want to help.

At this time, seeing Gabriel being hit repeatedly by the five great saints, and the eight wings on the back were ignited again, they all cried out in surprise.

Compared with Sariel, Gabriel's injury hit the angels harder, after all, Gabriel's strength and status lie there.

If even he is defeated, should we continue to fight today's battle?
This is the thought that appeared in the hearts of all the angels at the same time.

"I will not fail here, Shengyao Halo!"

Being able to become one of the three powerful men in heaven, Gabriel's strength is unquestionable, and his achievements today are not achieved by arrogance.

His wings, like other angels, are the source of strength. His wings were burned by the flames of Fenghuo Ruyi. He was in great pain and his breath began to weaken.

If this continues, he will lose his fighting power very quickly.

But he did not wait for death, but chose to resist. The sacred aura surged out of his body, and a halo like water waves shone on his body. The eight wings on his back spread out, and under the spread of the halo, the flames on the wings were extinguished. up.

Although the flames were extinguished, his eight-winged feathers had been scorched black, and his whole person didn't look as sacred as before, but rather miserable.

"To be so embarrassed by you, I, Gabriel, swear to the Lord that today I will use your blood to wash away this shame and make you pay a heavy price for blaspheming angels!"

The flames went out, and Gabriel's aura became much worse than before.

The pain from the wings made his expression a bit hideous.

Although he extinguished the flame, he was still injured, and he felt a great shame.

Every word he uttered seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. Looking into the eyes of the five Flood Demon Kings, it seemed that there was anger burning. He was really angry at this moment.

Just seeing him like this and hearing the anger that he couldn't understand but could feel, the five members of the Flood Demon King all had a sneer on their faces.

"Hmph, it's already like this, you still want to make waves, even if you can, I can calm you down!"

"Brothers, come on!"

The Jiao Demon King said coldly, pointing at Gabriel with the soul-splitting gun in his hand, and the five saints rushed towards Gabriel together.

"Come... the Wrath of the Archangel"

Gabriel looked at the five great sages rushing fiercely, his scorched eight wings fanned, and he went up to the five great sages.

The aura on his body is increasing crazily, surpassing Gabriel's peak state in normal times in the blink of an eye.

The Archangel's Wrath, also known as the Archangel's Desperation, is a way to self-destruct and improve one's cultivation.

There are benefits, but the price is also heavy, because after using the wrath of the archangel, his strength will drop to the level of a four-winged angel, and even if his strength improves later, it can only reach the level of a seraph.

This is a move that no archangel would choose to use unless he is in a desperate situation.

But Gabriel chose to use this tactic for the sake of humiliation and victory over the five great saints.

He has already given up all his strength, as long as he can kill the five great sages, let alone self-destructive cultivation, he is willing to exchange his life for his life.

"Shengyao Slash!"

The improvement of breath is only to improve one's own strength, but it is not enough.

He wants to use his surged strength to unleash a more powerful attack.

The blade of Shengyao waved repeatedly, and golden blades that tore through the air flew out one after another, covering an extremely wide blade net, which completely enveloped the five saints.

"This guy is going to fight to the death, everyone be careful."

"It's just the last counterattack before death. We are afraid that he will fail. Look at me, yell..."

The Peng Demon King reminded everyone to be careful. The lion camel king grinned disdainfully, his body instantly became bigger, and he became his true self in the blink of an eye.

A majestic giant lion appeared, and the lion's mouth sucked wildly, and it sucked all the sword shadows that flew into its mouth.


Inhaling all the sword shadows into his stomach, the Lion Camel King hiccupped, and then changed back into a human form.

While patting his stomach, feeling unsatisfied, he still said: "It tastes good, but there is too little!"

Luckily, Gabriel didn't understand what he said, otherwise Gabriel would have been under a lot of psychological shadow.

The knife shadow I cut out was actually swallowed, which is already very depressing, okay?

"Halo of Holy Glory!"

The knife shadow was swallowed, and he was depressed, but Gabriel would not give up just yet.

I even unleashed the wrath of the archangel, and I wanted to do my best, and I didn't fail until the moment I died in battle.

A golden halo appeared above Gabriel's head, and Gabriel's momentum became a little stronger.

The wrath of the archangel is to enhance strength, and the halo of holy glory has the ability to strengthen the body, and there is another effect, that is, healing.

With one against five, even with his current state, Gabriel knew it was impossible to completely defeat the opponent.

So he didn't push it too hard, but cast the halo of sacred glory, which has a healing effect, so that he can ensure that his wounds can heal quickly in the next fight.

The moment the halo of holy glory appeared, the five Peng Demon Kings had already arrived in front of Gabriel.

A new fight begins.

Whether it is the wrath of the archangel or the halo of holy glory, Gabriel is not in vain. At this time, his combat power has soared.

With one against five, they didn't even fall below. The cutting speed and power of the Shengyao Blade are more than one layer stronger than before.

"This guy's fighting is so strong!"

The five Jiao Demon Kings fought against Gabriel at this time, and their expressions gradually became serious.

The previous sense of ease has disappeared at this moment.

They felt that Gabriel had become stronger, but they didn't expect him to be so strong in an instant. It was a bit surprising that he could still maintain an undefeated state with one against five.

"Second brother, the five of us join hands, if we still can't kill him, we will have no face to go back to Huaxia!"

The five Jiao Demon Kings are not only the great demon kings of the demon clan, but also well-known characters in the Three Realms of China.

But if we were here today, five people joining forces would not be as good as one Gabriel, it would be a shame.

"We must not lose face, the truth!"

For the sake of face, Gabriel even used the Wrath of the Archangel. The five saints are also people who want face, and they also do not allow themselves to fail.

Since Gabriel cannot be defeated in the human form, it will become the truth.

King Yu Tamarin first became the real one, and a huge monkey appeared, pushing Gabriel with one palm.


Gabriel looked at King Yu Tamarin who had turned into a big monkey, and when he looked stunned, he raised the blade of Shengyao to block it.

This time, he blocked King Yu Tamarin's palm, but his body was still shaken and flew backwards...

(End of this chapter)

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