The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 284 I'm still the best

Chapter 284 I'm still the best (one more)
Following the first lightning strike on Bakun's body, several lightning strikes fell on him.

With Bakun's strength, it might be possible to withstand one or two thunderbolts.

But with more than a dozen lightning strikes on his body in a row, Bakun couldn't resist it.

Bakun's whole body was scorched black by lightning, and he lay on the ground unwillingly.

At this moment, he seemed to be roasted, his whole body exuded a burnt smell, and black air rose from his body.

Bakun was already dead, struck to death by lightning.

Looking at the dead Bakun, Ji Yang smiled triumphantly, then closed his eyes, and lay down on the ground as well.

Borrowed fairy energy is borrowed after all.

Although the combination of Xiao Longnu's and Ji Yang's immortal energy is enough to fully display the power of the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique.

But it was just a forced display. At this time, both Xiaolongnv and Ji Yang felt as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

As soon as Bakun died, the surrounding wind suddenly stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. They also fainted because the immortal energy in their bodies was exhausted.

At the same time as Ji Yang fainted, there was a burst of intensive footsteps.

Liu Shuyan rushed over with Lu Zhanxing, Lu Xue and a group of policemen.

They were very surprised to see Bakun whose whole body was scorched black by lightning and could hardly be distinguished.

While surprised by Bakun, Liu Shuyan quickly walked to Ji Yang's side.

After Liu Shuyan checked Ji Yang and found that he was just unconscious, his heart was relieved.

He took out a porcelain bottle from his bosom, poured out a elixir and fed it to Ji Yang.

He ordered two policemen to send Ji Yang to the hospital.

After Ji Yang was sent away, Liu Shuyan carefully observed Bakun.

Although Bakun was basically invisible after being struck by lightning, some features could still be seen vaguely.

Liu Shuyan frowned. He felt that this Bakun should have seen it in Xuanzu's database, but he couldn't be sure who it was.

"Take the corpses of these people back, and find someone to restore his appearance immediately."

Liu Shuyan ordered decisively, and the surrounding police also took action...


The immortal energy in his body was exhausted due to the Nether Wind and Thunder swordsmanship.

Ji Yang was in a coma for three days, and Ji Yang opened his eyes leisurely in the morning three days later.

With a soft moan, Ji Yang looked around.

"You're really good. You slept for three days at once."

As soon as Ji Yang opened his eyes, he saw the little dragon girl coiled around his head.

Xiao Longnv was eating potato chips, when she saw Ji Yang wake up, she said with a bit of sarcasm.

"I actually slept for three days. You must have woken up early. It seems that your dragon clan's recovery ability is strong."

Ji Yang looked at Xiao Longnu and said softly.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnu stopped eating potato chips, her eyes changed slightly, but she didn't speak.

If Xiaolongnv was a person now, Ji Yang would definitely see her blushing.

In fact, Xiao Longnu only woke up more than two hours earlier than Ji Yang.

The reason why she knew that Ji Yang had been in a coma for three days was also through other people's mouths.

While Ji Yang was talking to Xiao Longnv, the door of the ward was pushed open.

"Ji Yang, you finally woke up, do you know how worried Zixuan and I were during the three days you were in a coma."

The people who pushed the door in were Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan. The two women seemed to be in a bad state of mind.

Ji Yang was in a coma for three days, but he didn't know about his personnel, but he worried Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin a lot.

For the past three days, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin have been taking care of Ji Yang here.

It's no wonder that the two women's mental state is good after three days of not being able to rest well.

"Sorry for worrying you."

Ji Yang looked at the red and swollen eyes of Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin. Not only did the two girls not rest well in the past three days, it seemed that they had shed tears.

Although Ji Yang just woke up, the immortal energy in his body has fully recovered, and his whole body has also fully recovered.

Now that he's awake, the two girls are so haggard from taking care of themselves.

Ji Yang let the two girls sleep on the bed and took care of them himself.

The hospital had checked Ji Yang before, and his body was indeed fine, but his body was relatively weak.

The two women also knew that Ji Yang's physical strength was far superior to that of ordinary people. Seeing that he was completely fine now, and that the two women were indeed very tired, they listened to Ji Yang's words and lay down on the hospital bed.

Lying on the hospital bed, the two girls fell asleep quickly.

"Hey, the two of them have really worked hard these two days."

Looking at Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin who had quickly fallen asleep, Ji Yang said with a sigh.

Shortly after the two women fell asleep, the door of the ward was pushed open again.

Ji Yang looked at the people who entered the ward, it turned out to be Liu Shuyan, Lu Zhanxing and Lu Xue.

As soon as the three of them entered the ward, seeing that Ji Yang had woken up, their expressions changed.

Especially Liu Shuyan laughed.

"Hahaha, Ji Yang, it's great that you finally woke up, I um..."

When Liu Shuyan finished speaking halfway, his mouth was covered with his hand.

The person covering Liu Shuyan with his hand was Ji Yang. Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin had just fallen asleep, and Liu Shuyan was speaking quite loudly.

Ji Yang was afraid that he would disturb the two girls who were sleeping, so he covered his mouth with his hand, and at the same time signaled him to look at the hospital bed with his eyes.

Liu Shuyan looked a little embarrassed, and then took Ji Yang's hand away.

"Sorry, I was happy for a while and forgot to think about them."

"Your boy is really happy. They are good girls. They took care of you when you were unconscious. They must be very tired."

Liu Shuyan looked at Ji Yang enviously, and said softly.

Both Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin want to have good looks and family background, they are super white and rich.

It is enviable to have one of the two girls.

Now Ji Yang has two at once, and the two women are so kind to Ji Yang, even a man would be envious.

Hearing what Liu Shuyan said, Ji Yang looked down at the two women who were sleeping very well, with a gentle smile on his face.

Being able to have them, Ji Yang also feels very happy.

Liu Shuyan didn't come here to see Ji Yang basking in happiness, let alone to envy Ji Yang.

He came here to see if Ji Yang is awake, if he is awake, he has something to talk to him about.

"Ji Yang, do you know who died at your hands that night?"

When it came to business, Liu Shuyan's expression also became serious.

"Isn't he just a very powerful head-down master, whose name seems to be Ba Kun."

Ji Yang shook his head and said what he knew.

Bakun was the strongest head lowering master in Southeast Asia 50 years ago. As for his information, Xuanzu's database naturally has it.

Seeing that Ji Yang didn't know Bakun's real identity yet, Liu Shuyan told Ji Yang the details of Bakun.

Ji Yang was also surprised when he heard that Bakun was actually the strongest head lowering master in Southeast Asia.

He just knew that Bakun was very powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

But no matter how strong he was when he was alive, he still died by his own hands.

So Ji Yang felt that he was the best.

 The first update, thank you for your support, the company’s affairs have recently begun to decrease, and it is expected that there will be a small outbreak next week, asking for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards

(End of this chapter)

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