The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 285 Is This 3 Gu Thatched Cottage

Chapter 285 Is This the Three Visits to Thatched Cottage?

When Liu Shuyan was talking about Bakun's true identity, his eyes were always observing the changes in his expression.

He was a little surprised to see Ji Yang at first, but soon calmed down. Seeing Ji Yang's calm expression at this moment, Liu Shuyan secretly praised him.

"It's rare to have such a mind at such an age."

When Liu Shuyan secretly praised Ji Yang, how could he know that this was simply an illusion.

In fact, Ji Yang is very proud of himself, if the immortal energy in his body is strong, he will definitely fly now.

After a burst of complacency, Ji Yang also calmed down.

Although his xinxing is not as strong as Liu Shuyan thought, but compared to many of his peers, he is still much stronger.

After talking about Bakun, Liu Shuyan began to ask Ji Yang how he is now, is there any discomfort, whether he needs help, and the organization that needs it will solve his difficulties...

"I thank you for your concern, but I really have nothing to do, and I don't need your help."

"If there's nothing else, I still have to take care of my woman, so I won't accompany you."

With Liu Shuyan's strength, as soon as he feels Ji Yang's breath, he can feel that Ji Yang's physical condition is very good at this time, but he still asks if Ji Yang's body is still in good condition.

Liu Shuyan was playing tricks with himself, playing bureaucratic accents, completely in the attitude of a leader condolences to the hard-working people.

This guy obviously had other things to say, but he spent a long time talking to him, Ji Yang simply issued an order to evict the guest, he didn't have the heart to watch Liu Shuyan play tricks with him.

Liu Shuyan froze at Ji Yang's order to chase away the guests, and then smiled bitterly.

Having been the leader of the Dangxuan group for a long time, Liu Shuyan had unknowingly contracted the habit of talking in an official tone.

Usually, when facing his subordinates, he would hit him with an official accent, but Ji Yang was not his subordinate, so he didn't want to listen to his nonsense.

Ji Yang's current attitude can be put in simple and rough terms, that is, speak up quickly, let go of farts quickly, and be an asshole if you have nothing to do.

"Ji Yang, you have made great contributions to this mission. After being a drug lord, Bakun sent a large amount of drugs to Huaxia, causing countless families to be ruined..."

Why does this sound like an official statement, so why can't we just get to the point?

Ji Yang really had heard enough, with obvious impatience on his face, he said directly: "Stop nagging, I'm tired of listening, just say what you want, you're okay bastard, if you If I wake up my woman, I won't be polite."

The three of Liu Shuyan are all members of the Mysterious Group, and they are all ancient warriors, and Liu Shuyan is an ancient warrior of the late Xuan stage.

Ba Kun can be called the strongest head-down master in Southeast Asia, and his strength is so terrifying that Liu Shuyan and the three of them can't handle it together.

But Bakun was killed by Ji Yang, and he was beaten like a roast pig by lightning.

Seeing that Ji Yang was really angry, they didn't want to become like a roast pig like Bakun.

Liu Shuyan changed the subject, and got to the point with a straight face.

"You have contributed the most to this operation, and the organization hopes that you can join the mysterious group."

"And the organization has issued an order, as long as you are willing to join the mysterious group, you can become the deputy leader of the group."

The last time Ji Yang was recruited was entirely Liu Shuyan's personal idea.

This time, the organization wanted to recruit Ji Yang, and directly gave Ji Yang the position of deputy team leader.

This treatment is quite generous.

Liu Shuyan has been in the Xuan group for more than ten years, and has made countless achievements. In addition, his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Xuan class, so he became the group leader recently.

Back then, in order to become the deputy team leader of the team, Liu Shuyan performed several dangerous missions and almost lost his life.

Thinking back to when he was looking at Ji Yang today, Liu Shuyan couldn't help being jealous of him.

But when he thinks that Ji Yang even killed Bakun, although no one knows exactly how he killed Bakun.

But if they are killed, they are killed. For the people in the Xuan group, as long as they live to complete the task, this is the most important thing.

Even the organization's attitude towards Xuanzu is the same, as long as it doesn't violate the principles and mistakes, you can use whatever method you want, as long as the mission is successful.

To organize such a decision, it is obvious that Ji Yang's strength is valued, and he has seen his potential.

How old is Ji Yang, only twenty.

At such an age, with such strength, his future achievements are simply limitless.

The organization values ​​Ji Yang so much, as long as Ji Yang joins the Xuan Group, Liu Shuyan even feels that the future leader of the Xuan Group is likely to be the other party.

"Should he not refuse this time?"

The bargaining chip given by the organization is not small, Liu Shuyan thinks that Ji Yang will definitely agree to join the mysterious group this time.

But Ji Yang shook his head, and then said loudly.

"You thank the organization for me, thank the organization for looking up to me, Ji Yang, but I don't want to join the mysterious group."

"I don't want to be restrained, but if you have something to do in the future, I will still help you if you can."

"Ah... I'm actually sleepy, I'm going to sleep with my wife, the three of you, go slowly."

Ji Yang yawned, and he was actually lying on the hospital bed, with the two girls upstairs looking as if they were going to sleep.

He had obviously been asleep for three days, and just woke up, saying that he was still sleepy.

Even pigs can't sleep like that.

Ji Yang's attitude completely means that he doesn't want to discuss this topic any more.

His attitude made Liu Shuyan and the others look a little unnatural.

This time, it was the intention of the organization, and it also offered a lot of bargaining chips, but Ji Yang refused so resolutely and decisively.

"Ji Yang, do you really stop thinking about it?"

Liu Shuyan frowned and looked at Ji Yang, asking with some expectation in his eyes.

But Ji Yang didn't speak at all this time, he just put his arms around the two girls, closed his eyes, and snored lightly from his nose.

The three of Liu Shuyan knew that Ji Yang was definitely not asleep.

But now he didn't even say a word, Liu Shuyan sighed helplessly, looking very disappointed.

Then he signaled to Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing to let them leave the ward with each other.

When the three left the ward, Ji Yang also opened his eyes.

Ji Yang frowned, he didn't know if his choice was right, anyway, he didn't seem to be restricted by others.

The Great Sage Monkey King is good enough, but once he is put on a golden hoop, he has to be restrained everywhere.

Anyway, if I don't join the Xuan Group, if someone endangers China, the Xuan Group needs Ji Yang, and Ji Yang will definitely stand up.

Just when Ji Yang was thinking about whether what he did was right or wrong, Liu Shuyan who had gone out actually came back again.

Seeing Liu Shuyan came back again, Ji Yang was really helpless, he had refused twice, and he still came!
What is this for, three visits to thatched cottage?
But now it is not the Three Kingdoms, Liu Shuyan is not Liu Bei, and he is not Zhuge Liang.

"I said, I will join the mysterious group if I don't join."

When Ji Yang saw Liu Shuyan, he said directly with some displeasure.

Liu Shuyan ignored Ji Yang's attitude, and directly took out a certificate from his pocket and handed it to Ji Yang.

 Thanks for the rewards from Hanshu and others, thank you for your monthly ticket support, recommendation support, Xieben strives to make the writing more exciting
(End of this chapter)

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