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Chapter 2848 Thoroughly control the eastern region

Chapter 2848 Thoroughly control the eastern region
"I say it one last time, the angel's oath!"

The Lord was trapped in the Haotian Tower by Ji Yang, and this was his big bargaining chip.

Although Galer and other angels have sworn with the angel's oath, even if Ji Yang killed the Lord, they would not dare to resist themselves.

But in heaven, there are still some angels guarding heaven, so the Lord still has value to use.

"Ah ah ah..."

He took out the Haotian Tower and ignited the flames in the Haotian Tower. The Lord struggled and screamed in the flames. Hearing the shrill screams, the expressions of the angels like Gale who had pledged their allegiance to Ji Yang changed drastically.

Although they followed Ji Yang, they still had feelings for the Lord.

They didn't want to see the Lord suffer, but they didn't dare to speak at this moment, because they had sworn to follow Ji Yang.

"Master... Lord... Lord..."

The situation of the Lord made Ossi and other angels startled, and after hearing the screams of the Lord, they wanted the Savior to come out.

But before they got close to Haotian Tower, they were stopped by Han Ye, Huang Fengguai and others.

The dozen or so angels rushing to the front were instantly killed on the spot.

Sometimes, seeing blood is inevitable, but at this time, one should not be too lenient.

It is necessary to make the other party fear, not only the angels such as Ossie, but even the angels of Galar must be clear.

Ji Yang was able to lead them not only because of the threat of using the master, but also because Ji Yang also had the strength to kill them at any time.

What Ji Yang wants is a group of angels who are truly loyal to him, not just because of the Lord.

Otherwise, doesn't it mean that these angels are still loyal to the Lord?

"Ah ah ah..."

"Oxi, don't waste your efforts in vain. You will not be able to save the Lord from the new Lord. Swear, otherwise both you and the Lord will die immediately."

"Swear, swear quickly..."

Angels such as Galer still miss their old love.

They couldn't bear to watch their former partner die in vain, so they reminded Oxi and other angels to pledge their allegiance to Ji Yang.

"No, you traitors, we must be the savior, we must be the savior!"

Perhaps because they hadn't personally experienced the previous battle between hell and angels, they didn't know the horror of Ji Yang and others.

It may also be because of the loyalty to the Lord from the depths of the soul, facing the kind reminders from Galer and others, the angels such as Ossie did not appreciate it at all.

Under Oxi's loud statement, hundreds of angels continued to rush towards Ji Yang and the others.

"I like your loyal attitude very much, but your loyalty is to him, not me, so you can't stay."

"Galal, they are handed over to you."

Yes, Ji Yang is very optimistic about the integrity of the angels such as Ouxi, but he hopes that this integrity is for himself.

But now, Ouxi and the others only think about the Lord, and only want to swear allegiance to the death, so Ji Yang will not keep them.

Killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, Oxi and others in front of them can only use their deaths to warn other angels who have not yet loyal to themselves, the price of not listening to their own words is death.

"Follow my order...Oxi, don't blame me, ah..."

Galer had no choice at all, he had sworn with the angel's oath, and he felt that he could not go against Ji Yang.

At this time, there are no friends in front of him, but only enemies.

Galer moved, and he moved first after hearing Ji Yang's order.

Fanning the six wings behind him, his body quickly rushed in front of Oxi, who had no weapons, and a sword passed through the opponent's body.

"Uh...Galal, you traitor! You have violated your oath to the Lord and betrayed heaven."

These are the last words Ossie said to Garal before he died.

Hearing his words, Garrell bit his lips, but he didn't say anything, but his eyes became fierce.

Killing his former companion with his own hands, at this moment, he has completely nothing to do with the former heaven. He is now only the acting deputy head of the Jiuli Angel Legion.

"Kill them, anyone who disrespects the new master, kill!"

Pointing at the other angels with the long sword in his hand, Galel yelled and rushed towards the other angels.

At the same time, hundreds of angels flew out of the angels who had already pledged their allegiance to Ji Yang, rushing towards the opposite angel.

Previously, they had already missed an opportunity to perform in front of Ji Yang, and they couldn't miss it this time.

Looking at the two groups of angels who could almost kill each other, Ji Yang was expressionless.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, what he did at this time was a bit cruel.

But in order to make all the angels absolutely loyal to him, he had to do some cruel things.

Those who achieve great things will eventually choose some people to sacrifice, which has been the case since ancient times.

After all the angels who refused to be loyal to Ji Yang were killed by Galer and other angels, Ji Yang nodded in satisfaction.

"Galel, each of them will record a credit, and afterward assign each of them a position to lead a part of the angels."

Opportunities don't come every time.

But if someone can seize the opportunity, Ji Yang will not be stingy.

He once again told all the angels with his actions that as long as he obeys his orders and shows absolute loyalty to himself, what he can get from him is far more than following the previous master.

There must be threats, but there must also be temptations.

"Thank you my lord... thank you my lord... thank you my lord..."

After hearing Ji Yang's words, all the angels who started their hands cried out excitedly.

They were thankful for what they did, and at this moment they realized that following Ji Yang was actually a good choice.

And those angels who didn't do anything, although they didn't disobey Ji Yang's order, they realized that they missed the opportunity again.

Looking at Garrell and the excited angels, they were deeply stimulated.

They told themselves in their hearts that they must not miss the next opportunity, and that they would be the first to rush forward when Ji Yang gave any order...

The angels guarding heaven are located in the four regions of heaven, southeast, north and south respectively.

Except for the eastern region, the angels in the other three regions are not under Ji Yang's jurisdiction, and he did not rush to other regions to accept the ideas of other angels.

But Ji Yang must keep all the angels in the eastern region for his own use.

He gave Garrell an order, that is to be willing to serve Zhongliu, the rebels, Ossi and other dead angels, who are the role models of those rebellious angels.

After setting an example, the other angels, who already felt remorseful and had ideas, volunteered to find other angels after learning of Ji Yang's order.

That is to say, in one day, there was no objection to Ji Yang in the entire eastern part of the heaven, because the angels who opposed it had already lost their souls.

The number of angels who agreed to be loyal to Ji Yang also reached [-].

"It's time to choose a suitable person to manage all the angels and become the head of the Jiuli Angel Legion."

It only took one day to completely control the eastern part of Heaven. If Satan and the others knew about such an efficient speed, they would definitely be surprised.

At the same time, he is also considering who is suitable to be the head of the Jiuli Angel Legion...

(End of this chapter)

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