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Chapter 2849 I just like being the hands-off shopkeeper

Chapter 2849 I just like being the hands-off shopkeeper
"This paradise doesn't look very good, and the smell makes me uncomfortable, but this wine is pretty good."

"The taste is a bit astringent, but also a little sweet. Overall it's okay, but the alcohol content is a bit low. After drinking so much, I don't feel like I'm drunk at all."

"Ji Yang, you don't drink, what are you thinking there?"

After a great battle, the generous reward Ji Yang received was completely unexpected.

The entire western mortal world, the eastern region of heaven, such a large territory, although Ji Yang wanted to get it, he didn't expect it to be in this way.

For the celebration after the war, everyone simply chose to be in heaven, drinking the fine wine of heaven, and eating the delicious food of heaven, this feeling is quite enjoyable.

It's just that when everyone was having a good time drinking and eating, seeing Ji Yang's pensive look made people a little curious.

Things in heaven have come to an end, now is the time to relax and enjoy.

"I'm thinking, who should take care of the [-] angels of the Jiuli Angel Legion."

Ji Yang took a sip of the wine in his glass and said in a deep voice to everyone.

His expression was very serious, without any sense of joking.

Ji Yang is telling everyone with his own attitude that he is seriously considering this matter, not just joking and thinking about it.

"What you are talking about is nonsense. The [-] angels of the Jiuli Angel Legion belong to you. Of course you are in charge. Why don't you let me take care of it?"

Hearing this, Cain gave Ji Yang a supercilious look, and said with a smile.

Although everyone has contributed to helping Abyss and Purgatory against Heaven, whoever gets the final reward, as long as it is not distributed, it will be Ji Yang's, and everyone has reached this tacit agreement.

"I want you to take care of it, but do you think you are suitable?"

The west is originally the territory of Cain and Mutu. If it is possible, it is indeed the most suitable for Cain and Mutu to manage it.

But the point is, they don't work at all.

Cain and Mutu are powerful, but their own attributes are all dark attributes restrained by the sacred breath.

Let them stay in heaven to rule over [-] angels, isn't that cheating the two of them.

"Cough, when I didn't say it."

Cain coughed dryly twice at what Ji Yang said, and then took a sip of wine on his own.

Indeed, even if the eastern part of heaven and the [-] angels were given to Cain for free, Cain would not want it, because it would be harmful rather than beneficial to him.

Cain's appearance made everyone amused, but no one continued to tease him.

"Cain, Mutu, and the Dark Night Alliance are the local forces of the West. You know more about the situation in the West than we do, so I think that the management of the mortal world in the West should be handed over to you. I don't think everyone will have it." Opinion."

"General, Queen, if the two of you are willing, you can also bring your tribe to the west, and manage the west together with Cain and Mutu."

Cain was embarrassed, and Ji Yang continued to speak.

Although it is not appropriate for heaven to be managed by Cain, there is absolutely no problem in the mortal world.

Moreover, Ji Yang also thought of the general and the queen.

The members of the Houqing Corpse Clan had already arrived in the west a long time ago, and it would be very appropriate for Houqing to manage the West together.

The members of the General Corpse Clan do not move freely in China on weekdays, but if they come to the West, it will be different.

In the west now, Ji Yang has the final say, the generals bring their clansmen to live here, isn't it very relaxing and comfortable.

"My people are already in the west. I think your proposal is feasible."

"Bringing the clansmen here, although it takes some time to adapt to the environment, but there are many worries, and what's more, I think it's okay."

Cain and Mutu had no objection at all, and now Cain and Hou Qing also agreed.

As for the others, although Ji Yang didn't let them manage the West, everyone has no objection. They already have their own forces, and they are quite comfortable working in their respective territories.

There is no need to rush to manage the Western Mortal World.

Ji Yang originally considered who would lead the [-] angels of the Jiuli Angel Legion, but the candidate was not confirmed, and he decided to allocate the management of the Western Mortal World first.

The generals and queens, plus the dark night alliance of Cain and Mutu, these are three forces.

So after a brief discussion among the people, the western mortal world was divided into three parts.

But everyone also said that although the west is divided into three parts of the world, and they are under the control of several generals, the real ruler must be Ji Yang.

Therefore, this so-called three-point world is only managed on behalf of others.

"I do not mind."

"I don't mind either."

The general minister and the queen minister had no objection to this decision, and spoke first one after another.

Cain and Mutu seemed to have other ideas, but they finally nodded and said "agree".

"Although everyone has said that I am the real ruler of the mortal world in the West, but I am also a name, and I will never participate in your management at ordinary times, because we are friends, not masters and servants."

"Unless the three of you do not maintain peace, or one of the parties does something particularly outrageous, I will never participate."

To be honest, Ji Yang didn't care whether he was the real ruler of the Western mortal world or not.

He is not a person who likes rights very much, he advocates freedom more.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even do the three-point thing about the West.

What Ji Yang said at this time is also reassuring Cain and others, that is, the relationship between them is just friends, not superiors and subordinates.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, no matter whether it was the general and Houqing, or Cain and Mutu, there were obvious emotional fluctuations on their faces.

After all, their identities are not ordinary. Three are the corpse kings of Huaxia, and one is the ancestor of werewolves. Who wants to be someone's subordinate.

If Ji Yang hadn't said these words, even if everyone knew well that the relationship between them was not master and servant, they would still have that illusion.

"The mortal world in the west has been handed over to Hou Qing and the four of them, so who should take care of this heaven and the Jiuli Angel Legion?"

"I just like to be in charge of my hands. I'd rather one of you help me share this kind of worry."

With an expression that he didn't want to be beaten, Ji Yang once again brought up the matter of managing the heaven and the Jiuli Angel Legion to everyone.

This kind of good thing, generally speaking, should be competing with each other.

But the people in front of Ji Yang were not ordinary people, and none of them spoke, but they all looked indifferent, which made Ji Yang very worried.

"The five great saints are not suitable, they all have their own influence, and none of them are in the West."

"Yellow wind monster and scorpion spirit? Let's forget it. Although they are close friends, it is more appropriate to stay in Huaxia."

"There's also Chi You...not suitable, not suitable..."

No one volunteered, so Ji Yang could only think alone.

After comparing the suitable people in front of him and eliminating the unsuitable candidates, Ji Yang finally locked on one person.

"Han Ye, you don't need to follow me from now on, just stay here and help me manage the Jiuli Angel Legion."

The person Ji Yang chose in the end was Han Ye who was very loyal to him...

(End of this chapter)

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