The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 293 The Healing Methods Provided by the Underworld

Chapter 293 The Healing Methods Provided by the Underworld (Three Shifts)

JE is not an incurable disease, but it is difficult to treat.

Even if it is cured, there is still a high probability of sequelae.

The death rate of extremely severe Japanese encephalitis is very high, and it is very difficult to cure, otherwise Huang Tian's son would not be cured for so long.

Facing Ji Deming's suspicion, Ji Yang did not show any displeasure, but smiled confidently.

"Confidence is not based on thinking, but on doing. I believe I can."

"Let's go, let's go see the child's condition."

Ji Yang looked at Huang Tian and said something, then walked out of the hospital, Huang Tian followed excitedly.

Although I don't know if Ji Yang can cure his son, but it is always good to have hope.

Although the Guyue community is just an ordinary community, it has an excellent location.

The greening and security inside the community are also in place, so the housing price itself is not low, and Huang Tian's home is here.

Huang Tian and his wife, Xiuju, both had good jobs, but since their child got Japanese encephalitis, the two of them have no intention of working.

Xiuju has already resigned to take care of the children at home, Huang Tian may be fired at any time because of several mistakes at work.

An originally happy and warm family was basically ruined because of the problematic vaccine.

As soon as he walked into Huang Tian's house, Ji Yang saw a middle-aged woman hugging a little boy and crying.

The little boy's eyes were closed tightly, a wooden stick was stuffed in his mouth, and his body was twitching uncontrollably.

"Huang Tian, ​​Shunzi has fallen ill again."

This middle-aged woman is Huang Tian's wife, Xiu Ju, and the little boy in his arms is Huang Tian's son, Huang Shun.

Seeing Huang Tian come back at this moment, Xiu Ju who was hugging Huang Shun sobbed and said.

After Huang Shun fell ill, his symptoms looked a bit like epilepsy.

The wooden stick he was biting in his mouth was afraid that he would bite his tongue when he twitched.

Looking at the twitching Huang Shun, Huang Tian had a painful expression.

"Doctor Ji, please save my Shunzi."

Huang Tian looked at Ji Yang with a painful face, and actually knelt down on the ground.

Ji Yang didn't expect Huang Tian to be like this, but he still supported Huang Shun before he knelt down on the ground.

"I'm a doctor. It's my duty to save people and treat diseases. You don't have to do that."

"Let me see the baby."

Ji Yang helped Huang Tian up and walked directly to Huang Shun's side.

Seeing the twitching Huang Shun, Ji Yang took out a few silver needles from his bosom.

Ji Yang stuck the silver needle in the left and right depressions on the back of Huang Shun's neck. This is the Anmian point, also known as the sleeping point.

An Mian point was pierced by Ji Yang, and Huang Shun quickly calmed down, but his eyes were still closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Seeing Huang Shun who had calmed down in her arms, Xiuju's expression was a little shocked.

Although she saw Ji Yang and Huang Tian coming in at the same time just now, because Huang Shun was ill, she didn't have time to greet Ji Yang in the future.

Seeing Ji Yang use the silver needle to calm Huang Shun at this time, she asked Ji Yang's identity.

After learning that Ji Yang is the doctor who came to treat Huang Shun, Xiuju was very excited.

Xiuju begged Ji Yang to cure Huang Shun well, as long as Huang Shun could be cured, she was willing to be Ji Yang's cow and horse to thank him for the rest of her life.

To be honest, Ji Yang really doesn't know whether this JE can be cured by himself.

So he didn't give Huang Tian and Xiuju an affirmative answer, he didn't want to lie to them.

"Whether it can be cured or not, I dare not say for the time being, I can only promise to do my best."

"Hold him into the room, I need to check Anshun's current condition."

Huang Tian carried Huang Shun into the bedroom. The bedroom looked a bit messy, but Ji Yang didn't care.

"You two go out first, I will call you if you need anything."

After hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiuju and Huang Tian hesitated a little, but they still obediently left.

As soon as the two left, Ji Yang began to check Huang Shun.

But after checking Huang Shun, Ji Yang frowned more and more.

His medical skills all come from the experience of Hua Tuo and other ancient genius doctors, but he found that these experiences he had mastered did not have a cure for Japanese encephalitis.

Ever since he obtained the experience of Hua Tuo and other ancient genius doctors, no matter what patients Ji Yang encountered, he was full of confidence and cured them with his hands.

But today, he encountered a patient that he couldn't solve, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Ji Yang has a good heart. If he were replaced by someone with a weak heart, he might be severely hit.

Although Ji Yang had no way to treat JE, since he decided to treat Huang Shun, he would not give up.

He took out his mobile phone, found Hua Tuo's WeChat account, and told him about his inspection of Huang Shun just now.

If you can't solve it yourself, you can only ask others for help.

He now only hopes that these ancient genius doctors in the underworld have a way to treat Japanese encephalitis.

Since the genius doctors from the underworld gathered together last time to truly integrate Chinese and Western medicine, Ji Yang also gave Hua Tuo a lot of information about Western medicine.

When Hua Tuo saw the content of the message sent by Ji Yang, he concluded at a glance that what Ji Yang sent was encephalitis.

"Xiaobai, the patient you mentioned has encephalitis, right?"

"Yes, it's Japanese encephalitis."

Ji Yang did not expect Hua Tuo to be able to pass the symptoms and see the symptoms of encephalitis so quickly.

He had previously known that the ancient genius doctors of the underworld were conducting research on the combination of traditional Chinese medicine.

Now that Hua Tuo is able to diagnose encephalitis so quickly, it seems that the ancient genius doctors in the underworld have achieved some results in research.

"This encephalitis is an inflammatory lesion caused by the invasion of pathogens. I have also read information about Japanese encephalitis."

"According to the current Western medicine treatment methods for Japanese encephalitis, I have also communicated with Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen and others, and everyone has also proposed some treatment methods that use the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine."

"However, I dare not say what the final treatment effect will be, because we have not verified it on patients with JE."

After Hua Tuo learned that it was JE, he quickly replied to Ji Yang.

Seeing Hua Tuo's reply, Ji Yang gave a thumbs up to these ancient genius doctors in the underworld.

Hua Tuo and other ancient genius doctors have not been exposed to western medicine for a long time, but in such a short period of time, they can think of using the method of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine to treat Japanese encephalitis, which is amazing.

Although they haven't gone through clinical trials, Ji Yang still believes in their methods based on their understanding of Chinese medicine.

"I have met a Japanese encephalitis patient right now. Tell me the treatment method you have developed, and I will try the effect."

After Ji Yang's words were sent to Hua Tuo, Hua Tuo passed on the methods discussed by the ancient genius doctors to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang is also a person who studied Chinese medicine. After observing the information in his brain, Ji Yang secretly turned around. He felt that such a treatment method should be effective.

"Fengfu, Fengchi, Yongquan, Qihai..."

For the time being, Ji Yang will take part of the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. At this time, he is treating Huang Shun with acupuncture and moxibustion based on the information in his brain.

As for the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, we have to wait until after acupuncture and moxibustion.

(End of this chapter)

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