Chapter 294 Found (fourth update)

The combination of Chinese and Western medicine treats Japanese encephalitis. Without the condition of Western medicine treatment, Ji Yang can only use Chinese medicine.

Seeing Huang Shun with silver needles pierced in many acupuncture points all over his body, Ji Yang waited with some anticipation.

The special healing medicine developed by Hua Tuo and other local ancient genius doctors based on the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine has nothing to say about the effect.

However, whether this traditional Chinese medicine treatment method can work or not depends on the results of Huang Shun's wake-up after acupuncture and moxibustion.

Looking at the time, it was time to take back the silver needle. After Ji Yang took back the silver needle, another few minutes passed.


Huang Shun's eyes hadn't opened yet, but there was already a sound from his mouth. Hearing the sound, Ji Yang knew that Huang Shun had woken up.

After Huang Shun's eyes opened, his eyes looked a little confused, especially when he saw Ji Yang, Huang Shun's small face wrinkled into a ball.

"You, you, you... who are you?"

Huang Shun opened his mouth, stammered a little, and said in a small voice.

Hearing Huang Shun's words, Ji Yang was overjoyed.

On the way here, Huang Tian told Ji Yang that Huang Shun's illness had already affected his intelligence, and his language was even more impaired, and he was basically unable to speak.

Although Huang Shun's speech is not yet smooth, every word is clear although his voice is soft.

This clearly means that the acupuncture and moxibustion I just had had an effect. Although the treatment method provided by the underworld is not so miraculous that it can be cured immediately, it only needs to be persisted for a few times and combined with western medicine.

Ji Yang believes that it is only a matter of time before Huang Shun is cured.

"I'm a doctor, and I'm treating you."

"Brother Huang, come in."

After answering Huang Shun's question, Ji Yang shouted to the door.

Walking around outside the door, Huang Tian, ​​who was more anxious than burning his butt, heard the voice from inside the house, and hurriedly dragged Xiuju into the house.

As soon as the two entered the room, they saw Huang Shun sitting on the bed.

Ever since he got encephalitis B, Huang Shun's eyes had become very dull, but now Huang Shun's eyes showed a lot of light, this change caused Huang Tian and his wife to be astonished and delighted at the same time.

Huang Shun's condition improved.

"Dad, Mom."

When Huang Shun mentioned his father and mother, whom he hadn't heard for a long time, Huang Shun and Xiu Ju were stunned.

They couldn't even believe what their ears heard was true.

"Xiuju, I heard Shunzi call mom and dad, am I hallucinating?"

"I heard it too, did I also hallucinate?"

Huang Tian asked Xiuju, Xiuju herself was still in a daze.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Ji Yang smiled and shook his head.

It wasn't easy for Huang Tian and Xiu Ju, their son who was originally lively and vigorous, suddenly got Japanese encephalitis, and became a little less lively, he couldn't even speak, and occasionally twitched.

This kind of Huang Shun broke their hearts. Now when they heard what Huang Shun said, they couldn't believe it was true.

"What you heard is true. Although Shunzi's condition has not recovered, it has improved."

"As long as I treat him a few more times and cooperate with the treatment for a period of time, he will recover."

His son's condition has slowed down, and there is still a chance of recovery, Huang Tian and Xiu Ju were very happy.

Xiuju wept with joy, and cried while hugging Huang Shun.

"Doctor Ji, thank you so much. If it weren't for your treatment, my Shunzi wouldn't have survived for long. By then, our family would be finished."

"Doctor Ji, I really don't know how to thank you. You not only saved my Shunzi, but our whole family. I kneel down for you..."

In order to treat Huang Shun's illness, Huang Tian's family's savings for many years have been depleted.

Now that Ji Yang saved Huang Shun, Huang Tian had nothing to thank him for, so he could only express his gratitude with actions.

"Brother Huang, don't be like this, a man has gold under his knees, how can he just kneel!"

"Shunzi became like this, and it is also the responsibility of Linhai Hospital. As a doctor in the hospital, I should treat Shunzi."

"This incident has brought a lot of trouble to your family, both financially and physically. After I go back, I will ask Linhai Hospital to compensate your family."

No matter who got the vaccine into Linhai Hospital, anyway, Huang Shun had the problem after being vaccinated in Linhai Hospital, so Linhai Hospital should be considered responsible, and Huang Tian should be compensated.

In fact, Ji Yang could completely compensate Huang Tian right now, but Ji Yang couldn't find a reason for him to do so.

Even if you give money to the other party yourself, it is called a donation, not compensation.

Linhai Hospital is still responsible for what happened to Linhai Hospital itself.

"Although the current environment of your family has no effect on Huang Shun's recovery, he still needs to receive some medicine and other treatments. I suggest that it is better to take Huang Shun to the hospital."

Ji Yang's words made sense, Huang Tian had nothing to hesitate, so he asked Xiuju to pack some things, and sent Huang Shun to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Ji Yang contacted Ji Deming and told him that Huang Shun had recovered after his own treatment and that he was going to the hospital for treatment.

Hearing Huang Shun's improvement, Ji Deming's hanging heart was relieved.

It is Linhai Hospital's fault that Huang Shun is like this, so Ji Deming also asked Ji Yang to tell Huang Tian on the phone that Huang Shun will be free of all treatment fees at Linhai Hospital.

Huang Tian's family's savings were exhausted. Although he didn't talk about the treatment expenses earlier, he was still a little worried.

Now that Ji Deming says everything is free, he feels comfortable.

Taking Huang Shun to the hospital, Ji Deming immediately arranged for someone to examine Huang Shun, and then sent him to the ward that had been arranged.

Ji Yang told Ji Deming about the Western medicine treatment method, which is much simpler than the ordinary JE treatment method.

When Ji Deming heard about Ji Yang's method, he first made some analysis.

To his surprise, although this method is simple, it completely removes the dross and extracts the essence.

The method is simple, but the effect is not bad.

"You can do it, kid. Not only is Chinese medicine powerful, but Western medicine is also not easy."

Ji Deming's praise made Ji Yang smile on the surface, but he was embarrassed inside.

This is not my own suggestion, but from those ancient genius doctors in the underworld.

After Huang Shun made arrangements, Ji Yang also compensated the Huang family with Ji Deming.

Ji Deming had already thought about compensation, but as for how to compensate, he still needed to discuss with the other party.

Hearing what Ji Deming said, Ji Yang didn't say anything more.

The matter of compensation has nothing to do with him, he doesn't need to worry about it, he just needs to do acupuncture for Huang Shun a few times later.

When Huang Shun's matter basically came to an end, Ji Yang received a call from Huang Xiaoliang.

"Zhuo Zhengfan found it."

It turned out that while the police were looking for Zhuo Zhengfan, Ji Yang wanted to find Zhuo Zhengfan as soon as possible.

He then notified Huang Xiaoliang to help find him, but Huang Xiaoliang was the one who found Zhuo Zhengfan first.

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(End of this chapter)

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