The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2937 A group of monks came

Chapter 2937 A group of monks came

"Chi You, what do you mean?"

All Ji Yang's energy is now focused on the top ten artifact formations, and he has no time to take care of other aspects.

Ji Yang can't do such things as releasing his perception and sensing whether there are any changes around him, and he can't do it even if he wants to.

So Chi You's words made Ji Yang's heart tense, and he hurriedly asked.

I just asked Chi You to release his perception and perceive the surrounding situation, so something happened?
Isn't this TM too coincidental?

"Your woman is in trouble, do you want me to help?"

Chi You deliberately cheated on Ji Yang, but didn't say what was going on.

Although it is important to protect the safety of everyone and allow everyone to control the ten artifacts and break the laws of the Three Realms, Chi You still feels uncomfortable when he has been a melon-eating crowd for so long and has been watching dramas all the time.

"You mean, Mu Hong is in trouble?"

"Who is it?"

Although what Chi You said was not clear enough, Ji Yang already knew what it meant.

Although it wasn't his side that had a problem, he couldn't let his woman be in danger, right?

"A group of monks, but there is something wrong with the breath of these monks. They have met your woman now, and they seem to be going up the mountain!"

Chi You teases Ji Yang, but he won't really delay the other party.

Otherwise, something happened to Mu Hong because he didn't understand what he said, and it would be strange if Ji Yang didn't bother him afterwards.

"A monk with a strange breath? How many people are there?"

The movement on Linshan must have attracted the attention of some people, this is what Ji Yang thought of long ago.

Ji Yang is not surprised that some good people will come to the mountain.

But Chi You said that the breath of the monks was not right, so Ji Yang couldn't regard it as normal.

He also talked with the Jade Emperor before, the Chinese traitor was in Lingshan.

Where is Lingshan? It is a sacred place of Buddhism. Whether a group of monks with strange breaths has something to do with Lingshan traitors is uncertain.

If they really came here at the behest of the traitors, and they really belonged together, then Ji Yang would have to take care of whether or not they would bring trouble to Mu Hong.

As for how this group of monks got in touch with the traitors in Lingshan, he has no way of knowing now.

"There are a lot of people, there must be one or two hundred people."

"Your woman stopped them, and the two sides are at war. I'll help you deal with them."

When Chi You felt that the atmosphere between Mu Hong and the monks at the foot of the mountain became tense, his face turned cold, and before Ji Yang could speak, he went to help Mu Hong get rid of the group of monks.

After suppressing myself for so long, I can finally move my muscles.

"Chi You, you don't need to go, just stay here."

"Little Dragon Girl, call Mu Hong and ask him to send the guardian family member closest to Linshan."

"Brother Peng, let some of your subordinates go over to help now. If those monks really have problems, don't be polite to them."

But what made Chi You depressed and angry was that when he was about to move, Ji Yang stopped him.

Then he gave instructions to Xiaolongnu and Pengmowang.

Xiaolongnv and Peng Mowang also knew that the matter was urgent, they stopped releasing their breath, and started to follow what Ji Yang said.

They are assisting Ji Yang. Although the pressure on others will increase after they stop helping, it is not a big problem.

"Master Kotou, take a few down to help. If those bald donkeys have problems, don't I need to tell you what to do?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I know what to do, let's go."

The dog-headed military division took the lead and quickly flew down the mountain with a dozen monsters whose cultivation had reached a thousand years.

Xiao Longnv is also calling Mu Hong.

Because of the urgency of the situation, Ting didn't talk too much, hung up the phone after finishing the call, and then continued to assist Ji Yang to maintain the top ten magic weapon formations together with Peng Demon King.

"Boy, what do you mean? Are you going to let me watch it forever?"

"I'm not your subordinate. I'm going down the mountain now to save your woman. I don't believe I can save you by mistake."

Seeing the dog-headed army master and a dozen monsters descending the mountain, Chi You was so angry.

The problem is discovered by oneself, but not allowed to go.

How uncomfortable it is to stay here, other people don't know.

As soon as Chi You got angry, he planned to go straight down the mountain regardless of Ji Yang's obstruction.

"Chi You, I promise you won't be idle here all the time, you're just some little guy, are you really interested?"

"These monks are just sent to die. The real big fish will definitely appear soon, so you just wait. If the people who come down the mountain can't solve it, it's not too late for you to go down the mountain."

Ji Yang doesn't have time to fight Chi You now, he has his own reasons for not letting Chi You go.

The Lingshan traitor was very clear about his situation, but it was impossible for him to stop himself by letting one or two hundred monks come to the mountain.

So he was sure that there would be a really difficult character to appear later.

These monks, to put it bluntly, are the vanguard, the vanguard.

To put it bluntly, it is the Death Squad, which is here to kill Ji Yang, just to distract the people around Ji Yang and give the people behind him a chance.

"You don't have to look at me like that. I won't joke with you about my own woman's safety. Those monks are definitely not a big threat."

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Chi You really stopped moving.

But his eyes are still fixed on Ji Yang, as if you don't play tricks on me.

"Okay, then I'll wait. If the big fish you mentioned doesn't show up later, let's see how I settle the score with you afterwards."

In fact, Chi You can tell how capable these monks who appeared at the foot of the mountain are by relying on their aura.

These monks are indeed not difficult characters.

It is also because of this that he listened to Ji Yang and chose to stay here...

"I said, there is a military exercise on the mountain, you are not allowed to enter, leave quickly."

At the foot of the mountain, Mu Hong frowned and looked at the large group of monks in front of her, and shouted loudly with an ugly expression.

"Amitabha, we have come from afar to gather here because of my Buddha's guidance. If we want to go to the top of the mountain to meditate, the time is tonight, and we must go up the mountain."

Mu Hong was resolute, and the monks were also very stubborn.

They even came up with words guided by my Buddha.

If ordinary people hear this kind of words, they will think it is an excuse.

But Mu Hong, who has been with Ji Yang for a long time, knows that both gods and Buddhas are real.

If there were only one or two monks, Mu Hong would definitely have someone arrest them first.

But with so many monks in front of her, she was a little embarrassed.

Catch it, there are too many people.

Killing is even more impossible.

But it is absolutely impossible to let them go up the mountain.

"What kind of shit is my Buddha, even if your Buddha really comes today, you are not allowed to go up the mountain."

Just when Mu Hong was in a dilemma, with a disdainful roar, more than a dozen people ran down the mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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