The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2938 The monk wants to break through

Chapter 2938 The monk wants to break through

The dozen or so people who ran down from the top of the mountain were none other than the dog-headed army division and the elites of the monster tribe he led.

Ji Yang and Demon King Peng had said it before on the top of the mountain, and the monks at the bottom of the mountain are not knowledgeable, so there is no need to be polite to them.

Shen Chan returns my Buddha, the dog-headed military master may still listen to these words.

But he is very clear about what is going on on the top of the mountain now. Let these monks go up the mountain to make trouble. Isn't this causing trouble for Ji Yang and others?

And as the monks at the foot of the mountain got closer, the dog-headed military division clearly felt that the aura of this group of monks was unusual.

The one or two hundred monks in front of him are definitely not ordinary monks, because they all have an aura that he hates very much.

Immortals have immortal energy, but Buddhists say Buddha energy.

The Buddha energy of these monks is very active, and it is definitely not something that ordinary monks in the world can have at will.

Even those eminent monks who have truly attained the Tao may not have as much Buddha spirit as the one or two hundred monks in front of them.

"Amitabha, be careful what your donor says, otherwise this monk will be impolite."

An old monk whose eyebrows and beard had already turned white looked at the dog-headed military master with bright eyes, obviously a little angry.

But he didn't do it directly, but just issued a warning.

"It's quite calm. You can bear it when I say that. Should I say admiration?"

The dog-headed military division smiled disdainfully, and there was a strong sense of irony in his words.

However, after the old monk heard what the dog-headed military master said, although his expression became more ugly, he still didn't make a move, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

The dog-headed military division estimated that this guy was just pretending.

They just want to maintain the appearance of an accomplished monk, and then go up the mountain smoothly.

It's a pity that the dog-headed military division and more than a dozen thousand-year-old demon kings are here, and they will definitely not let them get what they want.

"Ma'am, let your people back down, what to do, let them handle it with us."

"Ji Shao's order is our king's order. Ji Shao said to stop them, and we will never let them disturb Ji Shao."

The monks in front of me want to pretend, so let them pretend first.

The dog head soldier saluted Mu Hong politely, and then signaled Mu Hong to order the surrounding soldiers with guns to leave.

"Return to their posts and continue to block Linshan. Without my order, no monks are allowed to enter the mountain. If anyone dares to break in, I authorize you to shoot, as long as it doesn't hurt your life."

"You don't need to look at me like that, and you don't need to be burdened. No matter what happens later, I will be the one who went to the military court, not you."

Mu Hong didn't know the dog-headed army division, but she knew that the other party was sent by Ji Yang.

Mu Hong, who couldn't make up his mind for a long time, made a final decision after seeing the dog-headed military division and others.

For her, nothing is as important as Ji Yang.

So she didn't care about the consequences, and directly issued the final order.


The soldiers still had some concerns about shooting the monks in front of them.

But as a soldier, you must obey the orders of your superiors.

What's more, Mu Hong has already said the words for this sake, what else is she thinking.

Except for a few soldiers who were originally guarding here, the others all dispersed and returned to their original positions.

But whether they were leaving or staying, all of them had already pulled the bolts, stared at the monks, and were ready to shoot at any time.

"We want to go up to the mountain to visit the Buddha, but you actually want to shoot us. Where is the law? Where is the law?"

"That is, as soldiers, you are defending your home and country, how can you shoot us for no reason?"

"I want to complain to you, I must complain to you..."

Mu Hong gave the order to shoot, which made the monks who were calm at first unable to continue pretending.

Even if they feel like the dog-headed army division, they are not ordinary monks.

But in front of so many soldiers with live ammunition, if the opponent really shoots, they will be miserable.

Blocking bullets with the body, maybe some of these monks can do it, but not all of them.

Those who can't stop the bullets will be beaten into a hornet's nest.

"I said you are enough, what are you shouting for?"

"With us here, there is no need for Madam's men to shoot. Don't say I didn't warn you, if you dare to take a step forward, I will be rude to you. I am not afraid of any complaints."

The more excited the monks were, the more ridiculous the dog-headed army division thought they were.

Since Ji Yang asked them to come here, he just didn't want Mu Hong and the others to have an accident.

What's more, if the dog-headed military division and others can't deal with these monks in front of them, the guns of Mu Hong and her soldiers are probably useless.

Because ordinary bullets have no effect on the dog-headed military division and the thousand-year-old monster.

If you want to hurt them, you have to bombard them.

But today's so-called exercise was just a cover, and people like Mu Hong didn't have heavy weapons at all.

"It's a sin to delay seeing my Buddha, so what if you sacrifice your life to meet my Buddha."

"All the monks listen to me and force their way in."

These monks knew that it was impossible to resolve the immediate matter peacefully and walk up to Linshan smoothly.

The leading old monk could not continue to maintain his due composure and demeanor, revealing his fierce side.

For his own purpose, he could only force his way through.

"I'm just waiting for your words? Let me see how capable you are."

The dog-headed military division grinned, revealing a mouthful of canine teeth.

Although he didn't show his dog's head, his expression has become fierce.

"Mu Hong, I'm here."

"Ji Yang is right. Sure enough, someone will come to make trouble. Surround them for me, and don't allow anyone to disturb the leader."

"As ordered!"

Compared with the one or two hundred monks, there is a huge gap in the number of the dog-headed military division and a dozen demon kings.

The soldiers who didn't know the identities of the dog-headed military division and others felt that they were in danger, and they didn't understand where the confidence on the dog-headed military division's face came from.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, a group of dozens of people rushed towards Linshan quickly, and the leader was Dongfang Mei.

According to Ji Yang's order, Dongfang Mei gave orders to all those who guard the alliance.

She herself will not be idle, some people closest to Linshan are led by her personally.

She did this so that when Ji Yang was in need, she could come and help in person.

Now it seems that I was very correct in doing so.

"Meier, are you here?"

"How are you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's not convenient for my people to do it, so I'll leave it to you here."

Dozens of Guardian Alliance members surrounded all the monks, and Dongfang Mei came to Mu Hong.

The two exchanged briefly, and after Dongfang Mei nodded, she looked at all the monks coldly.

"Those who stand in the way of defeating my Buddha are just like monsters, no need for mercy, those who wait for me, kill!"


The situation between the two sides has reached this level, and it is obvious that there is nothing to talk about.

The old monk looked up at the top of the mountain, and then directly ordered all the monks to be killed.

Such a ruthless side, I don't think it was done by the Buddhists.

All the monks who heard the old monk's words also had grim expressions, and directly moved their hands at the surrounding Guardian Alliance members...

(End of this chapter)

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