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Chapter 3072 Yan Luo Tianzi VS Yama

Chapter 3072 Yan Luo Tianzi VS Yama
Emperor Yan Luo made a move, and after rescuing Leopard Tail with Yan Wang Ling, he looked at Yan Mo with fiery eyes.

As one of the ten kings of hell, in charge of the fifth hall, and holding the fate of countless ghosts, it is the same reason as Yama's power of death.

With the same strength, it is more interesting to compete.

Although Tianzi Yama is in charge of the fifth hall now, he used to be in charge of the first hall of the king of hell in the ten halls.

It was only because he pityed those who died, and repeatedly released those people to repay their grievances, that's why he was demoted to be in charge of the Great Hell under the Northeast Wo Stone at the bottom of the sea, and the small Hell of Sixteen Execution Hearts.

So, don't look at the King of Yama who knows only the fifth hall.

However, in terms of individual strength, he is one of the best among the Ten Kings of Hades.

"King of are the King of Hades who is in charge of the ten halls of the underworld in China?"

"Aren't there ten Kings of Hades in the Ten Palaces? Ten people manage a hell, alone...hehe..."

The short blade that was shaken by Yama's order has returned to Yama's hands.

Holding the short blade in his hand, Yan Mo was very interested, and looked at Emperor Yan Luo with a bit of sarcasm.

YD may not know all the gods in China.

But they are aware of some important identities, high status, and important positions.

The Ten Kings of Hades are naturally no strangers.

If he was facing all the Kings of Hades in the Ten Palaces, Yama would certainly not be like this now, at least he would have to be more cautious, and even have some fear.

But he was facing the Emperor Yan Luo alone, and Yan Mo seemed very casual, with some disdain.

In his mind, as the god of death, he is in charge of the power of death, and manages the life and death affairs of the entire YD three realms by himself.

The King of Hades in the Ten Palaces wants ten people together, so it must be that one person is not strong enough.

"Damn it... how dare you talk to our King of Hades like that, I..."

Yama's contempt, Emperor Yan Luo has not expressed his opinion yet.

Leopard Tail, who was about to retreat, couldn't help it first.

Even if his own strength is not as good as the opponent's, he still can't help it when he hears that the opponent is disrespectful to the King of Hades he respects.

Leopard Tail was furious and was full of yin energy, so he was going to rush up to Yan Mo to fight for his life.

"Baowei...I will make him pay for his words and deeds..."

Leopard Tail's excitement better reflected the calmness of Emperor Yan Luo.

As the rightful Lord, Emperor Yan Luo, his expression at this time was too calm.

Obviously he was being satirized, but it looked like he was talking about someone else.

After signaling Leopard Tail not to get excited, Emperor Yan Luo took two steps forward with a calm expression, and stood about 20 meters away from Yan Mo.

"It's pointless to fight with each other, let's see the real chapter in your hand."

"Whether you are worthy of the Ten Kings of Hades attacking at the same time, you have to see if you can survive from my hands."

"Yangyang Huaxia is not someone like you who can understand it!"

The face is calm, but the words spoken by Yan Luo Tianzi are full of thorns.

Although what he said was not straightforward, as long as Yama was not stupid to a certain extent, he could still hear the meaning of what he said.

That is Yan Mo alone, who is not worthy of the ten kings of Hades attacking at the same time.

Yan Luo Tianzi alone is enough.

"Hmph... well said, it really doesn't make sense to use your mouth, so you should try this!"

"The power of death... penetrates the soul!"

Yan Mo is not stupid, he also understands the meaning of Emperor Yan Luo.

Compared with the emperor Yan Luo, Yan Mo's heart is much hotter.

Being ridiculed by Emperor Yan Luo, Yan Mo couldn't help it immediately.

The black robe fluttered on his body, and several short black blades appeared in front of him.

As his words fell, several short blades made a series of sharp wind-breaking sounds, and flew towards the emperor Yama at the same time.

"The power of death penetrates the soul? Hehe... I really didn't underestimate you, you really only have this little ability..."

"...Ghost Flame Burning..."

Looking at the several short blades flying towards him, the expression on the face of Emperor Yan Luo changed a little.

This change is not dignified and cautious, but feeling more disdainful.

I saw the hand of Emperor Yan Luo slid across the void in front of him, and following the trajectory of his swipe, many blue flames burst out out of thin air.

These blue flames look like the legendary will-o'-the-wisps, but they seem to be different.

The blue flame ignited, forming a huge fireball, and then began to spread forward.

"Puff puff……"

The flame came into contact with the short blade, and at the moment of contact, the short blade showed signs of resistance.

But after only resisting for a moment, under the flames, it turned into wisps of death black gas, and was completely swallowed by the flames.

"What... death defense!"

It was beyond Yan Mo's expectation that his own short blade would be destroyed so easily.
Seeing the flame that burned the short blade, it was burning towards him.

His expression was shocked, and the power of death surged, forming a black barrier.

"Puff puff puff...fufufu..."

When the flames met the black barrier, the barrier was burned with a puffing sound, and the black energy rose indiscriminately, but it failed to break directly.

In the end, the barrier blocked all the blue flames.

The flame was extinguished, and Yama's body quickly passed through the barrier, approaching the emperor Yama.

Officially fighting against Emperor Yan Luo, Yan Mo knew that his previous thinking was wrong, and he didn't dare to be careless again.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Yan Mo rushed forward, but Emperor Yan Luo didn't use any means to stop him halfway, but let him approach him smoothly.

Yan Mo approached Yan Luo Tian Zi, and after waving his hands to launch a melee attack, Yan Luo Tian Zi counterattacked just now.

If you want to play remotely, I will accompany you to play remotely.

If you want to get close, then I will accompany you in close combat.

The Emperor Yan Luo just wanted to let Yan Mo know that no matter how you want to fight, I can accompany you, and I will always be stronger than you.

He wants to hit Yama severely in reality and let him know clearly.

The ten kings of Hades in China are not that one king of Hades is not strong enough, but ten will be stronger...

"Yama, this guy... Indra?"

The eight guardian gods of YD are centered on Indra, the god of thunder.

Death God Yama shot, but the others didn't move at first, and they also had some ideas.

This idea is somewhat similar to Ji Yang and others, that is, they want to estimate the opponent's strength through a small-scale battle.

Yan Mo easily repelled the leopard tail, which gave the eight patron saints of YD a lot of confidence.

But at this time, when he saw the battle between Emperor Yan Luo and Yan Mo, the confidence he had just mentioned was hit to a certain extent.

The wine god Soma frowned and looked at Indra, waiting for the other party's arrangement.

"Their cultivation bases are high or low. It is impossible to verify through Yan Mo. This emperor Yan Luo is enough for Yan Mo to be busy."

"Don't waste time, and don't let others read the joke and think that we YD gods are timid...let's go together!"

After hearing the words, Indra didn't think for long before giving his own thoughts.

However, when he said "don't let others see the joke", he was not looking at Ji Yang and others, but at the other figures besides the eight patron saints of YD.

Looking at his appearance, why does he seem to be saying that these people are other people...

 Don't scare me again... Repeatedly confirm that this chapter is hot, fresh, and not repeated... If it is still the case, I am also very broken...

(End of this chapter)

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