The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3073 Recognize your identity and rights

Chapter 3073 Recognize your identity and rights
After Yan Mo and Emperor Yan Luo officially fought, it was difficult to tell who was superior for a while.

All the people present did not come to watch the excitement today, nor did they come to watch the fight between Yan Mo and Emperor Yan Luo. They were all participants in the incident.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the other people on Ji Yang's side or Qi others on YD's side, it is impossible to just watch like this.

At this time, the other eight patron saints of YD were ready to attack Ji Yang's people.

As for those who were swept by Indra's eyes, who were beside him, but who were not part of the eight guardian gods, they didn't respond at all.

Their indifference made Indra and the others obviously look unhappy, but they didn't say anything else.

At the same time, Ji Yang, Jade Emperor and others were also observing the situation of Indra and others.

The situation of the other party looked a little weird, but it was hard to tell what was wrong all of a sudden.

"Jade Emperor, don't you think they look a little strange?"

"On the surface, they seem to be in the same group, but in detail, they don't seem to be partners, at least not the kind of partners who have a harmonious relationship."

Because he has been observing the situation of Indra and others, Ji Yang can hear what Indra said very clearly.

It's just that the other party's words sound like they are aimed at their own side, but they don't seem to be aimed at their own side, it just feels strange.

"It seems to be in harmony with the gods, and it really feels like this."

"However, what is the relationship between them is not our primary problem to solve now. No matter whether they have a harmonious relationship or not, they are all here to target us. This is definitely true."

"So you don't have to worry about the relationship between them, just know that the relationship between them and us is an enemy."

Ji Yang asked Jade Emperor, and Jade Emperor said loudly.

Although the Jade Emperor spoke calmly, Ji Yang could hear some accusations from it.

He was blaming Ji Yang for misplaced the focus of the matter.

Ji Yang smiled bitterly, scratched his head, and looked at Indra and the others with a little more coldness in his eyes.

That's right, what is the relationship between these people in front of you, don't care about your own business.

It doesn't matter whether they are friends or enemies, it's not in my control.

As long as I know a little, they are all here to trouble me.

"Jade Emperor, they are about to attack, we can't continue to watch here, can we?"

"Don't ask me... this is the mortal world, you can decide what you want to do in the mortal world, just order it."

Realizing that he had misplaced the focus, Ji Yang was also ready to make the next step.

Ji Yang has not yet fully adapted to his identity as the Emperor of the Three Realms, not to mention the rights he has.

It can be said that it is out of instinct, or it can be said that it is out of politeness.

With the Jade Emperor here, he asked the Jade Emperor for his opinion.

But the Jade Emperor actually said such a thing, which made Ji Yang startled for a moment, and then he became a little excited.

Although when the Jade Emperor rewarded himself, he said a lot of things.

But Ji Yang didn't take some words seriously.

For example, after all gods came to the mortal world, they needed to hear about Ji Yang's story, and he always thought it was enough to just listen.

After all, although I have acquired a high status, I still have a short time to be a fairy.

Moreover, there are quite a few gods whose cultivation bases are only higher than mine, and their status is no worse than mine, so how could they listen to me in the mortal world?
Maybe they will listen to their own arrangements for small matters such as eating, drinking and lazing.

But if it really concerns the safety of the Three Realms, would you still listen?
But today, after Jade Emperor said these words, Ji Yang truly recognized his identity and his rights.


Excited in his heart, Ji Yang didn't have any extra nonsense.

A simple "dry" word exited, and the Jade Emperor and others all smiled knowingly.

"Let my old pig be the pioneer today, the Eight Guardians of YD, hahaha..."

Zhu Bajie couldn't stand it anymore, if it wasn't for the fact that the opponent who attacked was Yan Mo, who happened to be a suitable opponent with Tianzi Yan Luo, he would have attacked long ago.

Now it's finally his turn to do something, Zhu Bajie can't bear it anymore.

Laughing loudly, before the others moved, Zhu Bajie rushed out with a nine-toothed rake in his hand.

He didn't know what the other party's cultivation base was, and he didn't regard anyone as the only target. Anyway, all the enemies in front of him were enemies, and it didn't matter who beat him.

Anyway, some fights will do.

"He gave it to me!"

As soon as Zhu Bajie rushed out, Vayu, the god of wind among the eight guardian gods, saw him, let out a soft drink, and disappeared in place immediately.

Compared to Ji Yang's side, some of the eight patron saints were going to fight.

It's just that they didn't expect the people on Ji Yang's side to act so quickly.

As soon as the decision is made, it moves as soon as it is said. This efficiency is much better than that of the eight patron saints.

Vayu reappeared, and he stood in front of Zhu Bajie.

In his hand, he held two cyan flags.

The cyan flag waved, and a strong wind blew towards Zhu Bajie.



"Puff puff……"

When the strong wind blew, Zhu Bajie rushed forward, swung the nine-toothed rake in his hand, and shattered the strong wind.

Vayu watched his strong wind being shattered by Zhu Bajie, his expression didn't change much.

This is just the wind he created casually, and it has no power at all.

He just used these winds to hinder Zhu Bajie, and at the same time told him that he was his opponent.

"The next wind, it's not that simple...fufufu..."

After the first step is completed, Vayu will not just release such a simple wind.

The flag in his hand danced quickly, releasing a more violent wind.

The wind this time, whether it is speed, quantity, or destructive power, is not comparable to the strong wind just now.

"That's interesting, my old pig likes it very much!"

The wind controlled by Fayou has changed, and Zhu Bajie can naturally feel it.

The nine-toothed rake in his hand swung more vigorously, and Zhu Bajie also screamed excitedly.

He wanted to vent his depression, but it didn't mean he wanted to find a weakling.

Although weak chickens can be abused, they can't achieve the effect he wants. The Fayou in front of him undoubtedly makes Zhu Bajie very satisfied.

"Hmph, what do you think you are here for? Are you here to compete in the ring? One on one?"

"We're here to do business... What time is wasting with them... The waves are rising..."

Zhu Bajie and Fayu fought together, and between the two of them, it was impossible to tell who was stronger and who was weaker.

Although this kind of one-on-one play is fair, it is not what everyone wants to see.

Among the eight patron saints of YD, Varuna, the god of the sea, saw a loophole in Zhu Bajie, and waited for the opportunity to attack...

 Happy holidays to all friends and children

(End of this chapter)

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