The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 308 Donating Nautical Charts

Chapter 308 Donation of Nautical Charts (Third Change)

Those who open casinos are not necessarily masters of gambling.

Not only is Luo Yousheng not a master of gambling, but he never gambles.

Although Ji Yang had seen reports about Luo Yousheng before, this was the first time he knew about it.

He was very surprised to hear the other party's words.

Luo Yousheng looked at Ji Yang's startled expression, but he didn't find it strange. Anyway, it was the first time everyone heard that he never gambled.

After drinking the underworld bee jelly, Luo Yousheng was no longer weak.

He walked to a window, looked out of the window, and continued as if recalling or sighing.

"I remember when I first opened the casino, I found that there were not many people coming to the casino, but at the end of the day, I found that I made a lot of money."

"These money can only prove one thing, that is, the winner is the banker. Knowing this, wouldn't it be stupid for me to gamble again?"

"I have privately advised many people not to indulge in gambling, but have watched one person after another lose everything in my casino and even commit suicide in the end."

"I have also reflected on it many times, whether I should close the casino, but I also want to live and eat..."

When Luo Yousheng was talking, Ji Yang never opened his mouth.

He was completely a listener, listening to Luo Yousheng talk about his life.

Luo Yousheng's life is legendary, he was even kicked out of the spring gate.

But he seized the opportunity and returned to Quanmen, and it was from this moment that his legendary life really began.

"Young man, do you feel tired after listening to the old man say so much?"

Luo Yousheng briefly narrated his life, seeing that Ji Yang had never opened his mouth, he asked with a light smile.

"No, your life is full of legends, you are a respectable old man."

"Luo Yousheng, what is your choice?"

Ji Yang said seriously.

Although his life was legendary and wonderful, this was not the time to listen to Luo Yousheng talk about it.

The most important thing now is how Luo Yousheng will choose, which is related to the happiness and longevity of Luo Yousheng and his family.

Luo Yousheng closed his eyes, and he stopped talking.

Ji Yang didn't speak, he was waiting for Luo Yousheng's final choice.

"Some things always have to be returned, this is life."

"I'm also a person who believes in fate. Since God asked you to tell me this before I died, what else can I say."

"Money can never be earned, let me enjoy two more years of family happiness, and let my family have more happiness. This casino should be closed."

Luo Yousheng said firmly.

However, Ji Yang could tell that Luo Yousheng was still feeling very uncomfortable.

He never left a gambling word in his legendary life, and the casino he had fought for most of his life was closed like this.

Even if the reason for closing the casino is to increase the longevity of his family, he is still reluctant.

Ji Yang felt that Luo Yousheng's choice was correct.

Luo Yousheng opened a casino just for money.

But life is gone, what's the use of having more money?

Next, Ji Yang made Luo Yousheng lie on the bed, and then said a spell to Luo Yousheng.

In fact, what he recited was just an ordinary peace mantra, but what he told Luo Yousheng was that it was increasing his longevity.

"Luo Yousheng, I have already added two years to your lifespan. When you return to Quanmen, you must close the casino and donate some of your assets to do good deeds."

"If you can't do it, I don't need to say more about the consequences, right?"

When Ji Yang said this, it was not because he didn't believe Luo Yousheng.

Instead, he was reminding the other party, and what he said was not a lie.

If Ji Yang really asked Judge Cui to add Yangshou to Luo Yousheng later, the other party did not fulfill today's promise in the later stage.

At that time, Luo Yousheng will not be the one who died alone.

Because Ji Yang was not the only one he deceived, Judge Cui was also deceived.

Judge Cui was furious, and ticked a little on the book of life and death with the ecstasy pen in his hand. At that time, the life and death of the Luo family could not be controlled by them.

The people outside the door were still waiting anxiously. Now that Luo Yousheng had woken up, Ji Yang let Yan Wenkai and others enter the room.

Seeing that Luo Yousheng really looked like a normal person, several people secretly thought that Ji Yang's medical skills were excellent.

When hearing several people praise Ji Yang's excellent medical skills, Luo Yousheng looked at Ji Yang with weird eyes, thinking secretly.

"He is more than just as simple as his medical skills."

After the others entered the room, Ji Yang quietly left.

What he recited just now was just the peace mantra, but it couldn't really increase Luo Yousheng's lifespan.

After leaving the room, Ji Yang hurriedly took out his mobile phone and told Judge Cui about Luo Yousheng's choice.

Seeing that Luo Yousheng agreed, Judge Cui also gave Luo Yousheng an extra two years of longevity.

After Judge Cui increased Luo Yousheng's lifespan, Luo Yousheng and others came out of the bedroom.

"Ji Yang, thank you for today, there are still very important things waiting for me, I'm going back to Quanmen now."

"If you come to Quanmen, you must come to Luo's house."

"If I go to Quanmen, I will definitely pay a visit. Important things should be done as soon as possible. If you delay for a long time, it will only cause trouble."

Only the two of Luo Yousheng and Ji Yang could understand the conversation between Luo Yousheng and Ji Yang, and the people beside them were already confused.

After sending Luo Yousheng away, Ji Yang also prepared to leave.

Just as he was leaving, he thought of one thing.

"Director Tan, this is for you."

Ji Yang handed over a scroll of invisible material to Tan Hu.

After taking the scroll that Ji Yang handed him, Tan Hu looked at Ji Yang strangely.

"what is this?"

Although the material of the scroll cannot be seen, with Tan Hu's eyesight, one can tell that the scroll is very old, at least hundreds of years old.

"A chart of Zheng He's first voyage to the Western Ocean."

That's right, the scroll that Ji Yang took out was Zheng He's nautical chart.

Ji Yang hadn't thought about how to deal with Zheng He's nautical charts before, and today he didn't know if he was infected by the snake head donated by Luo Yousheng.

He felt that donating Zheng He's nautical charts to the country was the most correct choice.

As soon as Ji Yang's words came out of his mouth, Tan Hu instantly petrified.

This turned out to be the nautical chart of Zheng He's first voyage to the Western Seas. If it is true, its reference value, historical value and other values ​​are much higher than the snake capital that Luo Yousheng photographed.

Tan Hu swallowed, and asked in disbelief.

"Is it really Zheng He's nautical chart?"

"You take it back and let the cultural relics experts know it once they appraise it. It's no good for me to lie to you."

Ji Yang's words made Tan Hu's face turn red. Ji Yang's attitude was obviously to donate for free, and he didn't want anything in return. There was really no benefit in lying to Tan Hu.

Tan Hu looked at Ji Yang apologetically, blushing and was about to speak when Ji Yang stopped him with a word.

"Don't ask me where it came from, because it doesn't matter how I got the nautical chart. The important thing is that it belongs to Huaxia in the future, and that's enough."

PS: Mr. He and Ao are sensitive in design. Some readers subscribed before they were blocked in the last chapter. Let me explain to you here that Luo Yousheng is Mr. He, and Quanmen is Ao

 Thank you for being so black in the world, who will convert me and wait for others to reward, thank you for your support, the shielding chapter has been opened

(End of this chapter)

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