The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 309 The Qilin Wearing the Seal

Chapter 309 The Qilin Wearing the Seal (Fourth Update)
Ji Yang's words were enough to express his attitude.

Watching Ji Yang drive away, Tan Hu and the others had complicated eyes.

Lu Zhanxing and Lu Xue used to think that Ji Yang was a master with high cultivation, but today his patriotism made Ji Yang's status in their hearts soar instantly.

Even Lu Zhanxing, who used to have thoughts about Ji Yang, now deeply admires Ji Yang.

"If there were more people like this in Huaxia, who would we be afraid of in Huaxia!"

Tan Hu looked at the nautical chart in his hand and said with emotion.

After Ji Yang drove away, he returned to Mu's house.

When he came back, the three daughters of Mu Hong were sitting in the living room with anxious expressions on their faces.

When they saw Ji Yang came back, the three girls surrounded him and looked at him from top to bottom.

"Don't look, I'm fine."

The concern of the three women made Ji Yang very happy, but he always felt weird when the three women looked at him like this.

In order to reassure the three girls, Ji Yang pushed them onto the sofa and told them what happened today.

After hearing that today was just a misunderstanding, the three girls were relieved.

"I didn't expect that the person who took the snake's head away was Luo Yousheng from Quanmen."

"That's right. I've heard my dad say that Luo Yousheng many times before. I really didn't expect him to be so patriotic."

"Mr. Luo Yousheng is really a respectable person."

While the three women felt at ease with Ji Yang, they also showed great respect to Luo Yousheng.

Now that the matter of the snake head has been clarified, Ji Yang thought of the Hetian suet unicorn he had auctioned.

When Ji Yang mentioned the Hetian mutton unicorn, Mu Hong gave the unicorn to Ji Yang.

Watching the kirin pendant from a distance and holding the unicorn pendant in your hand have completely different feelings.

At that time, because the distance was relatively far, Xiao Longnv's perception was much stronger than Ji Yang's.

So Xiaolongnv felt the special aura on the unicorn, but Ji Yang didn't.

Holding the Qilin pendant in his hand at this moment, Ji Yang finally felt this special aura.

Even the little dragon girl would be afraid of this aura. When Ji Yang felt this aura, his heart trembled violently.

"What a horrible smell."

This breath was obviously very weak, but it gave Ji Yang a terrifying feeling.

When Ji Yang withdrew his perception of breath, his forehead was already dripping with cold sweat.

The three daughters of Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang with strange faces. They were very surprised why Ji Yang's face became so ugly after he got the unicorn pendant.

"I'm a little tired today, so I'll go back and rest first."

Holding the unicorn pendant in his hand, Ji Yang was terrified by the aura of the unicorn pendant, and at the same time he wanted to know what was going on with the aura of the unicorn pendant.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, although the three daughters of Mu Hong were curious, they didn't say anything.

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Ji Yang locked the bedroom door behind him.

"Little Dragon Girl, what is this terrifying aura, can you confirm it now?"

The bedroom door was locked, and Ji Yang called Xiao Longnu out.

Crawling out from Ji Yang's sleeve, the little dragon girl's shrunken body became larger, looking at Ji Yang with a pair of eyes, shaking her head.

"This breath is terrifying, but I don't know what it is."

The qilin pendant was right next to the little dragon girl, and at such a close distance, the little dragon girl still couldn't determine what the aura was, so Ji Yang could only sigh helplessly.

Qilin Penne must have a secret, but he and Xiaolongnv can't know it.

If you don't figure out the secret inside, Ji Yang will always feel uncomfortable in his heart.

"You and I can't judge what this breath is, maybe our cultivation base is too low."

"If you find someone with a high cultivation base, maybe you can know what this breath is about."

Ji Yang looked at Xiao Longnv seriously, and Xiao Longnv felt that what Ji Yang said was very reasonable.

"Why don't you ask my father, he may know what this breath is."

Xiao Longnv's thoughts are the same as Ji Yang's.

Ji Yang is going to find someone with a higher level of cultivation than himself, and then hand over the Qilin Pendant to the other party, so that the other party can help him unlock the secrets in the Qilin Pendant.

Linhai Dragon King's cultivation is countless times higher than Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv's, so it might be possible to find him.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang went directly to the Linhai Dragon King.

"Linhai Dragon King, do you have time?"

"Oh, Xiaobai, do you need me? Is something wrong with Xiaolongnv?"

Ji Yang found Linhai Dragon King, Linhai Dragon King thought something happened to Xiaolongnv.

It seems that although the Linhai Dragon King is separated from the little dragon girl Tianfan, his concern for the little dragon girl only increases.

"Little Dragon Girl is fine, she is fine now, I will send you a picture."

In order to reassure Linhai Dragon King, Ji Yang plans to take a few photos of Xiaolongnu and send them to Linhai Dragon King.

Hearing that she was going to take a photo of herself and send it to Linhai Dragon King, Xiao Longnu was very cooperative and changed several poses in succession.

Ji Yang took dozens of photos of Xiao Longnu, and then sent them to Linhai Dragon King in one go.

The Linhai Dragon King in the heavenly court looked at dozens of photos of the little dragon girl in his phone, his eyes were moist with tears.

It was all his responsibility that the little dragon girl who was originally a dragon turned into a little white snake.

"Xiao Bai, thank you for allowing me to see Xiao Long Nu."

"I would also like to thank you for taking such good care of the little dragon girl, Linhai Dragon King thank you."

Seeing Linhai Dragon King thanking him, Ji Yang felt a little embarrassed.

Speaking of it, I didn't take care of Xiaolongnv much, but Xiaolongnv helped me a lot.

"Linhai Dragon King, I came to you today to ask you to look at something for me."

Ji Yang is not looking for Linhai Dragon King to watch Linhai Dragon King perform a family drama, he has serious business to discuss.

Feeling a little embarrassed at this moment, Ji Yang simply changed the subject.

"What, let me see."

"It's this Hetian mutton unicorn pendant. There is a terrifying aura here. Xiaolongnv and I have low cultivation bases and can't tell what the aura belongs to. Please help me find out."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he directly sent the unicorn to Linhai Dragon King via WeChat.

In the Linhai Dragon King's Palace in the Heavenly Court, the Linhai Dragon King received the unicorn sent from the mobile phone in his hand.

As soon as the Qilin Pei was picked up, Linhai Dragon King's eyes froze and his face changed.

"Xiaobai, where did you get this unicorn pendant?"

"This is not an ordinary Hetian suet unicorn pendant, but a sealed unicorn pendant."

The change in Linhai Dragon King's expression was precisely because he felt that there was a seal on the unicorn.

When Ji Yang saw Linhai Dragon King's words, he was also taken aback.

The Hetian mutton unicorn pendant, which I spent 700 million yuan on, was actually sealed.

The terrifying aura is emitted by the sealed thing, and the aura is still so strong even with the seal.

If there is no seal, this thing does not know how terrifying.

"After taking this unicorn pendant, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Now Ji Yang began to doubt whether his decision to win the unicorn was right or wrong.

 Thanks to grandma Yanwei, the clown and others for the rewards, thank you for your support and recommendations, if you can vote for the monthly ticket, please vote for Xieben

(End of this chapter)

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