Chapter 3098
The flames on Sumo's body were well relieved by Varuna's attack, and they were about to be completely extinguished.

However, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was still staring at Somo at this time.

Seeing that the flame on his body was weakened by Varuna's water for the first time, Nine Heavens Xuannv didn't take action immediately, because she felt that her own flame was not comparable to ordinary flames, and it should not be so easy to extinguish.

But after seeing that her own flame was actually extinguished by the other party's water for most of it, Nine Heavens Profound Girl realized that the water controlled by the other party was not the kind that can be calculated according to common sense.

Now that I'm trapped with flames, it's impossible to let you out easily.

After realizing that something was wrong, Nine Heavens Profound Girl made a decisive move. She spewed out more violent flames from her mouth, evaporated the water that Varuna used to save Somo, and then continued to burn Somo.

Seeing that Soma was burned by flames again, Varuna was naturally not convinced.

I have continued the water energy for so long, during which I was suppressed and beaten by the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and even my beast mount Mocha took his life.

Now I have released the accumulated water energy, but I can't extinguish the fire of Nine Heavens Xuannv, and I can't save Somo, so what can I do.

Even Sumo couldn't save him, so he could still count on how much damage these torrents, affected by the energy of water, would bring to Linhai in front of him.

So after seeing the Nine Heavens Xuannv take action and release more intense flames, Varuna also began to mobilize more water energy to gather around Somo, trying to extinguish all the flames around him in one fell swoop, and not to give Nine Heavens any more. Xuannv once again increased the chance of flames.

But when he started mobilizing the water energy, he found that something was wrong with the surrounding situation.

The water energy accumulated in his body was indeed being released, but the release of water energy failed to cause an increase in the amount of water, and failed to increase the power of the water attack.

Even the water that has fallen to the ground and the height of the water has exceeded more than ten centimeters feels like it is diminishing.

When this happened, Varuna was really shocked.

Because he didn't understand at all what was going on.

Why did the water energy that I have accumulated for so long have obvious effects when it was released before, but now it doesn't work?

"This is Huaxia, is it a place where you foreign gods can run wild at will!"

"Creating such a huge torrent, are you trying to create a flood for Linhai, but with me, Zhao Gongming, here, your idea will never succeed!"

When Varuna was still in a daze, a cold voice sounded not far away.

What Zhao Gongming held in his hand was no longer the previous golden whip, but a weapon strung together with more than [-] beads, exuding a halo of five colors.

Varuna didn't know this weapon, but the aura emanating from the weapon made his heart tremble violently.

Because the breath of this weapon seriously affected the water energy in his body.

The water energy in the body, because of the breath of this weapon, showed a state of stagnation, and it was very difficult to mobilize.

Judging from Varuna's experience, the reason why his own water energy cannot resonate with water must have something to do with the weapon in Zhao Gongming's hand.

"What kind of magic weapon are you that can suppress the water energy in my body and block the torrent around me!"

I didn't know the magic weapon in Zhao Gongming's hands, but its influence made Varuna very curious.

He really wanted to know what it was that could suppress his water energy so obviously, so he asked curiously.

"The magic weapon in my hand, it's okay to tell you, these beads are called Dinghaishenzhu, not to mention that you created these torrents, even if the four seas are surging, this Dinghaishenzhu can still stop it!"

Zhao Gongming did not hide Varuna's curious question.

Anyway, what I said is not a big secret. In Huaxia, no one knows how powerful the 24 Dinghai God beads are in Zhao Gongming's hands.

These 24 Dinghai God Beads are innate spiritual treasures. The 24 beads are assembled into a string, and their power is very powerful. During the Battle of Conferred Gods, using this magic weapon, Zhao Gongming defeated the Twelve Golden Immortals in a row.

If you feel that this is nothing and cannot fully prove the strength of the Dinghai Shenzhu, then Daozu Hongjun used this magic weapon to suppress the torrents of the world caused by Pangu's incarnation of mountains and rivers, and calm down the fairy world. Is it enough to prove his strength? Is it so powerful?
Knowing the name of Zhao Gongming's magic weapon, Varuna is still not clear about its specific power.

But from Zhao Gongming's words, he could also hear his disdain for what Varuna did at this time, and this disdain was because of the 24 Dinghai Shenzhu in his hand.

Just when Varuna frowned, not knowing what to say, to restore his form, and to vent his unhappiness, he suddenly thought of something.

YD's eight patron saints have all taken action, and every Chinese god has no time to spare.

But at this time, Varuna actually only saw Zhao Gongming, but did not see the YD God of Wealth Jubiluo who was fighting with him.

Normally speaking, Yubiluo pestered Zhao Gongming, even if Zhao Gongming had the ability to hinder him, he would not have that chance.

Now that Kubira is gone, Varuna has a bad feeling.

"Where is Kubira? Where is should be fighting him, where did he go?"

A bad premonition appeared in his heart, and Varuna also put aside the matter of Dinghai Shenzhu, and asked about Kubira's situation first.

Hearing Varuna questioning him, Zhao Gongming grinned, this smile looked very cold and cruel.

With a wave of his arm, his horse, the black tiger, ran over from not far along with a gust of wind.

In the mouth of the black tiger, there is a person in its mouth at this time.

When the black tiger came to Zhao Gongming's side, he swung his head and threw the person in his mouth to the ground, pressing a tiger claw on the person.

"Ah... Varuna, save me, save me..."

Besides Kubira, who else was trampled under by the black tiger.

At this time, he is no longer dressed in jewels, his clothes are torn, his exposed skin is full of blood, his whole face is very pale, there are blood stains at the corner of his mouth, his breath is very weak, and his speech is weak. No matter how miserable it is, it looks worse than Sumo who was swallowed by the flames.

"The Kubiro you're talking about is this guy, right?"

"It's just a joke for him to want to pester me, Zhao Gongming."

Kubira called for help weakly to Varuna, and Varuna was a little dumbfounded.

Although Kubiro's combat power is the bottom among the eight guardian gods, he must have lost too quickly today, and his defeat was too miserable.

Zhao Gongming didn't stay idle under the dumbfounded expression of Falou, and said something contemptuous...

(End of this chapter)

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