The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3099 Varuna's attack is invalid

Chapter 3099 Varuna's attack is invalid

"Kubiro, why are you so unlucky today!"

No matter how weak Kubiro is, he is also one of the eight patron saints of YD. His weakness is also compared to the other patron saints.

Now seeing Kubiro being trampled by the black tiger, he groaned in pain and asked for help.

Hearing Zhao Gongming's ridicule and contempt again, Varuna's face was as ugly as it could be.

Originally, he only took action to save Su Mo's person, but now, there is another one.

I couldn't save a Soma, and if I add a Kubira, how can I save it?

Varuna felt that he had a headache now, a headache he had never had before.

The water energy that he has accumulated for so long has become so powerless in front of Zhao Gongming, he is not reconciled.

"I don't want to, but his combat power is indeed much stronger than mine, and I can't help it."


"Ah... help me, save me!"

Varuna asked Kubira in astonishment, and Kubira himself wanted to cry but had no tears.

If he could do it himself, who would want to look like this? He is usually full of jewels, and he pays great attention to his image.

Complaining helplessly, Heihu stomped hard on the sole of his foot, and he roared.

The frightened Kubira turned pale, and hurriedly asked Varuna for help again.

"Aren't you going to make a move? If you don't make a move, he will become my black tiger's food."

It was impossible for Varuna to be indifferent to Kubira's cry for help.

All the changes in his expression fell into Zhao Gongming's eyes.

Obviously he had already defeated Kubiro, and the other party's life and death were completely in his hands, but Zhao Gongming did not rush to kill him, there was a certain purpose.

What is the purpose, the immediate effect is obvious.

Influence the opponent, contain the opponent, and use Kubiro as a threat to make the opponent's mind unstable and reduce the combat effectiveness.

Looking provocatively at Varuna with a strange expression, when Zhao Gongming spoke, he hooked his fingers to him.

Heihu also cooperated with Zhao Gongming very well, his eyes were full of fierceness, after glaring at Varuna, he lowered his head to look at Kubira, sticking out his tongue and licking his cheek.

"Ahhhhhh... Varuna, save me, save me... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

There are sharp barbs on the tiger's tongue, and they are very dense.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to be licked by a tiger's tongue, and it is normal to take off a large piece of flesh.

Kubira is a god, whether it is skin or body, it is actually not easy to get hurt.

If it was licked by an ordinary tiger, Kubi Luofei would be fine, but the tiger would probably be unlucky.

But Zhao Gongming's mount was different, it was a divine tiger, a divine beast, and when it licked half of Kubiro's face, the flesh and blood from the lick was bloody, and the intense tingling sensation made him scream miserably.

"Tell you to practice more on weekdays, but you still refuse, you have suffered a lot today... You have to let me save you now, and you have to thank me well afterwards... Raging tide..."

The situation on Soma's side is also very critical, but it seems to be better than Kubiro's.

In the flames, Soma could last a little longer.

But if Kubiro is not rescued now, this guy will soon enter the tiger's mouth.

Now I can only save one first, so let's drink Kubiro first.

Although my ability to control water feels a bit unsmooth, it is not impossible to use it completely.

Mobilizing the water energy in the body, with Varuna as the center, a huge wave appeared out of thin air and rushed towards Zhao Gongming and Heihu.

"Did you ignore everything I told you just now?"

"I told you, in front of my Dinghai Shenzhu, your attack is useless."

As the tide came, neither Zhao Gongming nor Heihu showed the slightest sign of shrinking back.

The corners of Zhao Gongming turned up in disdain, and Zhao Gongming put a string of Dinghai God beads in his hands across his chest, and the five-color light suddenly appeared, and the surging waves disappeared at the moment they met the light, as if Never appeared, not a drop of water remained.

" is this possible!"

Zhao Gongming's words were so clearly spoken and his voice was so loud, how could Varuna not hear clearly.

It's just that in Varuna's heart, there are obvious doubts.

Zhao Gongming's 24 Dinghai Shenzhu really had a big influence on him.

But he didn't believe that Zhao Gongming could completely suppress his water control ability by relying on these 24 sea-fixing beads.

But the scene in front of him completely changed his mind.

Although his fury attack is not his strongest attack, its power is still considerable.

But Zhao Gongming not only blocked it easily, the most important thing is that he didn't even leave a drop of water.

Such thorough resistance to this wave of attacks made Varuna understand that Zhao Gongming's 24 Dinghaishen beads in his hands have extraordinary restraint on the ocean power (water control power) he controls.

"In front of my Dinghai Shenzhu, your attack has been ineffective!"

"Next, you will be like him!"

Varuna didn't directly fear Dinghai Shenchu ​​just because of his words, Zhao Gongming could see it.

But now, the other party's expression has changed so obviously, judging from Zhao Gongming's experience, now Varuna is really afraid of Dinghai Shenzhu.

After all, the Dinghai Shenzhu can suppress the four seas, and this power can't restrain Varuna to death.

"I won't be like him, no!"

When Zhao Gongming spoke, he pointed to Kubiro who was stepped on by the black tiger.

How miserable Kubira is at this time, as I have said before, this is a very embarrassing thing for a god, one of the eight guardian gods.

Even if Kubiro can survive today, what happened to him today is destined to make him a laughing stock of others.

The gods pay the most attention to face and majesty, because it is the basis for them to be respected.

Now that Zhao Gongming said that he would be like Kubiro, Varuna was naturally very resistant.

He is the god of the ocean, and he has not reached the point where he has no ability to resist.

Roaring in his mouth, his whole body was rippling with a blue air like water waves, stepping on waves under his feet, Varuna rushed towards Zhao Gongming directly.


The Dinghai Shenzhu in Zhao Gongming's hand is not just aimed at the attacking Varuna at this time.

What Zhao Gongming really wanted to do was to use the Dinghai Shenzhu to disperse the torrents released by Varuna earlier, and relieve the possible floods here.

When he saw Varuna yelling and rushing towards him, Zhao Gongming did not use the Dinghaishenzhu to attack him, but only borrowed the power of Dinghaishenzhu to stabilize the previous torrent and suppress Varuna at the same time Only the power that can be controlled.

Throwing the Dinghai Shenzhu in his hand into the air, at the same time that the rippling blue air on Varuna's body began to weaken, Zhao Gongming had already summoned his own golden whip, and went up to Varuna.

Isn't it easy for Zhao Gongming to deal with a Varuna who was suppressed by his Dinghai Shenzhu...

(End of this chapter)

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