The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 311 Fatty's Pharmacy Is in Trouble

Chapter 311 The Fatty’s Pharmacy Is in Trouble (Part [-])
"Haha, it's a pity to withdraw it."

"The seven fairies are all beautiful, and they all wear tulle, their bodies are faintly visible, it's a pity you didn't see it."

When Ji Yang was staring at his phone with a depressed face, Xiao Longnu climbed onto his shoulder.

Seeing that there was no picture of the Seven Fairies on the screen of the phone, only the message that the Red Clothes Fairy had withdrawn the message, Xiao Longnu smiled triumphantly.

"If you don't share good things with me, you are too careless."

Ji Yang looked at the proud little dragon girl depressedly, and said unhappily.

Xiao Longnv chose to ignore Ji Yang's words, snatched the phone with her tail curled up, then scurried to a corner of the room with a flick of her body, not knowing who to chat with.

This mobile phone was obviously given to him by Taibai Jinxing, and now Xiao Longnv spends more time on the mobile phone than himself.

Ji Yang really doubted whether Taibai Jinxing had settled it long ago, and this phone was for Xiaolongnv at all.

It was a cutscene to get the phone by myself, and finally handed the phone to Xiao Longnu with my own hand.

Xiaolongnu's cultivation level is now higher than his own, and without relying on the wind attribute of Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship to increase his speed, Ji Yang can't match Xiaolongnu's speed at all.

So if he wants to snatch the phone, it's basically useless.

The more Ji Yang thought about it, the more depressed he became.

"Little Dragon Girl, I'm going to go for a drive, do you want to come together?"

Ji Yang was going to go out to get some air. In the past, whenever he said it, Xiao Longnu would be excited to join him.

But this time when she heard that Ji Yang was going out for a drive, Xiao Longnv shook her head with a look of disgust.

"Go by yourself, I'm chatting with Fairy Baihua, don't disturb me."

Chatting is obviously gossip.

Fairy Bai Hua hadn't even talked to her, but Xiao Longnu hooked up with her first.

If I was as popular as Xiaolongnu, the fairies in heaven would not flock to me.

It's a pity that he is not Xiaolongnu, so he can only watch Xiaolongnu take over his mobile phone and chat with Fairy Baihua, but he wants to go for a drive.

Ji Yang walked out of the villa, he was going to go for a drive, but he really didn't know where to go.

"It's been a long time since I went to see Fatty, and I don't know what this kid has been up to lately."

Thinking of his good brother Hou Senpang, Ji Yang took out his other ordinary mobile phone and called Hou Senpang.

After Ji Yang called, Hou Senpang quickly answered the call.


"Hum hum……"

Rub, what's going on?

As soon as the phone was connected, Ji Yang first heard a panting sound that seemed to be painful and comfortable, accompanied by a heavy panting sound at the same time.

"My phone call can't be so coincidental, is the fat man doing exercise?"

This voice was too familiar to Ji Yang, because he only experienced it last night.

At this moment, he thought that he had interrupted Hou Senpang's good business, so he was about to hang up the phone.

"Fatty, next time you exercise with your girlfriend, you don't have to answer the phone."

"I'm not interested in hearing the sound of other people doing sports."

Before Ji Yang hung up the phone, he did not forget to tease the fat man.

"Be a girl, I'm still single now."

"I'm watching a movie, hey, the new five yards, may I lend you a look."

Damn, this kid is actually looking at five yards and making such a sound.

Ji Yang's face turned green when he heard that, this kid was actually doing that, thinking of Ji Yang yelling at Hou Sen.

"Fuck off, brother, do you need to see that thing?"

"Hey, yes, you are no longer what you used to be. Now that you are surrounded by beautiful women, you don't want to leave."

Hou Senpang said half jealously, half jokingly.

Ji Yang is indeed not the Ji Yang he used to be, and now Ji Yang is accompanied by more than one woman.

But Hou Senpang is still single. As a buddy, Ji Yang should find an opportunity to introduce him to two good beauties.

"Stop talking nonsense. I'll find you where you are. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'll buy you a drink."

"You have a conscience, kid. I'm at home. I'm going to Zuichunyuan. Anyway, you're not short of money."

"No problem, I'll pick you up right away, remember to wash your hands clean."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

They drove to Hou Senpang's house. After picking up Hou Senpang, the two went to Zuichunyuan.

After ordering a few dishes and serving two dozen bottles of wine, the two buddies who hadn't seen each other for a long time started drinking.

After drinking happily, the two began to talk about the mountains.

But talking about it, Ji Yang found that something was wrong with Hou Senpang today.

This kid is usually quite optimistic, why doesn't he seem to be in a good mood today.

"What's the matter with you today, is it better to be interrupted by my call just now, and now you are not feeling well physically and mentally?"

With Ji Yang's current body, after drinking a few bottles of beer, his expression did not change.

On the contrary, Hou Sen is fat, his face is flushed now, and his eyes, which were not big at all, are almost narrowed.

"Stop farting, I'm that kind of person."

"It's because something happened to my pharmacy recently, and I'm quite annoyed."

Hou Senpang was indeed in a bad mood. He smelled of alcohol when he spoke, and he seemed a little drunk.

But when talking about his own pharmacy, he also took a big sip of the wine in front of him.

"What happened to your pharmacy? Tell me what happened, maybe I can help you."

Hou Senpang is his brother. If his brother has something to do, of course he has to reach out.

Now Ji Yang also has a lot of contacts in Linhai. The matter of Hou Sen's fat pharmacy, in Ji Yang's view, should not be difficult to solve.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Hou Senpang sighed, and then told about his pharmacy.

In fact, their pharmacy did not encounter much trouble, but now that the market competition is stimulating, it is becoming more and more difficult to earn money.

The pharmacy of Hou Senfat's family opened relatively early. There were few pharmacies in the past, and there were quite a lot of people who went to their house to buy medicines.

But in the past few years, many people have seen that selling medicines can make money, and many new pharmacies have appeared.

There are as many as six or seven around the location of Hou Sen's fat pharmacy. Under such conditions, there are many fewer people going to Hou Sen's pharmacy to buy medicines.

I don't know if those pharmacies have discussed it recently, but they are all engaged in promotional activities, and they have lowered the price of medicines.

The low price is not counted, and a gift event was launched.

How much money to buy medicines, and gifts.

Hou Sen Fat's Pharmacy has seen other pharmacies doing this, so let's follow suit.

However, for all the medicines that Hou Sen Fat's pharmacy reduced the price, several other pharmacies also reduced the price, and the price was even lower than Hou Sen Fat's.

Hou Senfat's medicine has been reduced to the lowest price, but the other party's price cuts are all lower than the wholesale price.

At this time, Hou Senfat's pharmacy also discovered a problem, which meant to bring down their pharmacy.

But knowing that the other party was going to destroy his own pharmacy, Fatty Hou Sen's pharmacy had no choice.

"I'm a big deal. Leave it to me. After a while, I guarantee that they won't have a chance to compete with you."

Hearing what Hou Senpang said, Ji Yang smiled confidently and said loudly.

 The second update is here, thank you for supporting Xieben, Xieben will work harder, please recommend, monthly ticket, reward

(End of this chapter)

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