The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 312 The effect is a bit fierce

Chapter 312 The effect is a bit fierce (three more)

If it was in the past, Hou Senpang would definitely contemptuously say that Ji Yang was bragging when he heard Ji Yang's words.

But it's different now, Ji Yang completely counterattacked, and the counterattack was very successful.

Cars, houses, tickets, girls, all of them are missing.

Although Hou Senpang and Ji Yang haven't seen each other for a long time, they still occasionally make a phone call or send a WeChat message to chat about recent developments.

It's just that Hou Senpang never talked about their pharmacy, so Ji Yang didn't know about it until today.

Hou Senpang frowned when he heard Ji Yang's words, and looked at Ji Yang with strange eyes.

"When do you plan to do it? Do you want the Huang family to do it? Do you plan to bury it alive or throw it in Linhai to feed the fish?"

Buried alive?feed the fish?
Ji Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed.

What did Hou Senpang think he was going to do to the other pharmacies? Was he going to kill people to silence them?

"Fatty, did you watch the movie and your mind was ruined? Do you think I'm the kind of person you think?"


Hou Senpang looked at Ji Yang seriously, nodded and said.

"Like a girl, I plan to provide a health wine named Shenzhi Health Wine to your pharmacy, and let your pharmacy sell it exclusively in Linhai."

"This Shenzhi health wine is better than other health wines in enhancing various functions of the body and relieving fatigue, and it also has a very significant effect on men. You can try it for yourself when the time comes."

Although Ji Yang's last sentence was teasing Hou Senpang, Hou Senpang didn't care at all.

His thoughts are all on the exclusive sale of Shenzhi Health Wine.

Now if you want to make money, you have to engage in a monopoly. If the effect of this health wine is really the same as Ji Yang said, then his pharmacy will be saved.

But Hou Senpang still had some doubts in his heart. What he wondered was where Ji Yang got the Shenzhi health wine.

Under Hou Senpang's inquiry, Ji Yang told Hou Senpang that he and Li Xinghai opened a health wine factory and produced Shenzhi health wine.

And told the other party the specific curative effect of Shenzhi health wine and several expensive medicinal materials.

Ji Yang dared to talk about the materials with Hou Senpang because he believed in Hou Senpang, and he regarded him as his trusted brother.

When Hou Senpang heard Ji Yang talk about century-old wild ginseng and century-old wild ganoderma, he was so shocked that he sobered up instantly.

"What you said is true. Let me tell you, I've been to college. Don't lie to me."

Hou Senpang looked at Ji Yang and asked softly.

"What's the benefit of lying to you, I'll take you to the health winery now."

In order to make Hou Senpang believe his words, Ji Yang decided to take Hou Senpang to the health winery now.

Hou Senpang was already curious, and he would definitely not raise any objections at this time.

After paying the bill and leaving Zuichunyuan, Ji Yang drove Hou Senpang to the health winery.

Today Li Xinghai was not in the health care winery. When Ji Yanggang came here, he was stopped by the security at the door.

Li Xinghai attaches great importance to Shenzhi health wine, so he has done a lot in terms of security, and no strangers are allowed to enter the health wine factory without his approval.

He did this because he was afraid that someone would steal the formula of Shenzhi health wine. In fact, his worries were unnecessary.

Even if someone steals the formula, what's the use? Can they get century-old wild ginseng and century-old wild ganoderma?

These two things are the key to Shenzhi health wine, without these two things, it is useless to get the formula of Shenzhi health wine.

Since Ji Yang seldom appeared here, the security guard at the gate didn't know him, so he stopped him.

After Ji Yang called Li Xinghai and got Li Xinghai's permission, Ji Yang took Hou Senpang to the health care winery.

After the two entered the health care winery, they saw a beautiful woman with a hot figure in professional attire walking over.

"Hi Shao Ji, I'm the product manager of the health care winery. My name is Yangliu. Mr. Li asked me to receive you."

Yang Liu has big wavy hair permed, and the weapon is very plump, revealing a touch of snow-white, which made Hou Sen's fat eyes straight.

Such a pair of murder weapons looked like they might tear the clothes at any time.

What's more terrible is that Yang Liu's waist is just like her name, it's really Yang Liu's thin waist.

"How can such a big weapon be supported by such a slender waist, won't it be broken?"

Hou Senpang swallowed, thinking to himself.

Regarding Hou Senpang's reaction, Yang Liu did not show any dissatisfaction.

Yang Liu has long been used to it, and the other men turned into pig brothers when they saw her.

When Yang Liu looked at Ji Yang, seeing Ji Yang's calm face made her a little curious.

But although Yang Liu was curious, she didn't dare to provoke Ji Yang. She still knew about the relationship between Ji Yang and Li Zixuan.

If you provoke Ji Yang, you won't have to work in Xinghai Pharmaceutical in the future.

"Hi, Manager Yang, I'm just taking a friend to take a look around, so please show us a tour of the health-care winery."

It is true that Yang Liu is a beautiful woman, but for Ji Yang who is used to seeing beautiful women, he has no feeling for Yang Liu at all.

Ji Yang is the one who has seen Chang'e's drunk photos, and Yang Liu can make Ji Yang look like a pig brother based on his appearance, unless Yang Liu can be more beautiful than Chang'e.

"Okay, Young Master Ji, please."

Yang Liu smiled slightly, and showed Ji Yang and Hou Senpang around.

After some visits, Hou Senpang has basically believed what Ji Yang said, and now it is only a matter of confirming the effect of Shenzhi health wine.

"Manager Yang, please bring a bottle of Shenzhi health wine and let the fat man try the effect."

"Okay, wait a moment."

After walking around the winery, the three of Ji Yang came to the reception room.

According to Ji Yang's request, Yang Liu quickly took the wine and glasses, and poured a glass for Ji Yang and Hou Senpang respectively.

After earning a round in the winery just now, Hou Senpang was already exhausted.

He was exhausted and sat on the sofa, and he didn't even have the strength to continue looking at Yangliu.

"Your state is suitable for verifying the effect. After drinking this glass of wine, you will be refreshed."

Looking at Hou Senpang who was limp on the sofa, Ji Yang handed him a glass of Sanzhi health wine.

The fat man was really tired. With his body weighing more than 200 kilograms, he walked for more than an hour, which was really embarrassing for him.

Hou Senpang didn't even open his eyes, he drank the wine offered by Ji Yang.

When he first drank it, he didn't feel much, but when a warmth appeared in his stomach, Hou Senpang's eyes slowly opened.

Looking at Ji Yang in astonishment, he felt that the warmth was flowing to his whole body, and his fatigue was disappearing.

"Mr. Jin, the Sanzhi health wine produced by our winery works well, right?"

Yang Liu watched Hou Senpang open his eyes and said with a smile.

Hearing Yang Liu's question, Hou Senpang turned to look at Yang Liu.

When he saw Yang Liu's pair of murder weapons, Yang Liu's slender waist, and a charming face with a smile, two streams of red flowed down his nose.

"Well, it works, but the effect is a bit violent."

Hou Senpang nodded and said seriously.

He was so poisoned that his nose bleeds, isn't the medicine effective?

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(End of this chapter)

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