The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 317 Gift Giving Is Troubled

Chapter 317

Although this bloody mary is a good thing, just looking at the bloody mary, it looks like a jar of blood.

It would be terrible if others saw him and thought he was a bloodthirsty hobby.

In order not to scare others, it's better to quickly put away the Bloody Mary.

Not long after Ji Yang put the Bloody Mary and Plum Red Wine into the Qiankun storage ring, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin came back.

The second girl was carrying a lot of things in the bag, and she seemed to be going shopping.

Although they had been shopping for a whole day, the two girls did not show any signs of fatigue on their faces, and were still full of energy.

When women are doing other things, they always cry out that they are tired.

But when you go shopping, there are definitely superwomen, and you don't know what it means to be tired.

"Hey, why did you come back so early today?"

As soon as the second daughter returned to the villa, it seemed a little strange to see Ji Yang in the villa.

Don't look at Ji Yang not going to work in the hospital, but the second daughter found that Ji Yang basically leaves early and returns late.

Under normal circumstances, after the second daughter returned to the villa, Ji Yang would take a long time to come back.

"Things went smoothly today, so I came back earlier."

"What are you buying here? It's such a big pile."

Looking at the things that the second daughter threw on the sofa, there were twenty or thirty bags, big and small.

Usually, I don't see how strong the second daughter is. Today, carrying so many things, why don't they complain that their arms are sore and weak.

"These things are not all ours, but also yours."

Huang Xiaoxin smiled and handed some of the items to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang is not surprised that the second daughter goes shopping for herself.

It's just that when he took the bag and saw the contents, his expression changed slightly.


What Huang Xiaoxin handed over to Ji Yang turned out to be suits, shirts, and leather shoes, all of which were very formal.

After living for so many years, Ji Yang tried to wear a suit once, and took it off after only wearing it once.

He doesn't feel comfortable moving around in a suit, but is more comfortable in casual and sportswear.

So no matter where he goes, he usually wears casual clothes and sportswear.

Now Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan suddenly bought themselves a suit, which made him very strange.

"Today is my dad's birthday. There will be a birthday party tonight. You should dress formally for the birthday party."

"Go and try to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, there's still time to change it."

It turned out that today is Huang Tianxiong's birthday, and with the power of the Huang family in Linhai, all those who attended the birthday party tonight were prominent figures.

This kind of so-called upper-class party, people don't care what they wear in private.

As long as it's at the banquet, the women are all gorgeous, and the men look like five people and six people.

Even if he doesn't like to wear a suit, Ji Yang has to wear it today, otherwise he will slap his future father-in-law in the face.

When Ji Yang changed into his suit and appeared in front of Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin again, the two girls were shocked.

Because they didn't bring Ji Yang to buy a suit together, the two helped Ji Yang choose the suit based on their feelings and memories.

At first, I was afraid that it would not fit and the size would not be suitable, but now it seems that it is too suitable.

Ji Yang wore a very well-fitting white suit, which revealed a bit of nobility in its simplicity, completely covering up Ji Yang's own scorn.

Ji Yang's figure is tall and straight, and his appearance is still handsome. Wearing a white suit and a smirk at the corner of his mouth, he has a special charm in the ordinary.

It was the first time I saw Ji Yang wearing a suit. The effect of him wearing a suit completely exceeded the second daughter's imagination, so the second daughter was surprised.

Seeing the reaction of the two girls, Ji Yang frowned slightly.

"Is it ugly?"

The suits bought by the second daughter must be high-end products, but Ji Yang still feels uncomfortable wearing them on Ji Yang's body.

Seeing the reaction of the two girls, Ji Yang thought how low and ugly he was wearing.

"Not ugly at all, very handsome."

Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan nodded at the same time, and said seriously.

Seeing the two girls nodding, Ji Yang could only resign himself to his fate. This suit is definitely for him today.

Huang Tianxiong is his future father-in-law, today is his birthday, Ji Yang didn't know it before.

I have to attend the birthday party at night, so I can't go there empty-handed.

"Your father's birthday is today, why didn't you tell me earlier, there are so many people attending the birthday party today, how embarrassing it is for me, the prospective son-in-law, to go empty-handed."

Ji Yang said to Huang Xiaoxin slightly reproachfully.

If he had notified himself in advance, Ji Yang would have prepared gifts, but now it was getting dark, and he didn't have time to prepare gifts if he wanted to buy them.

"My dad said, you can go to the birthday party, you don't need to bring anything."

In fact, it wasn't that Huang Xiaoxin didn't tell Ji Yang in advance, it was Huang Tianxiong who didn't let her tell Ji Yang.

"You silly girl, if your father won't let you tell me, you really won't tell me."

"It's my first time to attend your father's birthday. I'm his future son-in-law. In front of so many people, I don't even prepare gifts. How rude."

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Huang Xiaoxin's face collapsed. She felt that what Ji Yang said was indeed reasonable.

It's just that it's okay for my family to have a birthday together, but today there are many guests.

Even ordinary guests would give gifts to Huang Tianxiong, it would be wrong for Ji Yang not to.

"Then what should I do? There are only three hours left before the birthday party, and it's too late to buy gifts now."

Huang Xiaoxin was also a little anxious, her eyes were red, and she looked like she was about to cry.

It was really too late to go out and buy gifts, Ji Yang could only find a suitable gift within three hours through other methods.

"You don't have to worry about the gift, I'll find a way."

"Go and change your clothes and make up now, don't delay the start of the birthday party."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he walked directly to his bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, Ji Yang frowned tightly.

Giving Huang Tianxiong, the father-in-law-to-be, a gift is not a birthday present between friends, just buy one, or even treat guests to a meal.

It must be too late to go outside for three hours to buy a suitable gift, so you can only see what is suitable for you to give to the other party.

Ji Yang searched in his Qiankun storage ring, and now he has a lot of things on him.

After looking around, he felt that there were a few things that were quite suitable.

Things like Jifu bee jelly and Dukang's beer are fine, but Ji Yang doesn't think so.

"Annoying, what is the right thing to give?"

Ji Yang lay on the bed and said while pressing his aching head.

"What's the trouble, people from Heaven and Earth come to your WeChat store to buy things, why can't you go and have a look at their WeChat store?"

Xiaolongnv's voice suddenly sounded, and Ji Yang was awakened instantly.

That's right, I'm just looking at my own WeChat store, but I haven't visited other WeChat stores in Tianting Hell.

Now go to other WeChat stores in Tianting Difu, maybe you can find a suitable gift for Huang Tianxiong.

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(End of this chapter)

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