The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 318 A gift of 5 merits

Chapter 318 A Gift of 50 Merits (Part [-])
It is less than three hours before the birthday party, Ji Yang can't waste time.

Sitting up quickly from the bed, he took out his phone and opened it among contacts.

Ji Yang first clicked on Du Kang's WeChat store, and saw that there were all kinds of wine in it, and the prices of these wines did not seem to be low.

"Ninth grade immortal wine has one thousand merits, fifth grade immortal wine has ten thousand merits, first grade immortal wine has fifty thousand merits, fine nectar and jade liquid has one hundred thousand merits..."

Looking at these wines sold by Du Kang, the price made Ji Yang dumbfounded.

I'll wipe it, this fairy wine is expensive enough.

I thought XO, vodka sold for [-] merits, and [-] merits seemed very expensive.

Compared with Dukang's wine, it is nothing compared to the big witch.

No wonder so many gods drink themselves to no avail because of drinking.

"The people in Heaven and Earth are much darker than me. No matter how good your wine is, it doesn't have to be so expensive."

Du Kang is just a low-level wine fairy, the things in his WeChat store are so expensive, wouldn't the things of other gods be more expensive.

After seeing Du Kang's WeChat store, he had a feeling that he was going to bleed heavily today.

I am afraid that I will have to reimburse a lot of my merits of more than 100 million yuan today.

But even if more than 100 million merits are spent, Ji Yang will continue to look for things, who told him that this is for his future father-in-law.

Click on Bigan's WeChat store, and Bigan sells some exquisite decorations made of gold and jade, as well as lucky charms.

However, the price of these things is much lower than Dukang's wine, usually a few thousand, and the more expensive ones are just over ten thousand.

These things all look very exquisite, just judging from the pictures, they are no worse than the Hetian mutton unicorn pendant that Ji Yang bought at the time.

More importantly, these are all from the hands of Bigan, the God of Wealth and Wealth, and they all have the function of attracting wealth.

A good thing that has the function of attracting wealth, if it is put in the mortal world, it will definitely be robbed crazy.

But in Tianting Hell, no one bought it at all.

Looking at the sales records of the Bigan WeChat store, the last sale was 500 years ago.

This Heaven and Earth Mansion really treats money like dung.

Ji Yang took a look around in Bihao's WeChat store, and he was optimistic about a jadeite cabbage, the price of which was only [-] merits.

But when it was time to finalize the purchase, Ji Yang gave up.

Today is Huang Tianxiong's birthday, and the Huang family is not short of money.

Others don't know that Bigan, the God of Wealth, made it himself, and it is 100% effective in attracting wealth.

If you don't know this, then it's just an ordinary emerald cabbage, which looks a little tacky and not high-end.

"Since it's a birthday, it's best to give something that has something to do with the word longevity, shou, shou, birthday star."

Ji Yang knew whose WeChat store he should go to, and it was Shou Xing's.

Shouxing is one of the three stars of Fu Lu Shou, also known as the Antarctic Immortal, and is the god of longevity.

Ji Yang finds the birthday star in the address book and looks at the other person's profile picture.

The birthday star looks like a white-bearded old man, with a protruding forehead, looks kind and friendly, holds a stick in his left hand, and a big peach in his right hand.

The head portrait of the birthday star is the same as the image circulated in the world.

After seeing the other party's profile picture, Ji Yang clicked on the birthday star's WeChat store.

Shou Xing’s WeChat store is very empty, completely different from Ji Yang’s previous visits to other people’s WeChat stores, which are full of exquisite goods.

Shouxing only sells one thing, and that is birthday peaches.

"Nimma, 50 merits!"

Although Shouxing only sells birthday peaches, the price of birthday peaches is high enough, 50 merits per birthday peach.

Looking at the sales of Shoutao, it is better than that of Bigan stores, but not much better.

According to the introduction of longevity peaches, this longevity peach has the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

The Heavenly Court and the Underworld do not need money, they have a long lifespan and their health is basically good, so this longevity peach is of almost zero use to them.

The last sales record was 200 years ago, and the person who bought it was Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

Monkey King also left a message for Shou Xing.

"Old man, 50 merits are nothing, but the taste of your longevity peaches is far worse than that of the Queen Mother's flat peaches. You should ask the Queen Mother more about how to grow peaches. The next time my grandson buys them , if it still tastes like this, Lao Sun will hit you with a golden cudgel."

This great sage is the great sage, and he is still not afraid of anyone. The golden cudgel in his hand loves whoever he wants, and he will hit you if he wants to, and he will hit you if he wants to.

"The great sage is really peeing, he is indeed my biggest idol in heaven."

Ji Yang sighed, looking at Shou Taoxin bleeding.

A birthday peach costs 50 merits, and Ji Yang now has almost 160 million merits.

It takes 200 million merits to be promoted to rank seven immortal, and he is only short of 40 merits.

But once he spends 50 merits to buy longevity peaches, although he won't be able to return to the pre-liberation, his vitality will be greatly damaged.

"Buy it or not?"

Ji Yang felt a little tangled in his heart.

Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, the little dragon girl at the side moved her body and grabbed Ji Yang's hand.

"Clap clap clap!"

The phone was snatched away, and Xiao Longnu's tail tapped the phone a few times.

Then I saw a light on the phone, and a big peach flew out of the phone.

Seeing this big peach, Ji Yang had the urge to vomit blood.

Isn't this the birthday peach of the birthday star? When he was still debating whether to buy it or not, Xiao Longnv had already made a decision for him, and that was to buy it.

"Little Dragon Girl, this is 50 merits, why did you buy it?"

Ji Yang felt that he could hear the sound of his heart bleeding.

This is not 50 merits, [-] merits, but [-] merits. One third of my merits will be reimbursed like this.

"What's the trouble? Xiaoxin's father raised a wife for you. Why don't you spend 50 merits to buy a birthday peach for her?"

"You guys just have no conscience. Could it be that Xiaoxin is not worth 50 merits!"

Xiao Longnv stared at Ji Yang and said angrily.

Ji Yang was taken aback, Xiao Longnv's tone of voice was not right today.

I used to talk very naively, very childishly, how come I have become mature now?

"Where did you learn this? Don't cartoons always say that I won't let you go? Will I come back to make funny words? When did it become so profound?"

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnv rolled her eyes at him and said softly.

"I'm tired of watching cartoons, and I'm watching urban dramas recently. Although you are giving Xiaoying's father a gift, it is actually for Xiaoxinhua's 50 merits."

"In the end, you are not even willing to spend 50 merits for Xiaoxin, what a scumbag you are."

Have you become a scumbag yourself?

Ji Yang's face changed, this little dragon girl was definitely poisoned by the urban drama.

The little dragon girl watching cartoons is cuter.

But what she said made some sense. The 50 merits were spent for Huang Tianxiong, rather than Huang Xiaoxin.

Although 50 merits are a lot, spending 50 merits for one's own woman is simply a big deal.

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(End of this chapter)

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