Chapter 3303
"Someone is really here. The aura of these two seems to be okay. This kind of person is worthy of being my opponent of Poseidon."

Poseidon's perception is not weak, but slightly worse than Brahma's.

However, after Brahma reminded him, he also noticed Kong Xuan and Daoist Ran Deng rushing over.

Although the two sides have not formally fought, the strength of the breath emanating from Kong Xuan and Taoist Randeng is not comparable to those heavenly soldiers he killed just now.

The strength of the breath alone has already aroused Poseidon's interest.

"Poseidon, the breath of these two people is not weak, don't be careless."

Brahma is undoubtedly much calmer than Poseidon.

He didn't become so excited like Poseidon because of the breath of Kong Xuan and Daoist Ran Deng, but became very cautious.

Now the battle between YD and XL is not good, and the setting can be said to be bad.

If something happens to him or Poseidon, YD and XL's goal of occupying the Chinese family will not be achieved, and the loss will be huge.

If you want to minimize the loss, you must ensure the success of this invasion.

Kong Xuan and Taoist Ran Deng must be difficult to deal with, and there is definitely nothing wrong with being cautious.

"It's just two opponents who can be spotted, what are you afraid of!"

"If you are afraid, I will deal with the two of them alone."

Brahma's kind reminder, Poseidon doesn't appreciate it at all.

The breath intensity of Kong Xuan and Daoist Ran Deng excited Poseidon, that's right.

But compared with Poseidon's aura, the breath of the two of them is still a bit worse.

So Poseidon only regarded them as opponents who could fight, but did not put them in the same position as himself.

Poseidon even felt that if Kong Xuan and Daoist Ran Deng joined forces, he would be able to kill them both.

"I've already said it, you can figure it out yourself."

"I don't mind if you want one to deal with two, but judging by their appearance, they are coming for you and me, so I don't want to do it, but I have to do it!"

Brahma can tolerate Poseidon for a while, but he can't tolerate him in everything.

He still didn't listen to his own good words, Brahma looked unhappy, and his tone became much colder.

The life and death of Poseidon is not what Brahma really cares about, what he cares about is the result of this aggression.

If it wasn't for the final victory, don't talk about talking nonsense to Poseidon, he might not be able to resist attacking him long ago.

After saying a few words to Poseidon coldly, Brahma stopped looking at him.

Instead, he circulated the spirit in his body, waved his arms, and drew a strange rune in front of him, then pushed forward with his palm, and hit Kong Xuan who was rushing towards him.

Now that he already felt that the other party was coming towards him, there was no need to wait until the other party was in front of him, attack him first, and then counterattack.

In Brahma's view, it is better to act first to seize the opportunity.

"You actually did it to me first, so I'll let you try it out, how capable you are."

When Kong Xuan saw Brahma taking the initiative to attack him, his eyes changed slightly.

He was not surprised to be noticed by the other party.

After all, I have been staring at the other party, and I am only a few tens of meters away from the other party.

If the other party is not aware of him at such a short distance, Kong Xuan will be disappointed instead.

According to Kong Xuan's judgment, the power of the rune hitting him is not very terrifying.

This should be the other party's tentative attack. Even so, he didn't use all his abilities, but the white light flowed in his palm, and he swung his palm directly at the rune.

The most powerful thing about Kong Xuan is his five-color divine light.

Although he didn't use the five-color divine light directly, the white light flowing from his palm was also part of the five-color divine light.

So the power of these two palms is not weak.


The two palms were pushed out and hit the rune.

The runes exploded, and the energy was wanton. Kong Xuan's body paused, and the expression in his eyes became a little dignified.

"Sure enough, I have some skills. It seems that if I don't deal with him seriously today, I will die!"

Brahma made a tentative move, and Kong Xuan also made a tentative move.

After a simple probing confrontation, Kong Xuan felt that Brahma was very powerful.

When fighting against him, I can't be careless in the slightest, otherwise I will be very dangerous.

"Something, Poseidon, be careful yourself."

It is not wrong for Brahma to make a tentative shot, but the rune he just shot cannot be easily broken by anyone.

Seeing that Kong Xuan broke his own rune, he also knew that Kong Xuan was in trouble.

After warning Poseidon to be careful again, Brahma rushed straight to Kong Xuan.

"Hmph, with a lot of brains, there is also a lot of nonsense."

"How do I, Poseidon, still need you to teach me!"


Brahma's words were all good intentions, and Poseidon couldn't hear them.

It's just that he doesn't like Brahma's attitude, and it's because of his own personality, so he knows that the other party has good intentions, but he doesn't bother to listen so much.

Snorting coldly at Brahma's back, Poseidon had already swung his trident and slashed at Taoist Burning Lamp who rushed in front of him.

Judging by the strength of his halberd, it seems that although he said it lightly, he was actually very cautious.



After all, Daoist Ran Deng rushed forward on his own initiative, so of course he was prepared.

But the power of Poseidon's trident was indeed hit. Although Daoist Ran Deng blocked the blow with the Qiankun ruler, he didn't let the trident hit himself.

However, the power carried by the trident still caused the divine body he rushed to retreat a few steps.

"So much strength, such a strong breath!"

Only by confronting each other head-on can we truly know how capable the opponent is.

Daoist Ran Deng really took Poseidon's blow, and he really felt Poseidon's strength.

He was right, Poseidon's combat power was definitely at the Sanqing level.

If I fight against him myself, the situation is very pessimistic.

"After fighting for so long, you are the first Chinese immortal who can catch the blow of my trident!"

"That's what makes it interesting... Let me see how many moves you can take on me!"

After Poseidon arrived in the Huaxia family, he has never met a real opponent.

Now that he has finally met a Daoist with the power to burn a lamp, his fighting spirit has also been ignited.

With a smile, he gave a light drink to Taoist Ran Deng, waved the trident in his hand, and launched a fierce attack on Taoist Ran Deng.

"Clang clang clang..."

Although Daoist Ran Deng felt something was wrong, his natural strength was not weak after all, and his reaction speed was fast enough.

Waving the Qiankun Ruler in his hand, he blocked Poseidon's continuous attacks.

Just looking at the state of Taoist Ran Deng, he blocked it, but he was beaten back again and again, and he was always on the defensive. This is not a good sign.

Besides Kong Xuan and Brahma, the state of Kong Xuan is similar to that of Taoist Ran Deng.

Watching them fight like this, I feel invincible to each other...

(End of this chapter)

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