The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3304 Kong Xuan VS Brahma

Chapter 3304 Kong Xuan VS Brahma
"I really don't feel wrong, this guy's strength is no worse than that of the leader!"

"I can't lose, or my life will be lost!"

Kong Xuan fought against Brahma, and after you came and went several times, Kong Xuan's understanding of Brahma became deeper.

Before the action, Kong Xuan and Taoist Ran Deng said that the strength of Brahma and Poseidon should be at the level of Sanqing, with some speculation.

Now after the official fight, he can be sure of this.

Although it is said that Kong Xuan has not yet lost to Brahma, but he has been suppressed and beaten, and he rarely has the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, which is not a good sign.

The bad feeling in his heart became stronger, and Kong Xuan looked at Brahma with serious eyes.

He felt that this was his strongest opponent and the most dangerous battle since he encountered the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

"The flashing light on your body is able to block my digital attacks again and again, but there is some way."

"Would you like to consider joining my YD god? If you want, I can not only spare your life, but also give you a not-so-low god position afterwards, how about it?"

Although Kong Xuan's eyes were serious, he felt that Brahma was not easy to deal with.

But he has not fully revealed all the territory, so far, he has only used red, black, black and white three-color divine light.

Kong Xuan did this, on the one hand, with the three-color divine light, it was barely enough to resist Brahma's attack at this time.

Another point is to save lives.

It is easier for him to save his life at a critical moment when the other party can't figure out his own strength.

Even so, after Brahma saw Kong Xuan's three-color divine light, he still had a lot of interest in him.

YD's attack on Huaxia this time, the loss is too great.

Not to mention Vishnu who was killed just now, how many gods below the main god died.

Even if he really managed to capture Hua Xia Tian this time, with YD's current god power, it would be very difficult to keep it.

So after seeing that Kong Xuan's strength is not weak, Brahma planned to win him over, and this was also for YD God Realm's consideration.

"Join you? Do you want me to be a traitor?"

"Hmph, you really underestimate me, Kong Xuan, and the Chinese gods too much. You want me to be a traitor. Stop dreaming."

His own strength is indeed not as good as Brahma.

On this point, Kong Xuan can now be 100% sure.

But if you want him to be afraid of surrendering and becoming a traitor because of this, Kong Xuan really can't do it.

He, Kong Xuan, is not such a soft-boned person.

"Have a backbone... But you won't be a traitor, but it doesn't mean that other Chinese gods won't."

"I, Brahma, am not a person who likes to talk nonsense. If I gave you a chance, you don't want it, and I won't give you a second time."

"After I kill you, I will find someone else. I believe there will always be someone willing to join the YD God Realm."

Brahma will give Kong Xuan a chance, on the one hand because he is really good, on the other hand because YD God Realm is really short of people right now.

But as he himself said, after giving Kong Xuan a chance, he would not give it a second time.

While speaking, Brahma's eyes flashed a cold light on Kong Xuan's face, his two arms were lifted high into the air and dropped, and a huge golden talisman, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, smashed towards Kong Xuan.

Brahma is known as the god of creation of YD, and his strength is very strong.

In front of him, Kong Xuan was able to rely on the three divine lights to support him until now. It was Brahma who released the water and deliberately controlled the power.

Now that Kong Xuan rejected him, Brahma would not hold back as much as before.

This time the talisman fell, and its power was more than one or two points stronger than before.

"Kill me, then come!"

"Four-color divine light!"

Brahma's momentum changed, as did his attack intensity, and Kong Xuan's face became even uglier.

He also knew that the opponent was just hiding his strength.

This time, when the talisman hit, it was no longer able to be blocked by the three divine lights, so he summoned another yellow divine light.

The four-color divine light flickered, and a vortex of four-color divine light formed in front of Kong Xuan.

The vortex swirled, and after the talisman approached, it was brushed (the word used in Fengshen, which means to receive) into it.

After all, the four-color divine light is not the five-color divine light. Although the talisman was successfully erased, it was still somewhat reluctant.

So at this time, Kong Xuan didn't look so relaxed, but at least he was not injured.

"Well, you still have reservations?"

"Obviously lost, but still dare to retain your strength, you still surprise me, do you still have reservations?"

Previously, Kong Xuan used the three-color divine light, but did not use the power of the brush.

They are all head-to-head, and they bear Brahma's attack head-on.

At this time, when he saw that Kong Xuan released the four-color divine light and wiped off his own talisman, Brahma was really surprised.

But on his face, there was no worry at all, just a strange smile and curiosity.

He felt that Kong Xuan should still have some reservations at this time, and he hadn't used his full strength yet.

Brahma was thinking, put some more pressure on Kong Xuan, forcing him to exert all his strength.

He wants to see how capable Kong Xuan is.

"Four-color divine light, release!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Back then, Kong Xuan used the five-color divine light to basically use magic weapons and people, and seldom used it to attack.

That's because back then, he was not as good at cultivating five-color divine light.

After thousands of years of practice, he has been able to use the five-color divine light more freely.

Seeing that Brahma was planning something again, Kong Xuan took advantage of this rare opportunity to take the initiative.

One divine light is hidden, four divine lights are released, and the divine light condenses into four-color feathers, flying towards Brahma.

"Water Curtain Guardian!"

The feathered arrows condensed by the four-color divine light were shot out, and it seemed that their power was not weak.

Brahma didn't ignore it, and saw an extra water jug ​​in his hand, and some water flowed out of the jug, forming a water curtain barrier in front of him.

"Puff puff……"

There are dozens of Kong Xuan's feather arrows, and their penetrating power is also very strong.

But these dozens of feathered arrows hit Brahma's water curtain guard, except for a little splash, none of them could pass through the water curtain.

"Is the gap between me and him really that big?"

"Do I have to use the five-color divine light now? In that case, I can only fight with my back and let it go. There is no way out."

If the five-color divine light is not used, Kong Xuan just wants to keep a hole card for himself.

I want to use it at a critical moment to save my life.

But now seeing that his four-color divine light was obviously not powerful enough to deal with Brahma, Kong Xuan wondered if he should use the five-color divine light now.

Although life-saving is good, it seems that if I don't use the five-color light, I'm afraid I won't be able to get there.

Because after Brahma blocked his four-color divine light attack, he had already shot again, and started a new attack on Kong Xuan...

(End of this chapter)

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