The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3309 Burning lamp is still alive

Chapter 3309 Burning lamp is still alive
"Clang clang clang..."

When Kong Xuan gave up the five-color divine light, he undoubtedly gave up his own advantages.

Giving up your own advantages when you are not as good as the other party is a kind of abuse.

But knowing that he was abused, Kong Xuan couldn't do anything about it. Who would have consumed a lot of immortal energy in his body when he brushed away Brahma's random strikes with hundreds of arrows just now?

If you don't recover now, your situation will be even worse.

"I hope I can hold on for a while longer. When my immortal energy recovers to a certain level, let's see if I don't brush off your broken stick."

Kong Xuan gritted his teeth and held on, feeling very depressed in his heart.

Obviously he took the initiative to make a move, so he should take the initiative.

Fortunately, he has been suppressed and beaten by Brahma all the time, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Brahma's scepter is a magic weapon, as long as it is a magic weapon, Kong Xuan's five-color divine light can receive it.

Kong Xuan had already made up his mind that as long as he could display the five-color divine light normally, he would take Brahma's scepter away.

Without this scepter, Kong Xuan felt that he would not be so weak from being beaten, so he hated this scepter.

"Look at your appearance, the five-color light just now has consumed a lot of your energy, otherwise why would you not use it?"

"Are you thinking now, after you recover your strength, you want to continue to use the five-color halo to deal with me?"

Brahma knows how to see people's hearts, but it is also aimed at mortals and ordinary gods.

People at Kong Xuan's level can't see through it with his strength.

But relying on his own experience, looking at Kong Xuan's state at this time, he guessed what Kong Xuan was thinking all at once.

"Hmph, look at the gun!"

Kong Xuan's mind was seen through by Brahma, and his expression changed for a moment.

But he didn't mean to admit it. He waved the long sword in his hand and directly attacked Brahma.

"You still want to make a comeback? You have no chance!"

"Even if you don't say it, I can see it, don't say I won't give you that chance, even if you can use the five-color light just now, I can still deal with you."

Kong Xuan was at a disadvantage, and his offense was useless at all.

A shot was thrown out, and it was easily blocked by Brahma, who had a sneer of disdain on his face.

There are some things that Kong Xuan doesn't need to say, he knows the answer.

It is indeed troublesome to deal with Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, but Brahma discovered some problems from the previous response.

He felt that if Kong Xuan used the five-color divine light again, he might try to use the feasible method he felt to deal with him, maybe he could really break his five-color divine light.

However, that was also the time when Kong Xuan was able to use the five-color divine light.

At this time, Brahma, judging by his attack momentum, didn't seem like he wanted to give Kong Xuan a chance to recover his strength so that he could use the five-color divine light again.


When Kong Xuan and Brahma entered into a fierce battle, the battle between Poseidon and Daoist Ran Deng was still going on.

Looking at Poseidon's expression at this time, it seems that he is not very happy, but rather puzzled and dignified.

"What's going on? Why do I feel that he is still alive."

Poseidon can be happy at this time to call hell.

I thought that after Daoist Ran Deng was involved in his own water vortex, he would definitely die.

But the water wave has been rolling for a long time, and Poseidon can still feel the breath of Daoist Lantern in the water wave. He is still alive, but the breath has become weaker.

What Poseidon wanted was the death of Daoist Lantern, not just the weakening of breath.

Of course, he was not satisfied with the result.

"What's going on here? Why is there such a tyrannical force of fire?"

"This flame power actually weakened the power of my water wave vortex. What did he do?"

Daoist Ran Deng is not dead yet, Poseidon is already unhappy.

When he felt a strong and strange flame power emerge from the water vortex, he looked bad.

He stared at the water vortex with astonishment, seeing some strange flames dancing in the water waves, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Flames jumping in the water, which is not in line with common sense.

Now it's still the water waves I made myself, and it's water that is far stronger than ordinary water, so the flames shouldn't have appeared.

But the facts are like this, there are indeed flames dancing in the vortex of the water waves, and the dancing is getting more and more active, the flames are getting stronger and stronger, but the rotation force of his water waves is beginning to weaken, and the water is also decreasing like evaporation.

"The waves are churning!"

Seeing that his water vortex was not as strong as before, Poseidon waved the trident in his hand to strengthen the water vortex.

A huge wave rolled up, and the power of the water wave vortex began to increase.

But this enhancement still didn't make Poseidon happy.

Because the strength increased this time, it only took a few seconds before a black flame shot out from the water waves.

The flames rushed out, and the water waves rolled from the center to the surroundings, causing an obvious hollow in the middle.

The moment a figure appeared in the hollow, it quickly flew out of the water waves and flew into the air.

Who else can rush out of the water waves except Daoist Burning Lamp.

Daoist Ran Deng was in the air, holding a lamp with black light in his hand, which was his magic weapon, the glazed lamp.

The black flame is exactly the ghostly ghost fire inside the glazed lamp.

Nether ghost fire is not a common fire. It not only has the ability to show the life of the dead, but also has a strong power.

If not, how could it burn in Poseidon's water waves and help him get out of trouble.

"You were able to survive in my vortex, and you were able to break out of my vortex!"

Looking at Taoist Burning Lamp in the air, looking at the glazed lamp in his hand, Poseidon's expression was uncertain.

Although Taoist Ran Deng can tell at a glance at this time, the state is not as good as before.

But he is still alive, that cannot be denied.

In Poseidon's mind, Daoist Lantern should be easily killed in front of him.

He is still alive, which is a disgrace to himself.

"I am a Daoist burning lamp. I am not as fragile as you think. It is not so easy to kill me."

When Daoist Ran Deng first rushed out of the water, his whole body was wet.

But at this time, the moisture on his body has evaporated, and his whole body is already very dry.

Looking at Poseidon with an uncertain face, Daoist Ran Deng solemnly shouted at him.

Being trapped in the vortex of water waves, the situation is indeed quite dangerous.

But after consuming a lot of immortal energy, and with the help of the vagrant's will-o'-the-wisp of the glazed lamp, he finally managed to rush out.

I am the deputy leader of the teaching, if I died directly in the whirlpool of the water just now, it would be too shameful.

Not only lost his own people, but also the face of the entire Chanjiao.

"It's not easy, but I want to see how it's not easy."

"The sky is filled with huge waves!"

Taoist Ran Deng is still alive, Poseidon is already very upset.

Now that Daoist Ran Deng is still yelling at him here, he can't bear it even more.

A huge wave rolled up under his control, rolled tens of meters high, and hit Taoist Burning Lamp in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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