The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3310 I Can't Hold It Anymore

Chapter 3310 I Can't Hold It Anymore
"I am Daoist Randeng, the deputy leader of Huaxia Chanjiao. In this battle, I can't lose the face of Chanjiao, let alone the majesty of the Chinese gods."

"Whether this battle wins or loses, I will make you pay a heavy price... ghost ghost fire!"

Huge waves surged from bottom to top, as if more than a dozen sea beasts were rushing towards the Taoist burning lamp. They had great momentum and looked very powerful.

Looking at the huge waves rushing in, Taoist Ran Deng looked dignified.

The process of rushing out of the water vortex just now consumed more than half of the immortal energy in his body.

In his heyday, he was still no match for Poseidon.

It's even more impossible now.

Although I have already taken out the glazed lamp, the ghost fire of the glazed lamp is quite powerful, but even so, it is almost impossible to defeat Poseidon.

So he had prepared for the worst.

But Daoist Ran Deng also thought about it, even if he really lost to Poseidon in the end and would die in the opponent's hands, he would let the opponent hurt the enemy by a thousand and himself injure eight hundred.

At that time, it will be worthwhile for him to die. Not only will he not lose face to the Huaxia Immortal Family, he will not lose face to Chanjiao, but he will also give other Immortal Families a chance. Killing Poseidon will give them a chance.

Daoist Ran Deng, who had completely given up his heart, watched the rushing huge waves, and released the ghostly will-o'-the-wisp without fear.

He wants to tell Poseidon with his actions that the Huaxia Chanjiao family is not so easy to deal with, and he is not as weak as he thought.

"Zizizi... Boom..."

The ghostly ghost fire has just been released, and the huge waves are already coming.

The ghostly will-o'-the-wisp collided with the huge waves, and the water mist rose, causing a roar.

Poseidon's huge waves and sky are really not weak, but it is not the strongest attack of Poseidon.

Although this level of attack will bring some troubles to Taoist Burning Lamp, it is still a little bit worse if he wants to defeat him who uses the ghost fire.

After a battle between the ghostly ghost fire and the huge waves, the ghostly ghost fire was finally the winner, overwhelming the power of the huge waves and breaking all the huge waves.

The ghostly will-o'-the-wisp that broke through the huge waves didn't stop there.

Under the control of Daoist Ran Deng, the ghost fire took advantage of the situation and burned directly towards Poseidon.

Seeing his huge waves being broken, watching the ghost fire burning towards him, Poseidon's eyes changed drastically.

With a thought in his heart, while he still underestimated the other party, the trident in his hand danced quickly.

"Heavy waves!"

Poseidon's trident is a symbol of his identity, and it also possesses very strong power.

Not to mention waving it deliberately, even waving it casually may cause tsunamis and earthquakes.

Big Wave and Big Wave have similar-sounding names that sound like they're just reversed.

But the actual power is quite different.

Compared with the huge waves brought by Julang Taotian, the huge waves at this time are more than two times stronger in terms of visual impact and power fluctuations.

The ground shook and cracked like an earthquake, and the water column broke through the ground, forming huge waves, rushing towards the incoming ghost fire.

"Zizizi... Boom..."

At first, the ghost fire collided with these huge waves, and it looked the same as the previous situation with the giant waves.

However, the water mist was transpiring, and the power of the huge waves began to weaken.

But this time the competition time was much longer than before, and after some competition, the ghost fire did not have the upper hand, and it did not succeed in breaking the monstrous waves.

However, the monstrous and huge waves did not get cheap, nor could they completely suppress the ghost fire.

The ghostly ghost fire and the monstrous waves can only be said to be evenly matched at this time, and they competed with each other to a tie.

Whether it is Daoist Lantern or Poseidon, they are not satisfied with the tie.

Especially Poseidon, his majestic Emperor of the Sea, how can he compete with a Chinese god who is obviously not as good as himself, this is simply a shame.

Daoist Ran Deng's heart fluctuated better than Poseidon's. After all, he had known for a long time that there was a gap between himself and the other party.

It is expected that I am not as good as the other party.

But I and Poseidon have only formally played against each other a few times, and they are evenly matched. Will there be any more fights in the future?
Can I still let him hurt the enemy a thousand and hurt myself eight hundred?
So he is not convinced, he is not convinced, it is only this level of confrontation, and he is powerless.

"Ghostly will-o'-the-wisp, will-o'-the-wisp burning!"

Dissatisfied in his heart, Daoist Ran Deng didn't care how long the immortal energy in his body could last, and began to release more immortal energy to strengthen the power of the ghost fire.

With the input of more fairy energy, the power of the Nether Ghost Fire instantly increased, smashing the huge waves one after another, and took the top spot all at once.

"I, Poseidon, am I still afraid of your failure!"

"The waves are raging!"

Evenly divided with Taoist Ran Deng, the one who was even more angry was Poseidon.

It's good now, but Daoist Ran Deng was the first to attack. Now he is no longer evenly divided, but completely has the upper hand and overwhelmed his own attack.

Such a scene made the angry Poseidon unbearable.

He drank violently in his mouth, and even more turbulent waves rushed out.

The huge waves that had just been suppressed by Taoist Ran Deng became stronger, which not only instantly wiped out Taoist Ran Deng's advantage of ascending the peak, but also showed a tendency to counterattack, extinguishing the ghostly ghost flames by a lot.

"Depending on you, you also want to fight with me!"


His own counterattack worked, the ghost fire began to weaken, and a sneer appeared on Poseidon's face.

This result, in his opinion, is justified, and he should be better than the other party.

But just moving back to the disadvantage, a little bit of the meaning of going up the peak, Poseidon will not be satisfied.

He frantically danced the trident in his hand, causing waves of breaking wind, and huge waves surged along with it, making the huge waves attacking Taoist Ran Deng very ferocious.

"Puff puff……"

Under the ferocious huge waves, the ghostly ghost fire became more and more difficult.

The burning range of the ghost fire is getting smaller and smaller, turning into wisps of black smoke and drifting away, it seems that it will be unstoppable.

"Ghost will-o'-the-wisp, hold on!"

Poseidon's counterattack effect is so good, a large part of the reason is the difference in cultivation level between him and Taoist Burning Lamp.

In terms of the strength of the Nether Ghost Fire and Julang alone, the Nether Ghost Fire is even better.

But who made the difference in the cultivation bases of the two sides here? Daoist Ran Deng was not convinced, and he had nothing to do.

Dissatisfied in his heart, Dao Randeng shouted loudly, and the immortal energy in his body was continuously released without reservation.

He knew he would lose, but he didn't want to lose like this.

Because if it fails like this, it will have no effect on Poseidon at all.

He was going to risk his life and make Poseidon pay the price.

"Still holding on there, can you hold on!"

Looking at Taoist Ran Deng who refused to admit defeat, the sneer on Poseidon's face deepened a bit.

The trident in his hand danced even more crazily, the tide raised by the huge waves became higher, and the ones with greater power became more ferocious.


"Ah... poof..."

In the end, Daoist Ran Deng couldn't hold on any longer, and his ghostly will-o'-the-wisp was defeated by Poseidon's fierce waves.

With a cry of pain, blood spit out from the mouth of Dao Ran Deng, his body was impacted by force, and fell from the air to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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