The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3319 I have more good things

Chapter 3319 I have more good things

Ji Yang gave Fantian the same feeling as Kong Xuan gave him.

In his opinion, Ji Yang and Kong Xuan should have similar levels of cultivation and combat effectiveness.

Just now, his series of Thunderclap Palms failed to bring substantial damage to Ji Yang, so Brahma planned to use a stronger attack to deal with him.

After the energy in his body accumulated to a certain extent, Brahma took out his own bow and arrow.

"You seem to be about the same strength as that evildoer just now. The evildoer just now can catch my air arrows continuously. Let me see if you can catch them too."

"Swoosh... One arrow turns into ten arrows..."

I feel that Ji Yang and Kong Xuan are on the same level, and Brahma also used the method to deal with Kong Xuan.

One arrow was shot, halfway the arrow turned into ten arrows, and the ten air arrows shot towards Ji Yang quickly.

"Xuanyuan Sword...Xuanyuan Sword Art!"

Ten air arrows came, and Ji Yang felt that it would be impossible to use the Purple Thunder Hammer.

To deal with changing moves, I can't always play the same old way.

The Xuanyuan sword was taken out, and the Xuanyuan sword technique was followed.

The golden sword energy flew one after another, and the ten air arrows were easily broken by him.

Not only was the qi arrow broken, but Ji Yang swung his sword non-stop, and several sword qi hit Brahma.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ten air arrows were broken, and Ji Yang also attacked himself, which made Brahma nod his head.

However, the golden sword energy hitting him failed to really hurt him.

As soon as he got close to his body, he took out his own scepter and broke it.

"It's interesting, let's try a few more arrows!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Brahma has four arms, and while he waved his scepter to break the sword energy from Xuanyuan Sword Art, he shot several arrows again.

Counting arrows in the air, all of them turned into ten, and they continued to shoot towards Ji Yang.

"It's not over yet, Xuanyuan Sword Art."

The air arrow shot by Brahma is not very powerful.

With the Xuanyuan sword technique alone, Ji Yang was able to block it.

Even if the number was a little more this time, Ji Yang didn't change his technique, and still used the old Xuanyuan sword technique.

It's just that compared to before, the speed at which he swings the sword has become much faster.

Dozens of air arrows were also broken by him. Although it was a little more useless than before, it was broken if it was broken.

"It seems that this arrow turned into ten arrows is of no use to you."

"Since that's the case, then I'll give you a taste of a hundred arrows... Hundred arrows hit randomly!"

Compared with one arrow turning ten arrows, whether it is the power of a single arrow or the overall number, it is not at the same level.

Seeing that turning one arrow into ten had no effect, Brahma changed his tactics again.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Hundreds of air arrows shot out at the same time, covering Ji Yang like a net of arrows.

Looking at the incoming air arrow, Ji Yang frowned, and tightened his hand holding Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuandi Qi circulated in the body, and Xuanyuan Sword was swung out suddenly, followed by the sound of a dragon chant, and at the same time, a golden dragon flew out whistling.

Xuanyuan Sword's matching sword technique, Dragon Chanting Sword Technique, was displayed by Ji Yang.

The power of the Dragon Chanting Sword Technique is on the same level as the Xuanyuan Sword Technique. Compared with the range attack of the Xuanyuan Sword Technique, the Dragon Chanting Sword Technique is more like a single target, attacking by pointing at the surface.

The golden dragon flew over and smashed dozens of air arrows in an instant.

But there were hundreds of arrows in this Hundred Arrows Attack, only one-third of which were broken by Jinlong.

After breaking this third, the golden dragon has become very illusory, and it seems that it doesn't have much power.

Even if some air arrows can be broken, it certainly cannot be completely broken.

"These arrows are much more powerful than the arrows just now."

"It seems that it is a little difficult to destroy all the air arrows just by relying on the Xuanyuan Sword."

The Longyin sword attack gave Ji Yang a better understanding of Hundred Arrows.

Watching the remaining dozens of arrows continue to shoot at him, if Ji Yang used the Xuanyuan Sword Technique again, he could break some of them.

But if it is completely broken, he really can't guarantee it.

Brahma's thunder palm hit him just now, and it didn't feel good. These air arrows seemed to be stronger than the previous thunder palm.

If this is shot, I will definitely not feel comfortable.

Having figured this out, Ji Yang simply put away the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and at the same time took out the Donghuang Bell.

"Guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The Donghuang Bell was taken out, and the guardian of the Donghuang Bell was used accordingly. The remaining dozens of air arrows hit the guardian of the Donghuang Bell. Although there were some cracks in the guardian of the Donghuang Bell, it was not really broken.

Looking at the crack in the guard of the Eastern Emperor Bell, Ji Yang exhaled a long breath, secretly thinking that his choice was very wise.

Even the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell was cracked. This power is really not small. Fortunately, I didn't show off my skills, otherwise I would have suffered if the shot hit me.

"There are so many good things, rich enough."

Seeing that his random arrow strikes failed to hurt Ji Yang, Brahma looked at Ji Yang with strong interest.

Although Ji Yang has not used much skills so far, he has revealed a lot of magic weapons.

And every magic weapon is top-notch.

Even Brahma was a little envious when he saw so many magic weapons.

If he knows, this is only a small part of Ji Yang's present, and he doesn't know how envious he is.

Speaking of Brahma's bow and arrow, although it is not an innate magic weapon, it is very close.

Therefore, it is true that Ji Yang did not show off his abilities.

Otherwise, if he shoots at him, even with the God of Freedom Armor, it cannot guarantee his safety.

"What is this? I have a lot of good things in me. If you have the ability, go ahead."

Whether Brahma's words were praise or belittlement, Ji Yang didn't care.

Anyway, he escaped another catastrophe, which made him feel a little bit secretly happy.

Looking at Brahma provocatively, Ji Yang hooked his fingers at him, and let him continue to attack.

The fight between him and Brahma was really not good, but he and Taishang Laojun had rescued him when they rushed over, and they delayed each other for what they had to do.

As long as I can do this, it doesn't matter if I don't perform well.

"Hahaha...there are so many good things?"

"Then let me see how many good things you have, and see if your good things can block all my attacks."

"Subduing Dragon Overturning Palm!"

Ji Yang's provocative energy made Brahma feel very funny.

Because Ji Yang's strength is obviously not as good as his own, but he can still do such provocative things. If it were him, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Four palms fluttered, while Brahma was speaking, he bullied himself and directly cast the Dragon Subduing Palm.

With this move, Ji Yang immediately felt the pressure around him increase.

Looking at the four palms that hit, Ji Yang's face darkened.

Although the attack hadn't hit him yet, he already felt that the Subduing Dragon Fantian Palm was not so easy to block, and this move was extremely powerful.

The rift in the guardianship of the Eastern Emperor Bell has not yet fully recovered. With the guardianship of the Eastern Emperor Bell at this time, it will definitely not be able to stop Brahma's Subduing Dragon Palm...

(End of this chapter)

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