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Chapter 3320 Hurting Brahma

Chapter 3320 Hurting Brahma

"This time, relying solely on the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell is definitely not enough. We can only fight back."

Ji Yang himself saw it quite thoroughly, and knew that at this time, he couldn't just rely on defense.

Brahma attacked very quickly, and he didn't have much time to think about how to fight back.

Anyway, seeing that the opponent's Jianglong Fantian Palm was very powerful, he didn't think too much about it, so he directly took out one of his strongest attacks and shot quickly.

"Earth Sha Push Mountain Palm!"

Earth Sha Pushing Mountain Palm is one of Ji Yang's strongest moves.

The guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell didn't get rid of it, so he used this move directly.

Why not withdraw the defense and attack, Ji Yang thought it was good.

He doesn't know the power of Brahma's Subduing Dragon Overturning Palm, but he doesn't feel weak.

Although the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell could not completely block his attack, it would definitely be fine to counteract some of his strength.

As long as the opponent's attack power is weakened, don't you have a better chance to break the opponent's attack, or even counterattack the opponent.

My Earth Shatui Mountain Palm, that's not a joke.

Being hit by Di Sha Tui Shan Palm, even if the opponent is Brahma, it must be uncomfortable.

"Boom boom boom..."


Ji Yang thought well, and the result did not disappoint him.

Brahma's Dragon Subduing Palm is no weaker than Ji Yang's Earth Sha Pushing Mountain Palm in terms of power.

In addition, the person who used it was Brahma, and his cultivation level was higher than that of Ji Yang, so the power of this move was even stronger.

Even if Ji Yang had learned Xuandi Qi, the Earth Sha Pushing Mountain Palm he used was still weaker than Brahma's Dragon Subduing Heaven Palm.

But he was smart because he didn't remove the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell. Although the defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell was cracked, its defensive effect was still strong.

Brahma's Subduing Dragon and Fantian Palm hit it, and the guardian of the Donghuang Bell was indeed broken, but it also consumed almost one-third of the power of the Subduing Dragon and Fantian Palm.

With one-third less power, the power of Subduing Dragon Flipping Palm is greatly reduced, how can it compare with Ji Yang's Earth Shatui Mountain Palm.


When Disha Pushing Mountain Palm collided with Jianglong Fantian Palm, the force erupted was enough to level a small mountain.

The power of the explosion soared into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud and blasting into the sky.

Under the explosion of this force, Ji Yang's body was directly thrown tens of meters away before he stopped. His clothes were in tatters, revealing the close-fitting God of Freedom Armor.

If it hadn't been for the God of Freedom Armor to help him offset part of the strength, the impact he would have suffered at this time would have been even greater.

But even so, he still had a feeling that the internal organs in his body were displaced.

"Uh... poof..."

Ji Yang looked quite embarrassed, Brahma was only slightly better than him.

As I said just now, because the power of the Dragon Subduing Palm has been reduced by a third, its power is not as powerful as the Earth Shatui Mountain Palm.

When they collided with each other, a powerful air wave erupted, not only Ji Yang was blown away, Brahma was also blown away.

The distance he withdrew was about the same as that of Ji Yang, and the blood in his body was not stable enough, which is nothing.

The important point is that the Disha Pushing Mountain Palm blocked the remaining two-thirds of the power of the Jianglong Fantian Palm, but the Jianglong Fantian Palm failed to completely offset the power of the Disha Pushing Mountain Palm.

Although the remaining Dishatui Mountain Palm's strength was not much, it still hit Brahma.

This made his qi and blood unstable, and he felt a sweetness in his throat. Facing Ji Yang's head, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Brahma, you are nothing more than that."

Seeing Brahma vomiting blood, Ji Yang grinned and said mockingly while suppressing the discomfort in his body.

Brahma, this is a powerful existence on the same level as Sanqing, Ji Yang couldn't help being excited because he was able to vomit blood from him.

"Good method, I actually fell into your way."

"But no matter what the reason is, you can hurt me, it's something worth showing off."

"But don't get complacent too early. You hurt me on behalf of angering me. Then you can bear the anger from me."

He had been tricked by Ji Yang, Brahma had already thought of it when his power was weakened by the Dragon Falling Palm that broke the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

But at that time, he couldn't do other things at all, and he couldn't change his tactics.

Because Ji Yang had already made a move, almost at the same time that the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell was broken, his Earth Shatui Mountain Palm had already arrived.

Knowing that Jianglong Fantian Palm and Earth Sha Tatui Mountain Palm, which were weakened in power, would suffer losses if they fought recklessly, but they couldn't avoid it.

If I were to say where I was wrong, it was because I made a mistake when I made a move. If I had some reservations and prepared myself, I would not follow Ji Yang's way.

So his anger at this time was not only aimed at Ji Yang, but also at himself.

He was blaming himself for not being careful enough, otherwise the injury at this time could have been avoided.

"I'm waiting to bear your anger, but before that, you have to bear my attack first."

"Mountain Shaking Palm, ha!"

As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of deceit, when the two sides fight, who cares what moves you use, who can stand at the end is the key.

Ji Yang really wanted to give Brahma a thumbs up for Brahma's attitude of being angry and condemning him indiscriminately because he was plotted against him.

But this is just thinking about it, the movements of his hands will not stop.

Now Brahma has been injured, although the various injuries are unknown, but Ji Yang, who is vomiting blood, is still very excited.

Before the other party took the initiative to attack, Ji Yang had already used the Mountain Shaking Palm, which was not weaker than the Disha Pushing Mountain Palm, and launched an active attack on him.

"Boy, are you planning to take advantage of my illness and kill me?"

Ji Yang made a sudden move, and it was an attack no weaker than the previous move.

Brahma stared at such an attack.

He didn't fight back directly, but disappeared in place with a flash of his body.

When it reappeared, the person was already a hundred meters away.

The injury on his body is not serious, but his blood has not stabilized yet.

It's not impossible to make a move now, but not to mention the poor effect, it may also lead to more confusion in blood.

This is very detrimental to the next battle.

Brahma was angry, but he was not overwhelmed by the anger. It was very correct for him to choose to avoid the edge and continue to stabilize his blood.

"Hey, what do you think!"

"It's quite fast to hide, but my speed is not slow... Lie Fengxing!"

After Brahma withdrew a hundred meters away, Ji Yang's attack fell through.

But Ji Yang didn't intend to stop attacking at this point, the two palms gathered Xuandi Qi, continued to use the Mountain Shaking Palm, and rushed directly towards Brahma.

Brahma can see Ji Yang's mind clearly, doesn't he know that Brahma is playing God so pay attention.

Let the other party stabilize the blood, isn't that causing trouble for oneself?

Ji Yang didn't want to give Fantian such an opportunity, he just wanted to take advantage of Fantian's illness and kill him.


Swinging both palms, Ji Yang launched a violent attack on Brahma.

Brahma frowned and dodged quickly, but he was bitten to death by Ji Yang, the process of dodging was full of dangers, and it was not easy to dodge...

(End of this chapter)

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