The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3327 Ji Yang's Marriage Ideas

Chapter 3327 Ji Yang's Marriage Ideas

"Ji Yang!"


After learning about the YD and XL gods attacking China, Ji Yang did not return to the mortal world immediately, but stayed in the heaven for several days.

During this period, he just sent a WeChat message to Mu Hong and others in the mortal world, informing himself and Huaxia of the situation.

So when he returned to the mortal world, everyone was very excited after seeing him.

After all, WeChat notifications are WeChat notifications, and everyone is really relieved when they really see him.

After briefly reminiscing with everyone, Ji Yang and Han Ye came to the study alone.

"Everyone else has gone back? After Satan came to Huaxia, didn't he make trouble?"

Western Paradise has been handed over to Han Ye to take care of.

Although some agreements have been reached with Satan, under the trend of interests, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not make trouble.

This time, while notifying Han Ye to come to China, he also notified Satan.

It was very risky for Ji Yang to do this, and it was a bit like luring wolves into the house.

It is very possible if Satan takes the devils from the abyss and purgatory to do something to China when YD and XL attack the heaven and the underworld.

"When Satan first arrived in China, there were indeed some changes."

"However, Lucifer is very smart. He dissuaded Satan and prevented him from making further changes. After learning that the Chinese immortals killed a large number of YD and XL gods, and even wrapped up several main gods, he didn't dare to act recklessly."

"Now he has returned to Western Purgatory, but before leaving, he asked me to tell you that although they didn't really help this time, I still hope that the master can calculate the reward for coming to China this time. "

Ji Yang asked Han Ye, Satan and others to come to China to help protect the mortal world.

But YD and XL only sent some people to arrest Ji Yang at the beginning, and did not do anything to Huaxia.

So after Han Ye and the others arrived in Huaxia Mortal World, they didn't do anything, and the matter was resolved.

"I knew he was dishonest. As for the reward, I will give him."

"After you return to the west, pay more attention to Satan and the others. If there are any changes, please let me know at any time."

"Now that the Three Realms of China are interconnected, if he really dares to make trouble, I don't mind leading someone to kill him."

Fortunately, Satan didn't really do anything, Ji Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.

But the vigilance that should be there is still necessary.

After Han Ye heard Ji Yang's words, he nodded heavily and went back to the west.

In fact, Han Ye knew very well that his mission in the west was not only to manage heaven, but also to prevent the abyss from purgatory.


"What did you say? You said you were going to get married?"

After Han Ye left, only his wife and parents were left in Ji Yang's residence.

Although the battle with YD and XL this time ended in victory by paddling into the water, during the battle, Ji Yang felt that he was on the line of life and death several times.

Several times, almost died.

While this made him cherish life even more, he also thought of his own woman and parents in the mortal world.

He felt that he should give his women a title and an account, so that his parents could feel at ease.

When he expressed his idea of ​​getting married, although everyone was very excited, they were also very surprised, and their expressions were a little strange.

Being able to marry Ji Yang and have a real status, his women are of course happy.

But China is about the law, about monogamy.

Even if Ji Yang's women all have good identities and backgrounds, there is no way to avoid this problem.

Now Ji Yang is going to get married, how to get married?

No matter who she married, other people would definitely feel uncomfortable, but if they all married, this... would be impossible.

"Yang'er, although your idea is good, your father and I also hope that you will start a family earlier and spread the branches and leaves for the Jiuli people, but now it is not the time we were back then. They are all my good daughters-in-law. You alone Can't give up!"

Although the girls had thoughts in their hearts, none of them spoke out what was in their hearts.

It was Ji Yang's mother who saw something on everyone's faces.

After all, women know women best. Since it is not convenient for them to ask, then as a mother, you can ask.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

"I, Ji Yang's woman, I will not abandon any of them. I know what you are worried about."

"Although legally, I cannot give you a title, but in the three realms of China, I can give you an identity. I want everyone in the three realms to know that you are my wife, Ji Yang."

Ji Yang himself is not stupid, Fang Yu can see what the girls are thinking, and his own heart is like a mirror.

Since he had just told the girls about his idea of ​​getting married, he had already thought about everything.

According to Ji Yang's thinking, although he has a great influence in China, he can't change the law.

It is impossible to obtain legal recognition.

So he didn't intend to take this step at all.

What he wanted was to let the heavens and the earth be the witnesses, and let all the immortals in Huaxia be the witnesses to prove that he and the daughters were husband and wife.

"That's good, Yang'er, where are you going to hold the wedding?"

"You can't let them down. This wedding must be decent, otherwise I, a father, won't let you go."

Knowing Ji Yang's thoughts, the girls were very happy.

Although it cannot be legally recognized, but being able to be witnessed by all the gods in the heaven and the underworld feels that this is much more awesome than that little red book.

Li Shang clapped his hands loudly, looked at Ji Yang with a serious expression, and raised his eyebrows at Ji Yang.

It's okay for you kid, there are enough ghost ideas.


Ji Yang answered Li Shang's question without hesitation.

Li Shang's worry was really unnecessary.

He, Ji Yang, is now the Emperor of the Three Realms, and he married all the girls at the same time. Could this wedding be bad?
Not only did Ji Yang have to hold a grand and dignified wedding, but even the place where the wedding was held had to be awesome.

Mortal, root is not enough to meet his needs.

He wants to hold this wedding in the heavenly court, so that it will be more convenient for the immortals in the heavenly court and the underworld to participate.

If it is placed in the mortal world, no matter where he chooses, Ji Yang feels that it is not suitable.

"Heaven? How to get there?"

"Heaven? Can grandpa still participate?"

"Ji Yang, are you kidding me, going to the sky to hold a wedding, can this work..."

Although Ji Yang has a good idea, going to the sky to hold a wedding is not something ordinary people dare to think about.

But his thoughts always give people an unrealistic feeling.

After all, except for Ji Yang, no one else has even been to Heaven.

Everyone has relatives and friends. Although such a big event as marriage cannot be recognized by law, everyone also hopes that their relatives and friends will witness it.

So I really didn't listen, and I felt that Ji Yang's idea was a bit unreliable...

(End of this chapter)

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