Chapter 3328 Wedding (End)

"How to get to heaven, I have my own way."

"You just need to notify your close relatives and friends!"

When the Three Realms of China were not interconnected, Ji Yang couldn't make everyone go to the sky to attend his wedding.

But now that the three realms are connected, it is not difficult.

As for letting people who don't know the relationship between him and the Heavenly Court and the Underworld go to the Heavenly Court together, what impact will it have afterwards, Ji Yang has not considered.

He only knew that he had to give his women a perfect wedding.

Unable to get the legal recognition, I have already let them down.

If even relatives and friends cannot bear witness, the debt to them will be even greater.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, the girls didn't ask any more questions.

But the girls looked at each other, tacitly, and they all had some thoughts in their hearts.

They have been with Ji Yang for so long, and they are all smart people. They know some things that should not be known by too many people.

All the girls had already thought about it at this time, they would only tell their blood relatives about their going to heaven to get married, they would only inform their parents and biological brothers and sisters.

As for the others, forget it.

Although it would be a pity to do so, they will not cause trouble for Ji Yang.

A husband who can go to heaven and earth at will, and can communicate with ghosts and gods, it is not a joke to spread the news.


Kunlun Mountains

It is known as "the ancestor of all mountains" and "the mountain of all gods".

Today, many people gathered on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

If someone who knew them saw it, they would definitely be surprised by these people, because any of them are of good status.

There are not only powerful people like Li Xinghai and Huang Tianxiong in it.

There are also Chinese bigwigs like Xu Yunshan, Qi Shanhai, and Dongfang Yu.

They are all blood relatives of Ji Yang's woman, and they are here to attend the wedding.

In addition to those who are the representatives of the daughters' close relatives, Ji Yang has not forgotten that some of his brothers, Peng Caixuan, Hou Senpang, Mu Hang, Liu Shisan, etc., are also here.

They were all invited by Ji Yang to witness their wedding together.

Although everyone didn't say anything, they all knew it in their hearts, and they didn't really inform many people.

But the number of people who came here today has exceeded a hundred.

"Thank you all my friends and relatives for coming here and going to heaven with me to witness the wedding of my wives and me."

"Now, everyone only needs to pass through this portal to reach the Heavenly Court. Tiantian, please take Mr. Xu in."

Although before coming here, everyone already knew that they were going to the heavenly court to attend the wedding.

But after seeing a colorful barrier flickering beside Ji Yang, and listening to his words, I was still shocked.

"Ji Yang, you still call me Mr. Xu?"

"Uh...Grandpa, please, after arriving in Heaven, someone will take you and Tiantian to the wedding venue."

Xu Tiantian and Xu Yunshan walked by Ji Yang.

Xu Yunshan teased Ji Yang with a smile, Ji Yang changed his words with a smile and made a gesture of please.

That's right, I'm about to marry someone else, and many people should change their minds.

The portal that Ji Yang created was actually the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The Donghuang Bell was originally called the Gate of Heaven, and it has the ability to connect with Heaven.

Xu Tiantian and Xu Yunshan passed through the portal of the Eastern Emperor Bell first, and the others followed suit.

After everyone entered, Ji Yang finally walked into the portal with his parents, which is a kind of etiquette.


Today's Yaochi is even more lively than the Pantao Festival.

The people gathered here today are not only the gods from Hua Xia Tianting Underworld, but also hundreds of mortals from the mortal world.

Yaochi, today is Ji Yang's wedding venue.

Although today is not a feast of flat peaches, the Queen Mother distributed a flat peach to every guest.

The Jade Emperor also asked the God of Cookery, Du Kang and others to prepare delicious food and immortal wine for everyone.

"Bride and groom enter!"

Ancestor Hongjun, as the officiant, shouted after everyone was seated.

As soon as his words fell, the fairy music played, and then saw Ji Yang and the girls coming on the real dragon and the colorful phoenix respectively.

There were colorful clouds beside them, everyone nodded their congratulations when they saw them.

At this time, there is no status, everyone is a guest.

Ji Yang and all the daughters (Li Zixuan, Huang Xiaoxin, Mu Hong, Qi Wei, Dongfang Mei, Little Dragon Girl, Xu Tiantian, Lilith, Athena, Chang'e) listened to the blessings from their relatives, friends and all the immortals, with distressed expressions on their faces. Hiding a happy smile.

"Boy, do you want to say a few words?"

I won’t go into details about the marriage process. After the basic process, the ancestor Hongjun looked at Ji Yang with a smile and asked.

Ji Yang, who is usually quite talkative, felt a little at a loss for words today, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"Well...Everyone eat and drink well, drink well...Thank you for coming to my wedding, I'll do it first!"

Ji Yang, who really didn't know what to say, simply picked up a bottle of fairy wine, said a few words casually, and drank the wine.


Looking at Ji Yang who didn't know what to say today, everyone laughed.

However, everyone did not make things difficult for Ji Yang, they all raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

"I think the groom has nothing to say, or he doesn't want to. He is in a hurry to enter the bridal chamber."

"Then let's leave him alone and send the new couple into the bridal chamber, let's continue!"

Seeing that Ji Yang had nothing to say, Patriarch Hong Jun simply carried out the last step, which was sending him to the bridal chamber.

The Jade Emperor had already prepared a large enough room and bed for Ji Yang. Surrounded by seven fairies and ordinary fairies, Ji Yang and the girls were sent to the bridal chamber amidst the applause of the surrounding people.


After Ji Yang's wedding, no matter whether it was himself, the daughters, or the guests who came to the wedding, they did not leave immediately.

The guests visited the heavenly court for seven days before returning to the mortal world.

Ji Yang and the girls visited the Heavenly Court during the day, and returned to the mortal world after more than a month.

Originally, among the girls, only Huang Xiaoxin was pregnant.

But after returning to the mortal world after marriage, all the girls received good news that they were all pregnant.

Knowing that his women were all pregnant, Ji Yang, who had lost a few laps obviously, had a smug smile on his face.


After several months of Ji Yang's shameless life after marriage, the reconstruction of the Heavenly Court and Hell was completed.

The Jade Emperor has issued a decree, and the day when the reconstruction of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld is completed is the time to go to the XL and XD God Realms.

The three main gods of YD were all killed in battle. After the Chinese immortals arrived in the YD God Realm, they basically occupied the YD God Realm without doing anything.

In terms of XL, it is more difficult than YD.

Because on XL Mount Olympus, there are still several main gods.

But although the main gods still exist, there are not many of them. How can they withstand the attack of the Chinese immortals? In the end, they will either die in battle or surrender.

I have to mention here that when occupying XL Mount Olympus, it was Athena who came forward to mediate the battle and reduce the losses of both sides.

Why Athena came out to mediate, I have to ask Ji Yang about it.

Judging by the appearance of Athena and Ji Yang at this time, it is obvious that the relationship is not normal.

It seems that after Athena was captured alive, a lot of things happened with Ji Yang.

As for what they have done, I am afraid that only they themselves know best.

As such, the place where the Chinese immortals live is no longer just the Three Realms of China. The West, YD and XL have also become their venues for activities.

Many immortals have gone to other places, established their own caves, or started to practice.

As for Ji Yang, he completely started to live a shameless life with his women, and went to play in various god realms when he had nothing to do.

Whether it is Heaven or other gods, they have left their footprints...

"Complete Book"

(End of this chapter)

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