The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 333 I Picked Up a Cheap Little Dragon Girl

Chapter 333 I picked up a cheap little dragon girl (three more)
With her eyes closed, Xiao Longnu seemed to be asleep.

The wound on her body has completely healed, and even the scales have grown back, and now she doesn't look injured at all.

The recovery ability of the dragon clan is already very strong, and with the effect of the special healing medicine, Ji Yang will not be surprised that the little dragon girl has returned to her current state.

But although the recovery speed of the injury is not surprising, Xiaolongnv's appearance has changed, which is what makes him strange.

Ji Yang discovered that there were two bumps on Xiao Longnu's originally smooth snake head, which looked like small meat balls.

Although the bulge is not big, Ji Yang is sure that he saw it right.

Ji Yang was curious, and he reached out to touch the bump on Xiaolongnu's snake head.

"Don't touch my dragon horn."

Just as Ji Yang's hand was about to touch the little meat ball on Xiao Longnu's snake head, Xiao Longnu's originally closed eyes instantly opened, and she said in a somewhat unhappy voice.

Dragon Horn!

Isn't the dragon's horn very similar to the deer's horn? Could it be that the legend is wrong, and the dragon's horn is actually a meat ball?

"Aren't you two little meat balls, how did you become a dragon horn?"

In fact, Ji Yang wanted to say that Xiaolongnv is now a snake and not a dragon, so there will be no dragon horns, unless the restriction on her body is lifted, it is possible to grow dragon horns.

But Ji Yang knew that the fact that she became a snake was a very painful thing for Xiao Longnv, mentioning this matter was like pouring salt on her wound, it would only irritate the other party.

When Zhu Tiehei said that the little dragon girl was a snake demon, he angered the little dragon girl.

The tail twitched indiscriminately, which stunned Zhu Tiehei.

My body is not as strong as a pig's iron black, and I don't have the opponent's ability to resist blows. If Xiaolongnv also slaps me.

Ji Yang, who has just been discharged from the hospital, must go back to the ward and lie down again, and he doesn't know how long he will be in the hospital.

"Hmph, it's not a small meat ball, it's just that the dragon's horn hasn't grown yet. When the restrictions on my body are loosened, the dragon's horn will grow back, and you will see it then."

When Xiao Longnv mentioned that the dragon's horns would grow out, there was a bit of anticipation in her eyes.As long as he grows dragon horns, even if he can't completely transform into a dragon, he won't be called a snake anymore.

Who is blind? Can a snake grow horns?

Ji Yang was taken aback when he heard what Xiaolongnv said. What Xiaolongnv said just now sounded like there was something in it.

Loosen the restrictions on your body?
Could it be that Xiaolongnu's change is because the restraint on her body has been loosened.

But Xiao Longnv wants to loosen the restriction, the premise is that Ji Yang must be promoted to the immortal position, but she has not been promoted to the immortal position?
Ji Yang was a little dazed, he tried to feel the breath of Xiaolongnv, this feeling, Ji Yang's expression changed.

"Why is your breath so strong?"

The enhancement of breath often represents the enhancement of strength.

In Ji Yang's memory, Xiaolongnv's aura is definitely not so strong, her aura is at least twice as strong as before, which shocked Ji Yang very much.

Xiao Longnv looked at Ji Yang's shocked expression, she didn't speak, but a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Then, under the gaze of Ji Yang's astonished eyes, his body shook slightly, and his body, which was more than ten centimeters long, began to grow in size.

When her body became more than one meter long, she didn't stop growing, but continued to change again.

It wasn't until Xiao Longnu's body grew to more than two meters that her body stopped changing.

At this time, Xiaolong's female feet are more than two meters long, and her body is much thicker than before, which is close to the thickness of an adult's small arm.

The scales on his body shone bright white under the sunlight, and the two fleshy balls on his head looked very obvious.

"you you you……"

The change of Xiao Longnu was too shocking, Ji Yang was already dumbfounded, and he couldn't even speak fluently.

"My restraint has been loosened, and my strength has increased."

The little dragon girl said excitedly.

It turned out that when Ji Yang raised the immortal energy in his body to the strongest state, he not only accidentally displayed the strongest power of the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, but also accidentally loosened the restraint on Xiao Longnu's body.

Feeling that the restraint on her body was loosened, how could Xiao Longnv let go of the opportunity.

The injuries on his body are not fatal anyway, as long as his strength improves, this injury will not heal on its own.

So after she felt the restraint was loosened, she began to circulate the immortal energy in her body, took the opportunity to strengthen herself, and finally became what she is now.

The current Xiaolongnv not only changed her appearance, but also greatly enhanced her strength.

According to Xiao Longnu, even if she couldn't beat Zhu Tiehei to death, she wouldn't lose to him.

Ji Yang is now both pleasantly surprised and depressed. The pleasant surprise is that Xiaolongnv's strength has become stronger. The next time he meets Zhu Tiehei, he doesn't have to be afraid of him.

What is depressing is why Xiaolongnv's strength has become stronger, but she has no benefit at all.

Depressed, very depressed, Xiaolongnv took a big deal.

Ji Yang looked depressedly at Xiaolongnv's smug smile, but he had no choice but to kick the accelerator and start the car.

With Ji Yang's reflexes, his driving skills must be fine. Although he drove the car very fast, he didn't hit any cars, but he ran through several red lights in a row.

"Brother Zhang, someone ran a red light."

A young traffic policeman said to a middle-aged traffic policeman beside him.

The traffic policeman called Brother Zhang wasn't blind, and it wasn't that he didn't see it.

But he didn't bother, instead he glared at the young traffic policeman.

"Take care of what you should, don't worry about what you shouldn't, you can't afford to mess with the person who drives this car, and it's you who is in charge of the bad luck."

"His skills are very good. There will be no car accidents. Isn't it just running a few red lights? The electronic cameras have recorded them all. Others will handle the rest. Don't make yourself uncomfortable."

This traffic policeman Brother Zhang was involved in the arrest of the drag racing gang, and he still has an impression of Ji Yang's car, and the impression of the car is mainly because of the amazing driver.

Feng Jian, the original head of the traffic police corps, has retired, and the current head is Ye Yongguang.

Ye Yongguang is very polite to Ji Yang, he is going to find Ji Yang now, isn't this making himself unhappy.

The young traffic policeman is not dead set, he still knows how to do some things.

He was on duty with Brother Zhang, and he learned from each other.

"Thank you Brother Zhang for the reminder."

"You don't need to thank me, just buy me a drink."

"No problem, isn't it just a drink, I invite you."

Brother Zhang looked at the car with jealous eyes, and when the young traffic policeman was about to drink, he asked the other party who was driving this car.

Ji Yang naturally didn't know about the fact that he ran a red light and let the traffic policeman Brother Zhang get drunk.

At this time, he had already driven to the Huang's house. As soon as he arrived at the Huang's house, a scent came over his nostrils.


Ji Yang parked the car at the door, and through the car window, he saw two ovens in the courtyard of the Huang family, and the people from the Huang family and the Li family were grilling skewers.

 Xieben has been in a meeting. I just got home and didn’t eat any food. I coded a chapter first. The next one may be later. If you are sleepy, you can wait until tomorrow, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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