The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 334: Gluttony, 8 Precepts, Love of Skewers

Chapter 334

In the past, when Ji Yang had no money, finding a barbecue stand was his most extravagant meal.

The grilled skewers are delicious and the price is not expensive. It feels so refreshing to have twenty grilled skewers and two glasses of draft beer.

Ji Yang hadn't eaten skewers for a long time, and he was hungry right now, and his eyes lit up when he saw the skewers.

"It feels delicious."

After seeing the skewers, Xiao Longnv smelled the aroma of them, and the corners of her mouth were already drooling.

Ordinary people will definitely be shocked when they see Xiaolongnv's appearance of more than two meters.

So even if she wants to eat, she has to change into a miniature state.

Let Xiaolongnv turn into a miniature state, Ji Yang warns her to eat skewers if she is not allowed to speak.

When Xiao Longnv heard what Ji Yang said, she nodded her head in agreement.

As soon as Ji Yang appeared, people from the Li family and the Huang family called him to come over and eat skewers.

Anyway, the Huang family and the Li family knew that Ji Yang was not an ordinary person, even if Ji Yang showed up with a snake, they would not be surprised, it was just Ji Yang's pet.

Don't look at Xiaolongnv's miniature state now, but the speed at which she eats skewers is not miniature at all.

At this time, a small pile of bamboo sticks was already piled up in front of her, and the miniature Xiao Longnu was already submerged by the bamboo sticks.

The relationship between the Huang family and the Li family was already good, but now that Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin are both Ji Yang's women, the relationship between the two families is even closer.

After Ji Yang appeared, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin asked about Pan Xiaoying's situation.

After Ji Yang told them that Pan Xiaoying was fine, the two girls felt relieved.

While eating the skewers, Ji Yang took out his phone on a whim and took a few photos, which were directly sent to WeChat Moments.

What he sent was not an ordinary WeChat circle of friends, but a circle of friends that can communicate with the underworld and heaven.

Ji Yang didn't do it unintentionally, but he didn't want to receive a bunch of replies as soon as he sent out his circle of friends.

Yuelao: "Xiaobai, what is this, is it roasted?"

Junlun King: "What are you grilling, beef or pork? It looks delicious."

Tianting Mountain God: "Now I patronize cattle and pigs every day. I haven't eaten broiled rice for a long time. I really want to eat it."

Seeing everyone's replies, Ji Yang was slightly taken aback.

Ji Yang knew that ancient people had the habit of roasting food on fire
But looking at their replies, they seem to call the roasted meat Zhi Zhi.

Ji Yang searched his phone curiously, and it really happened.

The method of roasting things on fire has existed since the primitive period of human beings. At that time, it was not called barbecue, but broiling.

Facing the inquiries from the crowd, Ji Yang rolled the skewers with one hand and answered them with the other hand.

"You are Xiaobai, the old pig has heard of you a long time ago."

"I heard that you know a lot of delicacies in the mortal world. Your grilled skewers are similar to the roasted skewers I used to eat, but they look more delicious. Get some for the old pig."

After Ji Yang replied one by one, his WeChat rang.

Ji Yang saw that the person looking for him turned out to be Zhu Bajie.

When Ji Yang saw Zhu Bajie's profile picture, he couldn't help but think of Zhu Tiehei.

This Zhu Tiehei looks so much like Zhu Bajie, if he didn't know that Zhu Bajie couldn't come to the mortal world for a thousand years because of the barrier of the Three Realms.

Ji Yang really doubted whether this Zhu Bajie was Zhu Tiehei's father.

Although Zhu Bajie's image has been changed by film and television dramas, his gluttonous character has not changed at all.

"Purification altar envoy, you are a member of the Buddhist sect now, the roasted meat is all meat, can you eat it?"

Ji Yang replied a WeChat message to Zhu Bajie with a smile on his face.

At first glance, Zhu Bajie is a master of meat and vegetables, and there is no meat at any meal in the heavenly court.

As far as Zhu Bajie is gluttonous, it would be weird if he didn't eat.

"Don't call me the envoy of the altar, just call me Laozhu, it's so close."

"Actually, you are all mistaken. Monks don't eat meat, it's not that they don't eat meat."

"This meat refers to some special vegetables like garlic, onion, leek, and coriander (coriander). Because these things have a peculiar smell in the mouth and feel very indecent, many monks don't eat them."

"My old pig doesn't have so many things. The wine and meat passed through the Buddha's heart and stayed in the heart of the Buddha. I can eat this meat."

Above the heavenly court, Zhu Bajie stared at the screen of the mobile phone, Ji Yang posted the picture of kebabs in Moments, and his saliva flowed all over the screen of the mobile phone.

Fortunately, Tianting's mobile phone is not intruded by water and fire, otherwise, with Zhu Bajie's saliva, this mobile phone would be scrapped directly.

Seeing Zhu Bajie's reply, Ji Yang was slightly taken aback.

Is it really the same as Zhu Bajie said that monks don't eat meat?

Ji Yang didn't know, he was neither a monk nor an ancient person.

Anyway, many monks nowadays eat meat, and they not only eat meat, but also marry wives and have children.

But no matter what Zhu Bajie said is true or not, this guy must be a meat eater anyway.

"Xiaobai, why don't you talk anymore, quickly bring some of your skewers to the old pig, the old pig can't wait."

Seeing that Ji Yang didn't reply to him, Zhu Bajie was obviously in a hurry.

He sent Ji Yang another WeChat message, urging Ji Yang to give him some skewers to eat.

This Zhu Bajie is really impatient, he didn't reply to WeChat in a minute, why is he so anxious.

But Ji Yang didn't make him wait for long, he took out two skewers of grilled chicken wings from the baked items, and took a handful of mutton skewers.

Without everyone paying attention, they sent Zhu Bajie directly via WeChat.

Zhu Bajie saw that Ji Yang sent him grilled chicken wings and mutton skewers, reached out to wipe the drool on his mouth, and started to eat.

"Yeah, it's delicious."

"This mortal skewer is much more delicious than the Zhike I ate before. Although it looks similar, it tastes more fragrant."

Ji Yang sent Zhu Bajie [-] or [-] skewers of kebabs, but they were all eaten up in Zhu Bajie's hands.

The kebabs were gone, but Zhu Bajie still seemed unsatisfied.

As far as his stomach is concerned, this little skewer is not a big deal at all.

To use the most commonly used sentence, that is not enough for him to fit between his teeth.

"Xiaobai, your grilled skewers are really delicious, why don't you bring me some more?"

The skewers are gone, but Zhu Bajie still wants to eat, so he knows to keep looking for Ji Yang.

Although the Huang family prepared a lot of skewers today, according to Zhu Bajie's food intake, even if he ate them all, it probably wouldn't be enough.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang simply sent Zhu Bajie a WeChat reply.

"Didn't Tianting say that roasting is grilling skewers, you can grill them yourself."

"Scorching is very fragrant with grilled skewers, but the taste is not good."

Zhu Bajie also wants to grill skewers by himself, but he can't taste the taste of mortal skewers.

If it can produce the same taste, Zhu Bajie doesn't mind doing it himself.

"Just add more seasoning, brush with oyster sauce and barbecue sauce, add some cumin and chili powder, the taste is amazing."

Ji Yang saw that Zhu Bajie said that Tianting's roast taste was not good, so he sent Zhu Bajie a WeChat message.

Gas guzzler, BBQ sauce?

What are these things? Zhu Bajie was stunned when he saw Ji Yang's reply.

He has never heard of these things.

 The fourth update is here. The fourth update is completed today. It is a bit late. Please forgive me. The company is in meetings all day today, and it is impossible to code secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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