The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 337: Thunder from Heaven and Earth Fire

Chapter 337

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Ji Yang was waiting to see what Taibai Jinxing would give him.

But half an hour passed, why didn't Taibai Jinxing respond at all.

Ji Yang frowned, and began to doubt in his heart, could it be that Taibai Jinxing was lying to himself?
Doubting in his heart, Ji Yang tried to send a WeChat message to Taibai Jinxing.

"Old man, aren't you lying to me, haven't you found something suitable for so long?"

As soon as Ji Yang sent this WeChat message, Taibai Jinxing still ignored him.

Seeing Taibai Jinxing ignoring him, Ji Yang became even more suspicious.

Just when Ji Yang thought he must have been deceived by Taibai Jinxing, the screen of his mobile phone lit up instantly, and a red light shot out from the mobile phone.

The red light directly hit Ji Yang's eyebrows, and some information flooded into Ji Yang's mind.

"Earth Fire Jue, a low-level immortal technique created by Huode Xingjun, which can condense the fire element in the air to fight against the enemy."

The low-level fire attribute magic was created by Huode Xingjun. Although it is only low-level, its power cannot be underestimated.

After the information of Earth Fire Jue flooded into his mind, Ji Yang smiled.

This Earth Fire Jue consumes much less immortal energy than the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art, and it is more suitable for Ji Yang who is an eighth-rank immortal.

Moreover, when this Earth Fire Art is used, its power is not inferior to that of the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art.

After browsing through the information about Earth Fire Jue in his mind, Ji Yang was about to thank Taibai Jinxing.

His phone vibrated again, and a talisman flew out.

Taking the talisman paper in his hand, Ji Yang stared at the talisman paper in his hand for a moment.

When he first received the talisman paper, Ji Yang thought it was Taibai Jinxing's Illusory Destiny Talisman, but after looking at it, he found that it was not.

The characters written on it were just like ghost painting symbols. Ji Yang only recognized the characters Liu Ding.

"Old man, what kind of talisman is this?"

Ji Yang couldn't recognize what kind of talisman it was, so he could only ask Taibai Jinxing.

"Liu Ding God General's Life Talisman, after using it, Liu Ding God General will appear."

"This is for you just in case, try not to use it if you can."

"Under the barrier of the law of the Three Realms, the Liuding God will use the Liuding God to bring the fate talisman to the mortal world. Dodging them will cause certain damage to their cultivation base, and it will take a long time to recover."

To put it bluntly, these Liuding God General Talismans were left by Taibai Jinxing for Ji Yang to save his life.

Do not use if your life is not threatened.

Although Ji Yang has learned the Earth Fire Art, it is not known how powerful Ji Yang can exert the Earth Fire Art, and it is not clear whether he can kill Zhu Tiehei.

And even if he could get rid of the wild boar spirit this time, he might encounter more dangerous monsters in the future.

Taibai Jinxing gave him a life talisman after considering these things.

Ji Yang still has some understanding of Liuding God General.

The rank of immortal Liuding is not high, but it is very important in Taoism.

When the law of the Three Realms did not isolate the Three Realms, mortal Taoists often used the Liuding Liujia talisman to ask the Liuding Liujia God General for help.

In the Taoism that Zhang Daoling passed on to Ji Yang, there are not only ways to invite Liu Ding Liujia gods, but also many ways to invite other gods.

It's just that because of the barriers of the laws of the Three Realms, gods and ghosts can no longer freely shuttle in the Three Realms, and the ordinary Taoist method of inviting gods is useless.

Unless it is something that the gods personally refine like the phantom god's life talisman, they can come to the mortal world in a short time.

Once the time has passed, these gods can only come from where they came from and go back to where they are.

Taibai Jinxing was really generous this time, not only gave himself Taoism, but also gave himself a Liuding God General's Life Talisman.

Although he said that it was given to him for free, Ji Yang saw that Taibai Jinxing was so particular, so how could he not be embarrassed.

"Old man, seeing how interesting you are, I can't be stingy, right?"

"Here are two bottles of Scotch vodka from me."

Two bottles of Scotch vodka are worth [-] merits.

[-] merits are nothing to Taibai Jinxing who plays poker with millions of merits to win or lose.

But sometimes, the value of something is not calculated that way.

Ji Yang gave Taibai Jinxing Scotch vodka at this time, Taibai Jinxing smiled with satisfaction, and thought to himself.

"You're a sensible boy."

With the Earth Fire Jue and Liuding God General's Fate Talisman, Ji Yang's confidence in getting rid of Zhu Tiehei doubled.

"Little Dragon Girl, rest well today, and go to Linshan to settle accounts with Zhu Tiehei tomorrow."

If it wasn't for Ji Yang's familiarity with Xiadihuo Jue, he really wanted to settle accounts with Zhu Tiehei right now.

Zhu Tiehei was struck by Tianlei, he must have been injured, and it would be more beneficial for him to find him while he was injured.

This is the standard take advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Well, I'll go and get rid of him tomorrow, and see if he dares to call me a little snake demon."

Xiao Longnv had completely remembered Zhu Tiehei's calling her a snake demon.

When she saw Zhu Tiehei, Xiao Longnu would definitely lose her temper.

After Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv decided to find Zhu Tiehei tomorrow, Xiao Longnv stopped watching urban dramas, and she wanted to recharge her energy and prepare for cleaning up Zhu Tiehei tomorrow.

Ji Yang can't rest for the time being, he needs to be familiar with the fire trick.

It took more than a few hours for Ji Yang to basically master the Earth Fire Art.

At this time, he was holding the black sword in his hand, and the silver light was shining on the black sword, and several lightning bolts flickered.

When the thunder and lightning flickered, a burst of red glow suddenly appeared on the surface of the black glow sword, and the hot flame instantly wrapped the sword body.


Ji Yang let out a soft drink, and slashed forward with the black light sword in his hand.


Accompanied by a slight roar of thunder and lightning, Ji Yang's sword fell to the ground.

When the sword fell, a gully with a width of tens of centimeters and a length of about ten meters was split on the ground.

The soil in the gully rose, and the surface of the raised soil was scorched black.

"Heavenly thunder hits the earth, it's really good."

The sword strike just now was just an attempt by Ji Yang, but he did not expect it to be really successful.

The attribute of thunder is quite special, it is somewhat similar to the attribute of fire, but it cannot be said to belong to fire completely.

The power of the sky thunder hooking the ground fire has obviously increased a lot.

Looking at the ravine that was about ten meters long and emitting black smoke, Ji Yang smiled confidently.

The wind and thunder attribute of Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art is fused with the fire attribute of Earth Fire Jue, and the combination of the two is extremely powerful.

With such great power, Ji Yang still can't kill Zhu Tiehei if he doesn't believe it.

Ji Yang's attempt this time is actually very dangerous.

He was completely blind and met a dead mouse, and he succeeded only after hitting a big luck.

If he didn't succeed, Ji Yang would definitely be miserable now if he was backlashed by the thunder and fire attributes of these two immortal methods.

While Ji Yang in the mortal world was happy for his success in an adventure attempt, the Heavenly Court tonight was also extraordinarily lively.

The preparation said that it was not that the heavenly court was lively, but that the Guanghan Palace, which had always been deserted, was very lively.

Because today is the day of the fairy party, Chang'e is the person in charge of the party.

 Thank you for the rewards from me and others, thank you for your support, the third one will start, Xie Ben will continue to work hard in the code words

(End of this chapter)

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