The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 338 Gathering of Fairies in Heaven

Chapter 338 Gathering of Fairies in Heaven (fourth update)
The Guanghan Palace, which has always been deserted, is full of people today.
All of them are graceful, long and charming, and the fairies in various tulle dresses shuttle among them.

Chang'e felt lonely because of the deserted Guanghan Palace, and she was used to this kind of loneliness.

The Guanghan Palace was suddenly so lively today, but she was not used to it.

In fact, it is not only Chang'e who is not used to it, but Yutu is obviously not used to it either.

The always lively Jade Rabbit stared at a pair of big eyes and raised a pair of rabbit ears, staring blankly at the familiar female fairy shuttle in front of her.

"Sister, Guanghan Palace has suddenly become so lively, why do I feel weird?"

Yutu looked at Chang'e beside her and asked softly.

Chang'e smiled, glanced at Yutu and said softly.

"Actually, I feel weird too."

Hearing what Chang'e said, Yutu and Chang'e looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

"The queen mother is here."

When the female fairies had almost arrived, there was a yelling sound outside Guanghan Palace.

Then I saw a large piece of colorful auspicious clouds with golden light floating over together with several fairy birds with bright feathers.

The colorful auspicious clouds fell, and the Queen Mother, accompanied by the Seven Fairies, walked into the Guanghan Palace.

"See the Queen Mother..."

The Queen Mother is the head of the fairies. As soon as she entered the Guanghan Palace, all the fairies bowed to greet her at the same time.

Hearing the greetings from the fairies, the Queen Mother smiled kindly, nodded to the fairies, and said with a smile.

"Calm down, today is the day when the heavenly fairies gather, so you don't have to be so restrained."

Although the queen mother said so, the fairy just listened.

The heavenly court has strict rules and regulations. Although reforms are being made recently, the female fairy still feels that she should pay attention to her manners and obey the rules.

"Thank you, Queen Mother..."

After the fairies were flattened, they stood on both sides in an orderly manner. It was not until the queen mother took the main seat that the other fairies sat down one by one.

Looking at the well-behaved and somewhat reserved female fairy, the queen mother sighed in her heart.

I said to let them do whatever they want, but the fairies are still so reserved, don't they feel so tired?

The fairies don't relax, and neither can they.

The queen mother always has to pay attention to her manners and pretend to be majestic. She feels very tired.

The rules of heaven have been established for thousands of years, and even if they want to reform now, it seems that it cannot be done in a day or two.

"It's almost time, Chang'e, you are the host today, you can announce the start of the party."

The Queen Mother looked at Chang'e and nodded.

The queen mother had already spoken, and Chang'e naturally obeyed. After announcing the start of the party, the music sounded, and some fairies danced to the music.

The queen mother has watched the fairy dance for thousands of years, and she has long been tired of watching it.

"Chang'e, why didn't I see the food you prepared? What did you prepare today? Aijia is already a little hungry."

In the past, the fairies had a dinner, and at this time, the food should also be served.

But until now, apart from some fruits and a few simple snacks, there has been no dinner.

The queen mother, who was a little hungry, frowned slightly, and asked Chang'e who was in charge of today's party.

Hearing the question from the Queen Mother, Chang'e smiled mysteriously.

"Reporting to Queen Mother, what I prepared is a buffet with hot pot and Korean barbecue as the main assistant."

hot pot?Korean BBQ?buffet?
Three consecutive unfamiliar words entered the ears of the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother was instantly stunned.

She didn't know what these were, so she could only ask Chang'e.

Chang'e gave detailed answers to the Queen Mother's inquiries.

Chang'e also said that these foods are mortal things and that they were provided by Ji Yang.

Hearing Chang'e's answer, the Queen Mother looked forward with a bit of anticipation. It turns out that these are the food of the mortal world.

In the heavenly court, it is not only the ordinary gods who are curious about the mortal world, but also the Queen Mother, who is the head of the fairies.

The queen mother didn't feel any strangeness when she heard the name Xiaobai.

Because the Queen Mother is a frequent customer of Ji Yang's WeChat store, she still knows about Ji Yang.

She loves the things Ji Yang sells very much. When she ate instant noodles for the first time, the queen mother was captured by instant noodles.

After eating instant noodles, she lost interest in Tianting's food.

For a while, she only ate instant noodles, and she didn't eat anything else in the heavenly court.

After eating instant noodles for a period of time, the temptation to face the Queen Mother was not so great before she started to eat other things.

But although she started to eat other things, these things were still bought from Ji Yang's WeChat store.

Cakes, jellies, instant noodles, potato chips...

These are the things that the Queen Mother loves to eat most on weekdays.

It is estimated that Ji Yang would never have imagined that the things he sold would be liked by the Queen Mother so much.

At this time, when she heard that what Chang'e was preparing to eat was the mortal food provided by Ji Yang, the Queen Mother's eyes were full of splendor.

"Chang'e, quickly bring the hot pot and Korean barbecue, Ai's family can't help but want to start eating the buffet."

The queen mother's appearance at this time was a little out of control, and she spoke in a loud voice.

Hearing the Queen Mother's voice, the other fairies were also taken aback.

hot pot?Korean BBQ?buffet?
They have never heard of these things, and they are also very curious at this time.

Seeing that the Queen Mother was in such a hurry, Chang'e bowed and left.

When she came back again, there were already several little fairies following behind her.

These little fairies are holding all kinds of food in their hands. The amount of food is not large, but there are many kinds.

There are cooked food, cold cuts, raw meat, vegetables, fruits, as well as cakes and potato chips sold in Ji Yang's WeChat store...

The little fairies put the food in their hands on the long tables in the middle, and all kinds of food made the eyes of the fairies shine.

The tastes of fairies are different, and the food for each dinner may not meet the tastes of all fairies.

But the buffet prepared by Chang'e is different. There are many styles of food, including sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty.

With such a full range of flavors and so many foods, there is always one that suits you.

Just seeing this, all the fairies are already very satisfied with this dinner party.

After preparing the food, several little fairies came out with hot pots, Korean grill pans, and various condiments.

The little fairies put the condiments on a large table in the middle, and the hot pot and the Korean grill were placed on the table in front of the fairies.

When the fairies saw the hot pot and Korean grill in front of them, the expressions on the faces of the fairies were wonderful.

This hot pot is an antique soup, and the fairies still know it.

But it was the first time they had seen this Korean-style pan, and they all looked like curious babies.

When Chang'e saw that everything was ready, she began to introduce it to the fairies.

"This hot pot is an antique soup, so I won't say much about it."

"The other thing is called a Korean hotplate, it's from the mortal world..."

 Thanks to grandma Yanwei, Anye Xingchen Liulijing, Xixiyou, Pluto and others for their rewards, thank you for your support, please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a reward

(End of this chapter)

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