Chapter 35

It's against the law not to flirt with girls.

Now Chang'e is lonely, although I may not really have anything to do with Chang'e, but it's okay to chat with each other and tease her a little.

Anyway, no matter what the purpose of life is, Ji Yang knows that he can't miss this opportunity to hook up with Chang'e, and he doesn't want to do it again: "I once had a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. It’s too late to regret, the most painful thing in the world is this.”

I may not be in love with Chang'e, but the opportunity to hook up is not to be missed.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang also smiled slightly, and directly left a message under Chang'e's feed: "At the same time, you are lonely in the end of the world, why don't you have a chat when you meet."

As soon as the message was sent, Ji Yang felt his phone vibrate. Chang'e couldn't have been staring at his phone, right? The other party answered back as soon as his message was sent.

"Who are you, Xiaobai? What you said is so poetic, we are all so boring, why don't we chat."

No wonder the poets in the past were so flamboyant, even a random change of their poems by myself can cause such a big reaction from Chang'e.

"It seems that Chang'e is either too lonely or too innocent. The other party is so proactive. Why is she pretending to be a pig with green onions in her nose?"

Ji Yang was proud, and then clicked on Chang'e's profile picture.

"Hi sister Chang'e, I'm Xiaobai, nice to meet you."

Although Ji Yang seldom finds girls on WeChat, he has never eaten pork or seen a pig running away.

For a relatively innocent person like Chang'e, you must not be too frivolous at the beginning, otherwise Chang'e will definitely regard herself as a prodigal, then this opportunity will be wasted, and I am afraid that you will never have the opportunity to chat with Chang'e in the future.

So Ji Yang was very gentleman when he spoke, and Chang'e really didn't feel disgusted when she saw Ji Yang talking to her like that.

"Hi Xiaobai, I'm also very glad to meet you. Are you working in the heaven or the underworld? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Chang'e replied quickly, and Ji Yang frowned when he saw it. He was considering whether he should tell the other party the truth.

In the end, Ji Yang still decided to tell the truth to the other party, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be exposed by the other party in the future.

"Sister Chang'e, I am neither in heaven nor in hell, I am in the mortal world, and I have not yet entered the stream and have no position."

After saying this, Ji Yang didn't see Chang'e replying for a long time, wondering if the other party was frightened by his words.

In the Guanghan Palace, Chang'e, who was wearing a white gauze, stared blankly at her mobile phone.

"Mortal? How can someone in the mortal world be able to chat with me? It's impossible."

"The law of the Three Realms checks and balances. The Heavenly Court and the Underworld are still connected, but the mortal world is outside the Heavenly Court and the Underworld. This Xiaobai must be lying to me."

Chang'e was a little skeptical about Ji Yang's voice, and she even suspected that this Xiaobai was faked by some god.

Whether it is heaven or hell, there are never fewer people who spy on her beauty, she is very clear about this.

Chang'e had a good impression of Xiaobai at first, but when she thought that the other party might be some god pretending to be stupid to fool her, she was also a little angry.

"The country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Even if they become gods, these men still look the same. These lustful guys should be relegated to the earth like the marshal of the canopy back then. Let them also be cast as pigs and dogs. Let's see who doesn't grow up memory."

Chang'e muttered to herself a little unhappy, and then twisted her upturned buttocks to go back to the boudoir to sleep.

Ever since she came to Guanghan Palace, apart from going to dance to entertain accidents under the order of the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and some high-ranking gods, what she did most was to sleep.

During this period of time, no one asked her to dance, and she herself didn't know how long she had slept in a row.

But Chang'e didn't want to talk to Ji Yang, but Ji Yang didn't want to miss this opportunity to get to know Chang'e.

Seeing Chang'e ignoring him for a long time, Ji Yang also showed his cheeky side, if you don't look for me, I will look for you.

"Sister Chang'e, why are you silent? Is your phone dead?"

Glancing at Ji Yang's words, Chang'e also snorted coldly, you just pretend to me, and the phone is dead, should the phone be charged? It's ridiculous.

The mobile phone is maintained by the aura of heaven and earth. Unless the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted, how can the mobile phone run out of battery.

"This Xiaobai is pretending to be similar enough. Do you think you can deceive me like this? Do you really think I'm as Xiaobai as you, hmph."

With a snort, Chang'e still chose to ignore Ji Yang and fell asleep with her head covered.

"Oh, I'll go, I don't believe it, you can still keep silent."

Ji Yang is also unconvinced at this time, if you don't speak, then I will keep posting to see if I don't bother you to death.

"Sister Chang'e, talk."

"Sister Chang'e, we are all lonely people, let's chat together to relieve boredom."

"Sister Chang'e, is your phone really out of battery?"

"Sister Chang'e..."

Ji Yang spoke quite fast, and within two to three minutes, he sent dozens of messages.

WeChat reminders sounded repeatedly, and Chang'e couldn't sleep well even if she wanted to sleep.

"It's annoying, it's annoying."

"Usually it's too annoying to be alone, and it's annoying when the phone keeps ringing. What kind of god is so annoying."

Turning over and jumping up from the couch, Chang'e pursed her lips, and her innocent and charming face was now a little more cute and playful.

"Sister Chang'e, sister Chang'e..."

Picking up the phone, Chang'e saw that Xiaobai was still talking to her. There were more than 200 unread messages, and she really convinced him.

"Are you enough? I ignore you, and you still bother me again and again. Believe it or not, I will sue you to the Jade Emperor, and then demote you to the mortal world as a livestock."

Although the laws of the Three Realms check and balance, the Jade Emperor can still demote the gods who made mistakes to the mortal world, but the gods who were demoted to the mortal world cannot be human beings, they can only be livestock, and basically lose the possibility of returning to heaven.

So no matter how boring the gods in the sky are, they dare not make mistakes easily. After all, no one wants to change from a god to a livestock.

"Hehe, as the saying goes, a thick-skinned person can eat enough, but a thin-skinned person can't eat enough. I can be regarded as a king who pays off, and Chang'e has finally spoken."

I sent more than 200 messages in a row, and Chang'e finally talked to me again, which is called real Kung Fu.

"Sister Chang'e, I told you that I am in the mortal world, why did you let the Jade Emperor demote me to be a livestock in the mortal world? You are too cruel."

Seeing Ji Yang talking like this, Chang'e frowned. Could it be that Xiaobai is really in the mortal world, but how could he have a mobile phone to communicate with heaven in the mortal world?

It's too weird.

Questioning her previous thoughts in her heart, Chang'e also asked cautiously: "Xiaobai, are you really in the mortal world?"

"But the laws of the Three Realms check and balance, the mobile phone in the mortal world cannot communicate with the gods in heaven, how can your mobile phone, are you pretending to be some god, tell the truth, I don't blame you."

Feelings told the truth, but Chang'e thought he was lying to her.

"No wonder she didn't speak for so long. She thought I was a liar."

Seeing Chang'e's question, Ji Yang understood instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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