The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 36 The Childlike Chang'e

Chapter 36 The Childlike Chang'e

"Sister Chang'e, your words really hurt my heart. I saw you alone in Guanghan Palace, so I chatted with you. I am really in the mortal world. How can you not believe me?"

In the information age, one must always keep abreast of the latest news. It seems that Chang'e has stayed in the Guanghan Palace for a long time, and she doesn't know anything about the affairs outside the Guanghan Palace.

"Some time ago, the Jade Emperor helped Taibai Jinxing descend to the mortal world at the cost of many immortals' mana. My mobile phone was given to me by Taibai Jinxing after he came to the mortal world. Don't you know about Taibai Jinxing's descending to the mortal world?"

Playing cute, pretending to be stupid, pretending to be pitiful, and caring women can't stand this trick.

Thinking that Chang'e is lonely and cold, and only the Jade Rabbit is always with her. A woman who likes small animals like her must be very caring.

Sure enough, upon hearing Ji Yang's words, Chang'e's heart softened and she thought of something.

I remember that not long ago, many gods in the circle of friends complained that they had consumed too much mana and had to take a good rest. They also said that the Jade Emperor was eccentric, and the opportunity to go out and play was given to Taibai Jinxing. Now that I think about it, what the gods complained at the time was what the opposite Xiaobai said that's it.

Although her heart softened, Chang'e still had to ask out of an instinctive vigilance to verify it.

"You say you are in the mortal world, then you say a few things that I don't know. If there is nothing in heaven and hell, I will believe you."

The desire to harm others is indispensable, and the desire to guard against others is indispensable. This Chang'e has a strong sense of self-protection. It seems that she has been harassed by a lot of men in the heavenly court, and her vigilance is quite high.

But this matter is not difficult for Ji Yang at all, it is not the first time for him to deal with people from Heaven and Earth, isn't it just talking about a few things that Chang'e has never heard of, it is very simple.

"Okay, let me just say a few, pineapple sweet and sour pork, pot buns, have you heard of these two dishes?"


"Have you ever had beer?"


"Have you ever played poker?"


"Did you believe me this time?"

"I believe it."

He repeatedly said several things that Chang'e had never heard of, and when Ji Yang saw Chang'e typed the letter, he knew that he had gained Chang'e's trust.

"Although Chang'e is several thousand years old, her heart is more innocent than many teenage children today."

Ji Yang was also very happy to get acquainted with Chang'e. This Chang'e is a real goddess. Compared with her, those women in China who are named goddesses are basically female nerves and female men.

In Guanghan Palace, Chang'e was sitting on the bed, feeling very excited.

It is very boring to be alone in Guanghan Palace. I used to have Yutu to accompany me, but Yutu has grown up and has her own thoughts. She often disappears for a few days in the name of giving medicine to others. At that time, she could only stay in Guanghan Palace alone.

But now it's better, not only did she find someone to chat with, but Xiaobai was still in the mortal world, what he said was very new to Chang'e, and the feeling of emptiness and loneliness gradually diminished.

"Xiaobai, isn't the mortal world very lively and fun?"

Chang'e asked out of curiosity.

"That's right, the mortal world is of course lively. Iron shells that are faster than horses are all over the avenues, and shopping is crowded with people. Do you think it can't be lively?"

Wherever the mortal world is lively, it is simply a hot spot. With billions of people, there are people everywhere.

"There are more fun things, do you know the roller coaster pirate ship? Have you heard of League of Legends? Have you read web novels?"

Chang'e was also curious and depressed when Ji Yang said something that he had never heard or seen before.

"The mortal world is wonderful, but the heavenly court is so boring, I really want to go and see it."

Chang'e hated the law of the three realms at this time. If there were no laws of the three realms like before, she could now go to the mortal world to take a good look at what Ji Yang said, such as the roller coaster pirate ship, the League of Legends, and the horse running The fast iron shell is full of infinite temptation for her.

"Hey, it's a pity that I can't go to the mortal world, otherwise I must let you take me to have a good time."

"I'm bored every day now, and I don't know what to do except sleep."

Chang'e frowned pretty, and said aggrievedly.

"Staying up late will make your skin worse, but sleeping too much will also make you sleepy. You'd better sleep less."

"If you're bored, you can play with Jade Rabbit. Are there no other gods on the moon? You can chat with them."

If it is true what Chang'e said, then Chang'e is indeed quite boring.

I am in the mortal world, and when I am alone, I can still surf the Internet, play games, and read novels, but there are no such devices in Guanghan Palace. If Ji Yang lived there, he would think he would die.

"There are still other gods, but they all don't live together, and the moon is very big. Besides, they all have their own affairs to be busy. How can they have time to chat with me?"

"Jade Rabbit was fine when it was young, and I could still play with it every day, but when Jade Rabbit grows up, it is also busy with many things every day."

"I'm the one who has nothing to do. It's really boring to stay alone in Guanghan Palace."

There is only one lonely woman in the huge Guanghan Palace, and Ji Yang also feels tragedy for Chang'e.

At the same time, Ji Yang couldn't help thinking of when he was a child, he was still in the orphanage. Although there were many orphans like him in the orphanage, Ji Yang's personality was a bit different at that time, and he didn't like to talk to other children. Play together, so generally play alone.

Yes, you can play alone if you have no one to accompany you.

"You can also play by yourself."

Ji Yang told Chang'e what he thought, but Chang'e was momentarily stunned, what was he playing alone?Are you playing yourself?

"Playing alone, what can one play?"

What can a person play?This Ji Yang still has to think about it. At that time, he was still young, and all he played were children's games. Chang'e was an adult, would she like these?
"You can swing and hopscotch."

This is the simplest and most common game. Ji Yang often played alone when he was young.

"I've been playing swings for thousands of years, and I'm tired of playing. You say hopscotch, isn't that bad? Why would I go hopscotch when I'm a woman? I don't want to commit suicide."

This Chang'e is really funny, it seems that she still doesn't know what game hopscotch is, she actually thought that what she said hopscotch was real hopscotch, if it was real hopscotch, Ji Yang would have died hundreds of times or thousands of times up.

"The hopscotch I'm talking about doesn't mean you really want to hopscotch the house, but a game, also called hopscotch, which can be played alone or with multiple people. The game is to draw a few grids on the ground..."

Ji Yang simply told Chang'e how to play hopscotch. At first, he didn't hold out much hope. After all, it was a children's game, and he didn't think Chang'e would like it.

But when Ji Yang finished talking about the rules and ways of playing hopscotch, Chang'e was actually very excited.

"It sounds very interesting. I didn't know there was such a fun thing before. No, I'm going to play now."

Seeing what Chang'e said, Ji Yang was also happy.

This Chang'e is still a child at heart, she is really interested in the children's game hopscotch.

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(End of this chapter)

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