The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 37 Mu Hong is leaving

Chapter 37 Mu Hong is leaving

In the courtyard of Guanghan Palace, Chang'e drew dozens of grids of different sizes on the ground according to the said hopscotch game. These grids have different shapes and sizes. According to Ji Yang, these houses have different names according to their shapes. What spacious rooms, dome rooms, airplane rooms, etc.

Some of the names of these houses can be understood by Chang'e, but some are not. Just like the airplane room, she doesn't know what the plane is, but not knowing the name of the house does not affect Chang'e's play.

With a flick of the wrist, an extra piece of jade appeared in the empty palm, and he threw it casually, throwing the jade into the first grid, then jumped into the grid with one foot, and then kicked the jade with the other foot.

According to Chang'e's original intention, she was supposed to kick the jade to the second grid, but she didn't have a good grasp of the strength of her kick, and the jade flew out with one kick.

"Hey, sister, what are you doing? I just went out to play for a while, why did you hit me with jade?"

Chang'e kicked the jade stone away, and the jade rabbit just came back after going out to play for two days, and the jade stone hit her forehead impartially.

Jade Rabbit looks a bit like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, not too tall, with long white hair, a standard baby face, fair skin, a pair of innocent big eyes filled with tears, and on her forehead there is A red swelling, this red swelling was hit by Chang'e's jade.

If Ji Yang were here, he would have screamed out in surprise. Apart from looking like a loli fan, Yutu also had furry rabbit ears.

Just like the jade rabbit, if it is dropped on the ball, I am afraid it will make many people with special hobbies drool.

"Yutu, I'm sorry, my sister didn't do it on purpose, it hurts, I'm really sorry."

Chang'e didn't expect that when she made a mistake playing hopscotch for the first time, she would throw a jade stone on the jade rabbit at the same time. She looked at the jade rabbit with a guilty face, and she also quickly walked to the jade rabbit to check her forehead.

"Woo, I thought my sister was angry because I didn't accompany you."

Don't look at Yutu who only looks like a teenage girl, but she is already thousands of years old, but she is still only a teenage girl in heart, and her crying voice makes Chang'e very heartbroken.

Chang'e gently rubbed the forehead of Jade Rabbit. Under Chang'e's massage, the redness and swelling on Jade Rabbit's forehead disappeared immediately.

"Hey, sister, what are you doing? You have drawn so many grids and written a bunch of numbers?"

At this time, Yutu also noticed a bunch of strange grids filled with numbers written in the courtyard of Guanghan Palace, counting dozens of them.

"Sister, are you practicing formations? I haven't heard that you know formations before?"

Not understanding what the grid represents, Yutu thought that Chang'e was practicing the formation.

"This is called hopscotch. It's a mortal game. Let me teach you. It's very fun."

Chang'e hasn't figured it out yet, and now she has to teach Yutu. A master like her is definitely the kind who misleads children.

While Chang'e was telling Yutu how to play the game of hopscotch, she also told Yutu how she met Ji Yang. Yutu was quite curious when she heard that Ji Yang came from the mortal world, and at the same time became interested in the game hopscotch from the mortal world. .

"Sister, you lost, there are two squares, you want two feet."

"Yutu, you jump too fast, you should jump thirty, why did you jump to forty all at once?"

"Oh, sister, kick the jade lightly, this is the No. 20 jade that was kicked away by you."

It's just an ordinary children's game of hopscotch, but it makes Chang'e and Yutu in Guanghan Palace very happy to play. If Ji Yang sees the scene where the two are playing so happily now, he must be very successful feel.

"It's a mistake, it's a mistake, I finally chatted with Sister Chang'e for a while, I should whet her appetite, why did I just teach her how to relieve her loneliness."

"Even if you want to teach, it shouldn't be this time. We'll talk about it later."

Ji Yang felt depressed, and taught Chang'e to hopscotch, and Chang'e stopped talking to herself.

Although Ji Yang wanted to find a way to help Chang'e relieve her loneliness, and it was absolutely free, but he talked too fast this time.

It took me a lot of effort to send hundreds of messages to let Chang'e continue to take care of me, but I was kind-hearted and quick enough to tell Chang'e about hopscotch in a few words.

After teaching the apprentice, the master starved to death, Ji Yang now has this feeling.

Originally, he and Chang'e were both lonely people, but now he taught Chang'e how to relieve loneliness, and the apprentice went to play, and in the end he was left here alone looking at the moon outside the window, imagining how happy Chang'e is playing now. .

A few days have passed since Tian Tao was stabbed into the red heart by Ji Yang's chopsticks. Ji Yang originally thought that the other party would come to make trouble for him soon and take revenge on him, but to his surprise, Tian Tao has been didn't show up.

"This guy won't be afraid to come out to meet people because he is ashamed and has a shadow in his heart."

He had promised Wang Ji to avenge him, but now Tian Tao didn't come to trouble him, so how could he have the opportunity to avenge Wang Ji.

Ji Yang would not be happy if people didn't come to make trouble for him. If Tian Tao knew about his thoughts, Tian Tao would stab him to death with a chopstick.

These few days after get off work, Ji Yang would go to Huang Xiaoxin's ward every day to check on Huang Xiaoxin's recovery. It's not that Ji Yang has any thoughts about Huang Xiaoxin, it's just out of friendship.

It was the same today, Ji Yang came to Huang Xiaoxin's ward first after work, just entered the ward, Ji Yang found that there were quite a lot of people coming today.

Huang Xiaoliang is here at this time every day, so it's not surprising to see him, but now in the ward besides him, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong are also here, and even the sisters of the Zhang family are here.

Ever since Ji Yang left Ji Yang alone and drove away that night, Ji Yang hadn't seen Li Zixuan again, and Mu Hong hadn't shown up after begging himself to treat his brother.

Ji Yang was surprised that two people appeared here at the same time today.

"Ji Yang, you are here."

Ji Yang came to the ward every day, and Huang Xiaoxin also changed from shyness at the beginning to a habit. As soon as Ji Yang came to the ward, Huang Xiaoxin spoke before the others spoke.

"Well, let me see how you are recovering."

"Today, there are quite a lot of people. Is this going to be a party?"

Ji Yang smiled and nodded to Huang Xiaoxin, then looked at everyone and said.

"Are you stupid? Xiaoxin is not ready to throw any party yet. Even if she is going to have a party, she will have to wait for Xiaoxin to recover. Sister Mu Hong is leaving Linhai. Why don't you come here to chat before leaving!"

As soon as she saw Ji Yang, Li Zixuan couldn't help but think of when the two of them ate barbecue. She always thought that she was completely misled by Ji Yang that she would eat roasted kidneys that night. If it wasn't for his delicious food, how could she eat it.

If Ji Yang knew that she thought so, he would definitely feel that he was more wronged than Dou E. He had warned her at that time, but she didn't listen and ate it anyway.

Although I haven't seen Ji Yang in the past few days, I feel a little weird in my heart, and I have an urge to see him, but when I see Ji Yang, I still feel angry in my heart, and my words are a bit gunpowder.

(End of this chapter)

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