The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 358 Plum Red Wine Drinking Sommelier

Chapter 358 Plum Red Wine Drinking Sommelier (fourth more)
After the reporters from Linhai Shibao sat down, several reporters asked Mei Hong questions.

These questions are relatively simple, and they are all questions that are more beneficial to plum wine.

Soon what should be asked was asked, what should be said was said, and the press conference came to an end.

"Thank you friends from the media for your interviews. These wines are given to you by me."

Mei Hong is still very good at being a person. After the press conference, she arranged for someone to give the prepared plum wine to everyone.

"Can I taste this wine on the spot?"

Just when the person arranged by Mei Hong was delivering Mei Hong wine to the reporters, a middle-aged man walked over.

When he was talking, he also handed a business card to Mei Hong.

Mei Hong took the business card and looked at it, her eyes lit up.

This middle-aged man turned out to be a sommelier named Chen Yang.

The sommelier put it simply, is to evaluate the quality of the wine through the senses, and then give some guidance and suggestions of his own.

The name Chen Yang is still well-known among the sommeliers in Linhai. Now that he wants to taste plum red wine, Mei Hong is very happy.

"Wait a moment, I'll send someone to bring the wine over."

Mei Hong smiled faintly, and hurriedly arranged for someone to fetch the wine.

The appearance of Chen Yang was completely accidental, it was not deliberately arranged by Mei Hong.

The appearance of the other party at this time is also of great benefit to Meihongjiu.

Meihong is very confident in the taste and taste of plum red wine. If Chen Yang gives a good evaluation after tasting it, it will be of great benefit to plum red wine.

After Mei Hong ordered, someone brought plum red wine soon.

Low, medium and high grade plum red wine, each of which is unopened.

The wine is opened on the spot, representing authenticity.

Chen Yang took the wine, opened his mouth to the low, middle and high grades of wine one by one, and then sniffed them.

"It smells good, but I don't know how it tastes."

Chen Yang's words are undoubtedly a good start.

At this time, some reporters had already pointed their cameras and video cameras at Chen Yang. They also knew how important the evaluation given by a well-known sommelier was to a newly launched wine.

Chen Yang poured a glass of each of the low, middle and high grades of wine, and then tasted them one by one from low to high.

Judging by Chen Yang's appearance, he tasted it very seriously.

"Well, the tastes of these three wines are all excellent, yes, they are all good wines."

Chen Yang's answer was completely within Mei Hong's expectations. Hearing his answer, Mei Hong's smile grew stronger.

Chen Yang's evaluation is more effective than what he said just now, and the report is more convincing.

It's just that as soon as a smile appeared on Mei Hong's face, before she had time to express her gratitude to Chen Yang, she noticed that Chen Yang's expression changed.

"No, there is a problem with the formula of your wine, there is a problem with the wine..."

Chen Yang's face suddenly turned livid, his lips turned dark purple, and white foam was still spitting out from his mouth.

One second the other party praised the plum red wine as a good wine, but the next second they said there was something wrong with the plum red wine.

In fact, Chen Yang didn't need to talk about it at all, because his current appearance already explained everything.

Chen Yang's face was livid, and he was already lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, his body twitching constantly.

Looking at Chen Yang lying on the ground, his body twitching, Mei Hong's face instantly turned pale.

"Kach, click, click..."

The surrounding reporters all surrounded him, taking photos of Chen Yang with their cameras and video cameras.

Hearing the sound of the shutter being pressed around her, Mei Hong's face became even uglier, thinking at the same time in her heart.

"It's over, it's over, a sommelier has become like this because he drank his own wine."

"If this matter is reported, who would dare to buy plum wine brewed by the winery."

If there is a problem with Meihong wine, not only the Meihong winery will be unlucky, but also its own Meihong wine industry will be affected, and it may also cause lawsuits.

Thinking of this, Mei Hong staggered and nearly fell down.

"Mr. Mei, didn't you just say that the quality of plum wine is fine, can you explain to us what's going on?"

A reporter from Linhai Shibao came over at this moment, holding a recording pen in his hand, and asked Mei Hong.

Behind the reporter, followed by a photographer carrying a video camera, the camera was aimed at Mei Hong.

When the reporter from Linhai Shibao asked questions, other reporters also came over.

At this time, they didn't care that they had received the benefits of Meihong, and they all started to ask what was going on in front of them, whether there was really a problem with Meihong wine.

Mei Hong was already dazed at this moment, she opened her mouth in the face of these people's inquiries, but she didn't know how to explain.

"What a fart, haven't you seen that people are like this, don't think about calling an ambulance, just think about interviews, interviews are more important than human lives, right?"

"Get out of the way, let me see what's going on with him first. He said that if there is a problem with alcohol, there is a problem. I also said that he has a problem with his brain."

Ji Yang couldn't stand it any longer, so he opened his mouth directly.

He spoke very bluntly, and the faces of these reporters changed, and the cameras and video cameras in their hands turned to Ji Yang.

"Who dares to take a picture of me, I smashed his equipment directly."

"Go away, I'm a doctor, let me check the patient's condition first."

Seeing a bunch of long guns and short cannons pointing at him, Ji Yang frowned and said in a cold voice.

It's just that these people didn't believe in evil at all when they heard Ji Yang's words.

I am a reporter, I have the right to report, if you dare to offend me, I will expose you.

Seeing that the surrounding reporters heard his words but did not take away their cameras and video cameras, Ji Yang's eyes turned hard.

"Take my words as fart, don't you think I'm joking with you?"

Ji Yang snorted coldly, and snatched the camera from Linhai Shibao Media Industry.

The camera snatched it, and Ji Yang threw it to the ground.

With a click, the camera fell to pieces, and the camera was considered scrapped.

"We are journalists and we have the right to report."

"You are one of the managers of Meihong Wine Industry. Are you doing this because you are afraid that we will expose what happened today?"

"Let me tell you, although you smashed our company's camera, other people's cameras have already recorded your evil deeds. If you do this, it will only prove that there is something wrong with plum wine."

Seeing his own camera being smashed, the reporter from Linhai Shibao blushed and shouted loudly.

"There is a problem with your sister, there is a problem, I think you have a problem with your mind."

"I'll say it again, put away all your broken things for me, or I'll smash them all for you."

The wine making formula was modified by Du Kang, and I have tried plum red wine before, and this wine is absolutely fine.

Since there is no problem with wine, there is a problem with people.

The Linhai Shibao media reporter in front of him has repeatedly targeted plum red wine, this guy must have no good intentions.

Chen Yang suddenly became like this, and he is still not sure what happened.

Ji Yang suspected that this was simply a show, and he deliberately came to the Meihong Winery.

He is one of the investors of Meihong Winery, and to plot against Meihong Winery is to plot against him, Ji Yang.

Ji Yang won't bear with other people plotting against him.

 The fourth update is here. Today’s update ends here, and it will continue tomorrow. Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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