The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 359 Disulfiram-like reaction

Chapter 359 Disulfiram-Like Reaction (Part [-])
Who is Du Kang, that is Dionysus.

Dionysus suggested to revise the wine-making formula. If the raw materials for wine-making were replaced with things from Heaven, plum red wine would be immortal wine at all.

There is no problem with the brewing of this plum red wine. Ji Yang has already drank it and asked Du Kang to taste it. The other party also said that the brewing is very good.

Chen Yang is a well-known sommelier who has a certain say in the quality of the wine.

But even if Chen Yang knew more about wine, could he still understand it better than Du Kang?

The reporters from Linhai Shibao had been targeting Meihongjiu everywhere before, but now they caught up with Chen Yang, and they were determined not to make matters worse and vowed not to let it go.

The two things before and after seem unrelated, but Ji Yang always feels that something is wrong.

This plum red wine is absolutely fine, but Chen Yang turned into this after drinking it, which is weird.

In order to make sure that the wine itself was fine, Ji Yang directly brought over the plum red wine that Chen Yang drank just now.

"Gudong Gudong..."

For a bottle of plum red wine, Chen Yang only poured a small glass, and let Ji Yang drink the rest.

The plum red wine still tastes the same, and I don't feel any discomfort after drinking it. This wine must be fine.

After Ji Yang drank the wine, he settled down in his heart.

At this time, the surrounding reporters were all pointing at Ji Yang with cameras and video cameras. After Ji Yang drank the wine, these people were somewhat dumbfounded.

I'm sorry, this is wine, and it's over 50 degrees. He actually drank the whole bottle like water.

After drinking it, even his complexion didn't change.

"Crazy people can kill people irresponsibly, but if they are drunk and drunk, they don't have to be responsible for beating people?"

Ji Yang has said several times to let these reporters put away their cameras and video cameras.

Now they are still facing him, Ji Yang said coldly with his eyes condensed.

Being pointed at by a bunch of long guns and short cannons, Ji Yang always felt uncomfortable all over his body.

Just now Ji Yang really smashed the camera, when his eyes looked over, the hands of other reporters trembled unconsciously.

"Ji Yang, don't do this."

"If they like to take pictures, let him take pictures. As long as we can prove that plum wine is fine, we will not be afraid of them taking pictures."

Seeing something wrong with Ji Yang's eyes, Li Zixuan pulled Ji Yang and said softly.

Although these reporters do not have real guns, the pens, cameras and video cameras in their hands are sometimes more terrifying than guns.

With the rapid development of society and the extensive channels of information dissemination, some people who don't know the facts will think that something written by a reporter is true.

The pressure of public opinion is often more terrifying than guns. Under this pressure of public opinion, most people cannot bear it.

Being upright and not afraid of the slanting shadow, Ji Yang is so confident in plum red wine, Li Zixuan believes that plum red wine will be fine.

Although Ji Yang may not be afraid of the pressure of public opinion, Li Zixuan still does not want him to be discussed or even insulted by others...

Hearing Li Zixuan's words, Ji Yang stared at the reporter, and a sneer gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you like to take pictures? Okay, then I'll let you take as many pictures as you like."

"Get out of the way, if you don't give him medical treatment, something happens to him, and you are all responsible."

Ji Yang's voice was playful, but what he said made sense.

Chen Yang's current situation looks very bad, and the reporters are all witnesses, they saw Chen Yang's accident but did not call an ambulance.

If Chen Yang really died like this, they would be more or less responsible.

They didn't want to be dragged because of Chen Yang, so they hurriedly hid aside, no one approached within five meters of Chen Yang.

"What do you want to do?"

Everyone around stepped aside, and Ji Yang approached Chen Yang.

It's just that as soon as he approached, the expression of the reporter from Linhai Shibao changed, and he shouted nervously.

It's fine if he doesn't speak, but Ji Yang gets angry when he speaks.

"You better shut up, kid. I think you're very upset. I don't have time to talk to you now, but if you talk nonsense, I'll let you be like it."

Ji Yang pointed to the camera that he had smashed, and said in a cold voice.

The reporter from Linhai Real News looked at Ji Yang's eyes, and couldn't help shivering.

Ji Yang's appearance is definitely not a joke, and he is definitely the kind of person who walks his talk, as you can tell from the fact that he smashed the camera just now.

Although the reporter's expression was wrong, he still kept his mouth shut.

Seeing that the other party closed his mouth, Ji Yang snorted coldly at him, then squatted down and checked for Chen Yang.

"That's what happened."

After Ji Yang checked, he found that there was indeed something wrong with Chen Yang's body.

What he looks like now has something to do with plum red wine, but it's not that there is something wrong with plum red wine itself, but that Chen Yang can't drink at all at this time.

In order to make sure that his inspection was correct, Ji Yang actually took off Chen Yang's clothes under the astonished eyes of everyone.

A big man went to take off another man's clothes, and it was still when the other man was unconscious and unconscious.

And if you take off your clothes, you can take them off. The smiles on your face mean a lot, why are you smiling so roguely?

"The picture is so beautiful, I dare not look at it."

I don't know who it is who broke out such a sentence at this time.

Ji Yang also heard this sentence, but he didn't stop at all when he took off Chen Yang's clothes.

Other people's thoughts are too dirty, what can I do.

When Ji Yang took off Chen Yang's clothes, the eyes of the people around him all looked over, even the people who shouted that the picture was too beautiful also looked over, they all wanted to see what Ji Yang wanted to do.

When everyone looked over, they saw that Chen Yang's body was flushed and covered with dense bumps of different sizes.

If there was someone with intensive phobia at this time, Chen Yang in front of him would definitely scare him into a fool.

"The whole body's blood pressure has dropped significantly, and symptoms such as rashes appear on his body. This guy is in anaphylactic shock caused by drinking, not that there is a problem with plum wine."

Ji Yang smiled, stood up from his squatting body and said loudly.

The pimples on Chen Yang's body were rashes, and with the other symptoms that Ji Yang detected from the other party's body, they were all allergic reactions.

It's just that as soon as Ji Yang said this, people around him looked at Ji Yang strangely.

Even Li Zixuan and Mei Hong were shocked by his diagnosis.

Who is Chen Yang? He is a sommelier, and his job is to drink.

Now Ji Yang said that Chen Yang suffered from allergic shock due to drinking, which is too ridiculous.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Sommeliers will go into allergic shock due to drinking. Even if you want to find an excuse to fool this matter, you should find a more reliable one. This excuse is too bad."

The one who spoke was the reporter from the Linhai Times media industry. Regardless of whether he had been targeting Meihongjiu before, what he said now was telling the truth, because others thought so too.

"You know what a fart, he has a disulfiram-like reaction."

PS: VIP book friend group: 175870943, disciples and above verified to join, welcome everyone to talk about Dashan
 Thank you for your support and happy Monday everyone
(End of this chapter)

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