Chapter 371
This woman's personality is quite straightforward, and her words are quite vigorous.

What did she mean by that? Could it be that the man beside her was too fast?
Ji Yang looked at the man and woman in front of him with a strange smile on his face. He was a doctor, and when he heard what a woman said, he began to observe the man with professional ethics.

Ji Yang couldn't help laughing at this observation.

"Hahaha, it turns out that he is a guy who is strong in the outside world."

Ji Yang didn't even need to feel his pulse, he just observed the complexion and breath of the man across from him, and he sensed the problem.

This guy is obviously weak and weak, with insufficient kidney qi, not much better than that kind of three-second man.

Sometimes, it may be difficult to even raise your head.

Chen Daxiong, just hearing this name will give people a very manly and arrogant feeling.

But Chen Daxiong's reputation may be great, but in some respects, he is powerless.

It's just that this matter concerns a man's face, he, Chen Daxiong, will definitely not admit it.

Seeing the smile on Ji Yang's face, this smile made Chen Daxiong angry.

Chen Daxiong first glared at his wife Tang Ping, as if you were waiting for me.

Seeing Chen Daxiong's angry face, Tang Ping didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.

Instead, he stared back at Chen Daxiong, as if what the old lady said was wrong, you are not convinced.

Chen Daxiong seemed a little afraid of Tang Ping, Tang Ping glared over, and Uncle Chen's eyes showed a hint of fear.

It seems that Chen Daxiong's status is also greatly affected because of his shortcomings in some aspects.

Chen Daxiong couldn't do anything to Tang Ping, so he could only vent his anger on Ji Yang.

"Boy, are you looking for death? If you say someone is strong but does nothing, believe it or not, I will destroy you now?"

Chen Daxiong didn't know whether he was stimulated by Ji Yang's words, or he was aggrieved by Tang Ping's stare, anyway, he seemed really angry now.

Chen Daxiong stared, the red blood streaks looked very clear, and shouted at Ji Yang.

"Hmph, you deserve it if you abolish me?"

It's not that Ji Yang looks down on this Chen Daxiong, not to mention that this guy is strong but capable, even if he is really a man, if he wants to abolish Ji Yang, then he must have that ability.

"If you dare to say that I am not worthy, I will abolish you now."

Chen Daxiong yelled and punched Ji Yang.

Don't look at this Chen Daxiong who looks quite strong and has a great visual impact, but the speed and strength of this punch are really not good.

Just like what Ji Yang felt just now, this guy is a strong outsider, very hypocritical.

With such an empty punch, Ji Yang easily dodged it. While dodging the punch, Ji Yang tripped Chen Daxiong with his foot.

The sad Chen Daxiong failed to hit Ji Yang with his punch, but was tripped by Ji Yang and fell to the ground.

With a bang, Chen Daxiong fell heavily to the ground, and the ground shook twice because of his fall.

Looking at Chen Daxiong who fell to the ground, everyone around was stunned.

Such a big man with such a strong body, why is he so weak.

Obviously he hit someone else, but he fell to the ground.

"It's too good, such a big man grows in vain."

"It's been for nothing. Didn't you hear that just now? He's a strong outsider, but he's good at nothing."

"It's for sure. I didn't believe what the young man said just now, but now it seems to be true. This guy is true."

The spectators around saw Chen Daxiong falling to the ground, and began to discuss in a low voice.

Chen Daxiong, who heard the surrounding discussions, had an ugly expression, and even Tang Ping turned red.

I don't know if she is angry or ashamed.

"Why are you still lying there, such a big man, so useless, get up and beat him."

Seeing Chen Daxiong lying on the ground and unable to get up, Tang Ping jumped anxiously.

Hearing Tang Ping's urging, Chen Daxiong gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up from the ground.

It's not that Chen Daxiong didn't want to wake up just now, he was really in severe pain.

It seemed that the fall was not heavy just now, but Chen Daxiong felt that he was about to fall apart, and his internal organs were as uncomfortable as if they had been displaced.

"It seems that not only your kidneys are weak, but also your bone quality. You have suffered from calcium deficiency since you were a child, and you lack love when you grow up."

Seeing Chen Daxiong's painful face, Ji Yang said with a smile.

Stimulated by Ji Yang again, Chen Daxiong's arrogant face turned green.

"Hit him."

This Tang Ping is wearing a chicken nest head, she looks thin, and she has a bad temper.

When Chen Daxiong heard Tang Ping's words, he gritted his teeth and walked towards Ji Yang.

But before he could reach Ji Yang, he saw two security guards with batons running over.

"Stop it, this is Linhai Bookstore, you are not allowed to fight here, if you mess around again, we will drive you out."

Seeing the security guard, Ji Yang looked indifferent.

But Chen Daxiong and Tang Ping were different, especially when he saw the batons of the two security guards, Chen Daxiong subconsciously hid behind Tang Ping.

His actions caught the eyes of the people around him, who looked at Chen Daxiong with contempt.

Tang Ping, who is wearing a chicken nest head, is quite thin. She should be convex but not concave, and she should not be concave. The whole person looks flat.

To use the current buzzwords, Tang Ping is a rib girl.

Looking at Chen Daxiong, he is half a head taller than Ji Yang, estimated to be 1.9 meters tall. Although his body cannot be compared with that of a bodybuilder, he is still very strong.

The contrast between the two standing together is very strong, and the visual impact is very strong.

With two people like this standing together, if something happened, it would be Chen Daxiong who protected Tang Ping, but now it was Chen Daxiong who hid behind Tang Ping.

"Damn it, you don't want to be ashamed. Not only are you strong on the outside, but you're also so cowardly in your heart. It's really embarrassing for men."

When Ji Yang saw Chen Daxiong's appearance, he showed contempt from the inside out.

The body and the mind are two different things. Being strong on the outside doesn't mean that you can't protect your woman in times of danger.

Because being able to protect and being willing to protect are two different things.

Hearing Ji Yang's contemptuous words, Chen Daxiong lowered his head and didn't speak, he would be really scared.

"let's go."

Tang Ping looked at Chen Daxiong's cowardice, she said angrily, pulled Chen Daxiong and left.

When walking past Ji Yang, Tang Ping gave Ji Yang a hard look, and said through gritted teeth.

"You wait, today's business is not over."

"Hmph, it's not over, why can't it be over, if you don't want to continue to embarrass yourself, take this coward and get out immediately, and I will be angry with him."

Seeing a tall and thick man hiding behind a rib girl without saying a word, Ji Yang was really angry.

Ji Yang called Chen Daxiong a counselor, and many people around called Chen Daxiong a counselor.

Chen Daxiong was very irritated by the cowardly words one after another.

But when he raised his head angrily and wanted to say something, he was stared at by Ji Yang, and his head dropped instantly.

"Depend on!"

After Tang Ping and Chen Daxiong left, Ji Yang couldn't help but swear.

His own eyes can't kill, so why is he so afraid.

He was quite a man when he shouted to abolish himself just now, how can he be so cowardly now.

PS: Let’s start in September, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly pass, recommend, and reward
 Thank you for your support, I wish you all a happy day, asking for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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